my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 49 The fight is really about to start

Chapter 49 The fight is really about to start

If a celebrity hits someone with his hands, that's breaking news.

What's more, it was a female celebrity who hit someone.And the person who was beaten was still a topical character.

There is still "grievance" between the two!
The news was so explosive that Li Ruoxi was on the headlines of major media in an instant.

The hot search topic list has reached the top of the list without any suspense.

However, what many people didn't expect was that Li Ruoxi's actions attracted countless fans, and her popularity increased instead of falling. The number of Weibo fans directly increased by hundreds of thousands.

Hitting people can hit hundreds of thousands of fans?Numerous celebrities and entertainers expressed that they did not understand.

This image should collapse, right?How can it still be popular!

This is totally unscientific!
Celebrities beating people definitely have an incalculable impact on their own image.

But Li Ruoxi beat someone, it seems different!

This does not even seem to be necessary for crisis public relations.

Others beat people and lose fans, but Li Ruoxi gains fans after beating people.

This person has a more annoying rhythm than others!However, after thinking about it carefully, he was relieved.

The nature of girls beating and boys beating is different in many people's subconscious.

Li Ruoxi undoubtedly took advantage of her gender.

She was hitting a man, and a nasty man at that.

This undoubtedly gave her a lot of points.

And Li Ruoxi's reason for beating someone naturally added a lot of points to her.

Take it out on your boyfriend!

As a female star, it takes a lot of courage to vent her anger on her boyfriend and hit him regardless of her image.

Because of this action, it is very likely that her stardom will be ruined.

She was playing a super rich second generation.

Is such a person easy to provoke?
With Li Ruoxi's courage, can she not attract countless fans?

It seems reasonable that the number of fans has increased by hundreds of thousands.

Girls who dare to love and hate are attractive.A female star who would sacrifice her stardom for her boyfriend is even more commendable.

Such a female star is much better than other "coquettish sluts".

If you want to chase stars, such female stars are worth chasing.

I am Li Ruoxi, a different female star!
This word has been circulated on the Internet.

"Are you okay?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Li Ruoxi shook her head and looked at Mu Chen nervously.

She seemed to be afraid that Mu Chen would blame him.

How could Mu Chen blame Li Ruoxi?

Why Li Ruoxi did it, Mu Chen can also guess to a certain extent.

"That guy jumped up and down, contacted a few second generation ancestors, and pooled together 5000 million. This is clearly going to force you to come back, making you hard to get off, and you have to go to the ring with that Xue Dong." Li Ruoxi said.

"He wants to give me 5000 million, why are you still beating him!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Are you really planning to go to the ring with Xue Dong?" Li Ruoxi frowned and said.

She naturally didn't want Mu Chen to be in the ring, even if she didn't think Mu Chen could beat Xue Dong.

The son of a daughter can't sit down!

Li Ruoxi naturally didn't want Mu Chen to take risks, and he didn't think Mu Chen would go to the ring to play his life for 5000 million.

Mu Chen came from a poor family, but Li Ruoxi knew that Mu Chen didn't value money.

Of course, it's only relative if you don't like it.

"I'm afraid it's really difficult to ride a tiger now." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Guo Tingyun was beaten up by Li Ruoxi, and it can be said that he was humiliated. Mu Chen didn't know if he would hate Li Ruoxi.However, he knew that guy must hate him to the bone.

If there was some hesitation before, I am afraid that it is completely gone now.

Not to mention that he found a few second-generation ancestors to share the risk, even if he didn't, he estimated that he would spend 5000 million alone in his rage, and Mu Chen and Xue Dong went to the ring.

Now, it might not be Guo Tingyun and Xue Dong who are riding a tiger, but Mu Chen.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't care if he couldn't make it to the ring, and it couldn't be said that he couldn't get out of the ring.

You can go up or not.

Li Ruoxi hit someone, but she was not the only one doing public relations, Guo Tingyun was also involved.

If he doesn't do some crisis public relations, I'm afraid his reputation will be ugly.

He was beaten, but not treated like a victim.

The best way to dissipate the heat of a topic is undoubtedly to create a bigger topic.

Therefore, as Mu Chen guessed, going to the ring with Xue Dong has become an irreversible matter.

Xue Dong replied to Mu Chen's previous Weibo.

He got 5000 million funds and went to the ring with Mu Chen. He wanted to see if Mu Chen's "real kung fu" was really that powerful.

A fake is a fake, no matter how high the momentum is, it is still fake.

And I, Xue Dong, will expose your hypocritical mask.

In words, Xue Dong meant nothing more than that Mu Chen's previous Weibo was just a bluff, but now he accepted the challenge and got 5000 million funds.I did it, how dare you?

As for where the 5000 million funds came from, there is no need to guess, it must have come from Guo Tingyun.

As soon as Xue Dong's Weibo came out, Mu Chen seemed to be cornered.

Countless people wondered what Mu Chen should do next?

In the arena, I still find a reason to shirk.

However, Mu Chen recovered quickly and directly.

"Location: High Seas! The time is up to you!"

A very simple sentence, but detonated the Internet.

This is about to fight!

And it was still fighting on the high seas, did Mu Chen really intend to kill Xue Dong?

Then, will there be a live broadcast of their contest?

If there is a live broadcast, that would be great.

The live broadcast of this competition will probably explode the ratings.

However, broadcasting this game is undoubtedly a certain risk.

The two parties may not agree.

The location is set on the high seas, so the time cannot be too early.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two sides to fight immediately, and many things still need to be prepared.

For example, for a cruise ship to compete on the high seas, both parties need to sign legal documents and 5000 million yuan in funds.

A notary is naturally indispensable.

These things naturally need to be negotiated by both parties.

How to negotiate, naturally there is no need for Mu Chen and Xue Dong to negotiate face to face.

Mu Chen and Xue Dong were about to go to the ring, and the Internet exploded in an instant, and countless media also reported it.

Mu Chen is not from the martial arts world, but a practitioner of traditional martial arts.

When the two entered the ring, it was undoubtedly another contest between modern fighting and traditional martial arts.

Before, Xue Dong fought against many traditional martial arts masters without a single defeat.

However, many masters in the traditional martial arts world failed to compete with Xue Dong for various reasons, and the image of traditional martial arts was affected.

So this time, can Mu Chen justify the name of traditional martial arts?
The topic has lasted for so long, and the popularity is beyond imagination.Now that they have responded to each other, and the fight is about to start, the degree of attention is unimaginable.

There are too many people paying attention to this group arena match, so the influence is naturally great.

To the surprise of many, however, there was no official involvement.

There was no official intervention, and some netizens broke the news that the casinos in Macau actually opened a handicap. Judging from the ratio, it seems that they are not very optimistic about Mu Chen.

After Mu Chen spoke out, many companies that host sports events approached us, as if they wanted to host the contest between him and Xue Dong.

Mu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to this.

His manager wasn't on the game at all.

If Mu Chen in this world is facing Xue Dong who is good at fighting, he may not be an opponent. Even if he has the true inheritance of Bajiquan, he lacks actual combat experience after all.

But Mu Chen in that world is the king of mercenaries, he is used to life and death, and has extremely rich experience in actual combat.Facing a fighter in the arena, how could he care.

In his previous life, Mu Chen had encountered too many opponents who were good at close combat.

It was difficult for Mu Chen to pay attention to Xue Dong.Of course, this does not mean that he will underestimate the enemy when he is in the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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