my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 504 Just Testing the Waters

Chapter 504 Just Testing the Waters
"Transformers 2" has swept the world, and although its reputation is not as good as its predecessor, it is still sought after by King Kong fans all over the world.

The new King Kong surprises fans, and the hot scene is still the same. Although it is a different director, it is a familiar taste.

As for word of mouth, although it is not as good as the first film directed by Mu Chen, it is still excellent.

After the film was released, "The Incredible Hulk 2" began to be promoted globally.

The second solo movie of this superhero with a high frequency of appearances and amazing combat power naturally aroused the expectations of superhero fans around the world.

The role of Hulk is not as popular as Iron Man and others, but his popularity is not low.

What's more, "The Incredible Hulk 2" tells the story of what happened after the Hulk went to China.Moreover, there is not only one superhero in this film.

Mage, Scarlet Witch, Kuaiyin, etc., as well as many masters of the Huaxia Special Administrative Bureau have roles.

This is a movie where superheroes meet.

Of course, since it is the Hulk's second solo movie, the other superheroes are either cameos or supporting roles, and the only one with more roles is probably the "heroine" mage.

It's a pity that this character has a famous flower, and it is impossible to have any emotional drama with the Hulk.

There are many roles, comparable to the heroine, but in the eyes of many movie fans, it is not a heroine.

It seems that many movie fans subconsciously believe that the heroine should have an emotional scene with the hero.

The film "The Incredible Hulk 2" is not without emotional scenes, it's just a taste, maybe it's not emotional scenes, but it's a bit ambiguous.

It's not the ambiguity between Banner and the mage, but the characters played by Banner and Peng Mi.

In the film, the sword fairy Li Ruoxi did not appear, but the "sword fairy" Peng Mi did.

As for why he and Banner have a little ambiguity, it is nothing more than to increase the presence of Peng Mi's character.

When Peng Mi first played that role, she was not well-known.

Although that role brought her a lot of popularity, it was limited.

After all, in "Sword Fairy", Li Ruoxi is too dazzling.

However, the other film and television works she starred in in the past two years made her popularity skyrocket.

Maybe it's because of Peng Naicai's relationship, or maybe because of her own conditions, with the support of Chenxi Film and Television, she is now close to being a first-line star.

Then, in the superhero movie universe, it is naturally impossible for her to play soy sauce.

The role of the role, naturally gradually increased.

The popularity of the role of Hulk may not be high, but it is not low.

Li Ruoxi's sword fairy Yuzhu was in front, and it was almost impossible for her sword fairy to surpass, so she had to find another way.

"Transformers 2" swept the global box office, but Mu Chen quietly filmed "Titanic".

With the running-in, the tacit understanding between each other increased, and the shooting speed accelerated a lot.

If it wasn't for Mu Chen's pursuit of perfection and strict requirements, the speed would probably be even faster.

After all, filming does not require traveling around the world.

This undoubtedly saves a lot of time.

A week after "Transformers 2" was released, another above-average production was released in China, and the cast was also extremely extraordinary.

The first-day box office of the film was good, and its reputation was not bad, but it still lost to "Transformers 2", and failed to take the top spot at the single-day box office.

However, from the performance point of view, it is still very good.

"Transformers 2" is invincible, but the market is so big, it is impossible for fans to choose to watch only one movie.

This film gives fans another option.

Of course, the popularity of "Transformers 2" continues, which naturally has an impact on this film.

Summer vacation is a time when a hundred flowers bloom.

Perhaps, one or two films are showing signs of crushing, but other films are not without a way out.

This is true at home, and it is even more so abroad.

Relatively speaking, foreign competition is much more intense.

Especially North America.

After all, the North American film market has been operated by Hollywood for many years.

Chinese films are at a disadvantage in the North American market.However, "Transformers 2" still won the weekly box office champion for two weeks.Even, the single-day box office champion has been cicada for more than ten days.

"Transformers" peripheral products sell well all over the world, which undoubtedly contributed to the box office of this sequel.

And this summer, the two most eye-catching films are undoubtedly "Transformers 2" and "Invincible Hulk 2".

"Invincible Hulk 2" is three weeks after "Transformers 2", but its momentum is still amazing.

In early August, "The Incredible Hulk 2" was released simultaneously worldwide.

At this time, most of the potential of "Transformers 2" has been consumed, and the final box office has gradually become clear.

There is no hope of breaking 40 billion domestically, but the box office is also extremely good.

The North American box office has broken through [-] million US dollars, and [-] million is definitely hopeless.

And the global total box office has broken 18 billion, and it is very difficult to break 19 billion.

Compared with the previous work, the box office has increased, but it is also limited.

"How do you think the box office of "Invincible Hulk 2" will be?" Chen Fuhai asked Mu Chen.

Although he is the general manager of Chenxi Film and Television, he occasionally visits the crew of "Titanic".

After all, Mu Chen's film is a western theme, so it is almost all the team of Dream Films, but there are also employees of Chenxi Films and Television to assist.

Of course, Chen Fuhai came here because he had something to discuss or report to Mu Chen.

In fact, he can decide many things by himself, but he also habitually asks about Mu Chen.

This is also his habit for so many years.

Perhaps, it was also the reason why he and Mu Chen had worked together for so many years, but rarely had conflicts.

Of course, this was also one of the reasons why Mu Chen knew many things about the company while he seldom managed them.

"It should be higher than the box office of the first movie!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Chen Fuhai heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

How much is the box office of the first "Invincible Hulk"?

The global box office is only a few hundred million dollars.

It is now at the bottom of many superhero movie universe movies.

In Chen Fuhai's view, if this film only surpasses the first one, it will be a failure.

Even if the global box office does not have one billion, it is also a failure.

"A billion dollars shouldn't be a problem, right?" Chen Fuhai said.

"Old Chen, your heart is getting bigger and bigger!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Don't talk about domestic, even Hollywood, how many movies can have a global box office of over one billion per year?"

"Don't you think this movie is not up to par?" Chen Fuhai said.

There are movies with a billion-dollar box office every year, which is definitely not many.The two top-level film and television companies, Chenxi Film and Television and Dream Film, still have a lot of IPs, and they only have one or two films each year.

The other major film and television companies in Hollywood may not have one every year.As for the country, it is even more rare to see.

"If the movie doesn't break one billion dollars, it's Hulk's third solo movie, then we have to let it go." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He has not seen the finished film of this film, but he is still very optimistic about this film.

The film investment is not small, nearly [-] million US dollars, if the global box office exceeds [-] million, basically it will be profitable.

It is profitable, but it is not as good as other superhero personal movies, but it is much worse.

Naturally, the odds of making a personal hero movie are reduced.

If you want to shoot, naturally you have to shoot the kind of film that will benefit more.

There should be no possibility of losing money for this film, it's just a matter of how much it earns.

With such a huge fan base, if it loses money, it will undoubtedly be a joke.

How many superhero movies have been made, and besides the first few, which movie has not broken the billion dollar mark?
This film is released at this time, if it does not break one billion dollars, it is indeed a failure.

"I don't think there is a problem." Chen Fuhai said, "I have to admit that although Director Wen Run is not a senior, his level is very high. This film may not be able to reach the box office of "Spiderman", but there is still no suspense if it breaks one billion of."

"Directors like him are undoubtedly lacking in the country." Mu Chen shook his head and said with a sigh.

Wen Run is Chinese, but unfortunately he grew up in the United States, so he is not considered a Chinese filmmaker.

"How long has Hollywood film developed, and how long has China developed?" Chen Fuhai said, "However, now that Chinese filmmakers rely on the domestic film market, they will catch up sooner or later."

Mu Chen nodded.

The reason why Hollywood movies lead the world is nothing more than relying on the North American market.

It is undoubtedly difficult to develop a film without market support.

Huaxia is a place good at creating miracles.

As with the economy, so with movies.

"You're here, don't you want me to post on Weibo to promote "The Incredible Hulk 2" again?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"If that's the case, I won't call Cheng Ting directly." Chen Fuhai said with a curled lip, "Come here to discuss things, and take a look. Oh, that's right. Tian Peng's animation is finished, mine It means putting Lao Yu’s film on the National Day file, and his cartoon on the Spring Festival file.”

"Alright!" Mu Chen nodded.

"Originally, it was planned to be released simultaneously on Christmas and New Year's Day." Chen Fuhai said, "However, I feel that the domestic box office of this film should be good, but the overseas box office"

Chen Fuhai shook his head while speaking.

"That cartoon itself is aimed at the domestic market." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Not to mention anything else, many of the dialogues in it are quite difficult to translate. For example, how to translate 'Quick as a law' ?”

When Chen Fuhai heard this, he also smiled.

"Why did you suddenly think of making such an animated movie?" Chen Fuhai said, "It's not like you don't have movies for the international market."

Mu Chen talked with Tian Peng about the ideas of many animation films, including many animation films like "Frozen" that had an astonishing global box office in previous lives.

But the two finally decided to make an animated film with a very oriental color first.

This made Chen Fuhai a little puzzled.

"It's just to test the waters." Mu Chen smiled and said, "It is undoubtedly correct to release it domestically first. If it hits the domestic market, it will also be released overseas, which will also boost foreign box office."

The original version of the animated film had an amazing domestic box office, but the foreign box office seems to be not so good.

Mu Chen wanted to see the world. On the premise that Chinese-language movies are extremely influential abroad, would the box office of this movie be so bad in foreign countries?

(End of this chapter)

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