my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 507 Hulk knows martial arts, no one can stop him?

Chapter 507 Hulk knows martial arts, no one can stop him?
The title "Journey to the West: Fu Yao" was chosen by Mu Chen.

Moreover, the third film adapted from Journey to the West is called "Journey to the West. Conquering the Demons".

The screenplay for the film is in the process of being perfected.

It is estimated that once the script is completed, Yu Yun can't wait to shoot.

The plot of "Journey to the West: Fu Yao" follows the plot of "Havoc in Heaven".

The opening chapter is that Tang Seng rescued Monkey King from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

However, the plot is not completely in the order of the catastrophes encountered on the journey of "Journey to the West", but incorporates many plots.

It's not hard to guess from the name.

The big villain in the film "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is the demon race, while the big villain in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is the demon race.

Of course, the definition of demon and demon is not so strict.

Just like "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", the main villain of the film is the Bull Demon King, who also includes the Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, Red Boy, and the demon clan behind Princess Iron Fan.

As for the big villain in "Journey to the West: Subduing the Demon", it is headed by the golden-winged roc, and there are also characters such as the lion camel king and the macaque king.

Among the seven saints in "Journey to the West", the six saints except the Monkey King are divided into two parts and act as villains.

"Journey to the West. Subduing the Demons" is actually a conspiracy against the demon clan by Lingshan and the Heavenly Court.

And "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is naturally aimed at the demons.

Although the Bull Demon King and others are great sages of the demon race, they are closely related to the demon race. For example, Princess Iron Fan is the princess of the demon race.The Bull Demon King naturally became the son-in-law of the Demon Race.

In the films of "Journey to the West", there are naturally calculations between the major forces, and the grievances and hatreds between the main characters are also indispensable.

In the film, there is actually no clear justice and evil.

The titles of these two films are only one letter different from the two films of "Journey to the West" in the previous life, but the content is completely different.

The script is aimed at the global market, so it is natural to have some big scenes.

Compared with the movies about Journey to the West in Mu Chen's mind, the scenes are much bigger.

And as far as the plot is concerned, the rhythm should be much faster.

With the development of Chenxi Film and Television, a mature business model has long been formed.

Whether it is from script creation to film promotion, they are already extremely mature.

Although the commercial blockbusters of Chenxi Film and Television are different in content and even in different genres, they all have a common feature.

That is, the plot progresses, the small climax continues, and the final ending must be a big scene of special effects.

Not to mention that there is no urine point, but it will definitely not make people feel bored.

There is no depressive plot in these films, even if there is, it is for the emotional release later.

Maybe a lot of it has no connotation, but in the eyes of movie fans, there is definitely a sense of refreshment in watching movies.

The promotion of "Journey to the West: Fighting the Monster" is gradually increasing, and "The Incredible Hulk 2" is also gradually being drawn globally.

This film has a better reputation than its predecessor.As for the box office, that's even more so.

The domestic box office exceeded 30 billion, which is not known how much higher than the previous work.

This may be because the film incorporates Chinese superheroes.

For this reason, the popularity of the Hulk character in China has soared a lot, even faintly surpassing Thor and Captain America.

Of course, if it is placed globally, it will naturally be difficult to compare with the popularity of Thor and Captain America.

This may have nothing to do with appearance.

The box office in North America is also extremely good, with the box office exceeding [-] million US dollars.

And the global box office has broken through 15 billion US dollars, which is directly doubled compared with the previous work.

Such a box office, among many superhero movies, is also an extremely good box office.

The investment in this film is only more than 1 million US dollars, so the box office has naturally brought great revenue to Chenxi Film and Dream Film.

And such results naturally laid a good foundation for filming the third part.

In the superhero movie universe film created by Mu Chen, the end-credits egg has become a tradition.

"The Incredible Hulk 2" naturally has end-credits eggs.

This time the end-credits egg, the taste of the "next episode preview" is much weaker, but it also makes countless fans look forward to the follow-up film.

The end credits are very short.

In the final battle of the film, Hulk showed his power and established the victory in one fell swoop.

After the dust settled, Zhang Yao, the director of the Special Administration Bureau, walked to his side and asked with a smile: "Your mental strength has increased, and you are gradually controlling your own strength. However, your fighting skills are too rough, are you interested in learning from us?" Chinese kung fu."

"Kung fu?" Banner looked at Zhang Yao and said, "What kind of kung fu, is it like you and Valkyrie?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yao nodded.

"Are you willing to spread this kind of kung fu? I'm an American, not a Chinese." Banner said in surprise.

"We are all humans." Zhang Yao said with a smile, "As long as we are able to work hard for peace, we will never cherish ourselves."

Banner froze for a moment, then smiled.

When the camera turned, it was Su Xiaowan who approached Zhang Yao.

"Are you really going to pass on Banna Martial Arts?"

"He has the potential to be invincible. Learning martial arts can better stimulate his potential. It is not advisable to rely solely on anger." Zhang Yao said, "I have a hunch that the enemy outside the starry sky is coming."

"Beyond the starry sky?" Su Xiaowan was thoughtful.

This is the end of the easter egg.

This easter egg, from the release of the film to the release of the film, has always been a topic of high interest.

"Hulk knows martial arts, no one can stop him!"

This sentence has also become an extremely popular sentence on the Internet.

And this ending egg is undoubtedly a bit of a problem.

Why Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America all have no prefixes, but the Hulk has the word "invincible".

He is not the most powerful, but he has the potential to become the strongest.

Just "Hulk", obviously not invincible.

He needs to learn.

It is not enough to learn China's spiritual magic, but also need to learn China's "Kung Fu".

In "Invincible Hulk 2", Banner's mental power continues to increase, and he is fully able to control the soaring power after "transformation".

Hulk is no longer a second him.

Banner is the Hulk, and the Hulk is Banner.

However, Banner's strength is amazing and his defense is amazing, but his fighting skills are indeed crude.

So, if Hulk learns kung fu, how much will his combat power increase.

You must know that in Mu Chen's movie universe, kung fu is not fighting, but martial arts.

Among other things, if Hulk learns to fight, his combat power will probably increase a lot.

If you learn martial arts, that's fine.

The two characters of Zhang Yao and Mu Ze are just ordinary people. After they learn martial arts, their fighting power is amazing.What if Hulk learns?

That's not as simple as Hulk plus Valkyrie.

After Hulk learns martial arts, how amazing will his combat power be?

This is undoubtedly something that fans of superhero movies have been looking forward to.

Although, they don't know whether "Invincible Hulk 3" is about the story of Hulk learning martial arts, and they don't even direct what movie the Hulk will appear in next time.

But it is undeniable that this post-credits egg makes fans look forward to Hulk's next appearance.

Who doesn't want to see how awesome Hulk is after learning martial arts?
The strong are always admired by others, and naturally they are also very popular.

The role of Thanos only showed up a few times, just because Mu Chen said that he is the strongest character currently on the stage, and it can be seen that his popularity soared instantly.

Now, fans naturally want to know, after Hulk has learned martial arts, can he compete with Thanos?

At the end of the film, Zhang Yao said that "the enemy beyond the starry sky is coming", which also faintly revealed some information.

Who is the archenemy?

Perhaps the first thing many fans think of is Thanos!
"Wang Hao privately watched "Journey to the West: Fu Yao", will you go to see it?" Zhao Jin looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Well, if you go, will you take the two little guys Mu Xue and Mu Yi with you. "

"Should go." Mu Chen thought for a while, and said, "As for whether to take the two little guys Mu Xue, I'm still hesitating. You know that "Journey to the West: Fu Yao" is not like the TV series "Journey to the West". Suitable for all ages."

Whether it is "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" or "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", they did not specifically take care of children watching movies, even the previous "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven".

"There shouldn't be any unsuitable plots or scenes in it, right?" Zhao Jin said.

"Is that true?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, ""Journey to the West" has an extremely large group of children, only a fool would make such plots and pictures."

It doesn't take care of the children's group, but it won't foolishly kill fans of this group.

It's just that young movie fans may not be able to understand this movie, and they probably have seen the excitement.

"Then I'll bring my kid with me." Zhao Jin said, "That kid is a fan of the Great Saint."

Are you a fan of the Great Saint?

Mu Chen suddenly remembered the animated movie "The Return of the Great Sage" in his previous life.

I don't know how the box office will be if this film is released in this world.

It should be much better than the original.

Perhaps, foreign box office will not be too bad.

"Then he might be disappointed." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Aren't they at that age just watching the excitement?" Zhao Jin smiled indifferently.

Mu Chen smiled.

Are children really just watching for fun?

If so, the influence of those cartoons on children will not be so great.

"Oh, by the way." Zhao Jin seemed to remember something, and asked curiously, "Hulk is really invincible?"

Mu Chen was taken aback when he heard it, then shook his head and smiled, "Why do you ask this question?"

"Just curious." Zhao Jin smiled awkwardly.

"Having potential doesn't mean being invincible." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "In "League of Guardians", Thanos can beat those superheroes."

In the movie universe, if there must be a character who is invincible, then it must be a Chinese superhero.

Of course, Mu Chen would not let an invincible character appear in this movie universe.

If so, it's definitely not a superhero, but a supervillain.

As for Hulk, Thor and other characters, although they will not be invincible, the setting is "growth type".

Constantly becoming stronger will allow these characters to give fans a sense of freshness!

(End of this chapter)

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