my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 509 Shooting a Fantasy World

Chapter 509 Shooting a Fantasy World

Busy people are not necessarily successful.

But there is no successful person who is not busy.

Actually, among Mu Chen and the others, who is idle?

However, no matter how busy they are, they often find time to get together.No matter how good the relationship is, if we haven't seen each other for a long time, it will be weak.

They both obviously cherish this hard-won friendship.

Nowadays, materialistic desires prevail and money is paramount, such friendships are even more precious.

Everyone got together, chatted for a while, and the film began.

As the second film adapted from "Journey to the West", "Journey to the West: Fu Yao" still attracts a lot of attention.

The story of the film is very simple to put it through.

It is the story of Tang Seng and his disciples meeting the monster clan to prevent them from going west, and then conflicting with them. With the help of Heavenly Court and Lingshan, Tang Seng and his disciples survived the disaster and continued to travel west.

As for why the Yaozu would prevent Tang Seng and others from traveling westward, some people, like the original book, wanted to obtain the flesh and blood of Tang Seng's tenth meritorious body, so that they could live forever.

It is also because they can see that Tang Seng and others travel west to learn scriptures, which is not good for the monsters in the world, especially the monsters in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Of course, there are also those who simply don't like Buddhism and want to add obstacles to Buddhism.

For whatever reason, they became an obstacle to traveling west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

There is no such thing as pure justice and evil.Or they have different positions, or out of interests, or out of grievances.

Tang Seng rescues Monkey King as the opening title of the film.

The appearance of Zhu Bajie, Drifting Monk, and Little White Dragon are all integrated into the plot and appear as a small climax.

The plot is compact, and the contradictions escalate continuously under each small climax, and finally evolve into a battle between Tianting, Lingshan and Yaozu.

Of course, Sun Wukong is the first protagonist, while Tang Seng is the second. In addition, Zhu Bajie, Sand Monk and other roles also have a lot of roles.

In this film, although there are female characters, there are not many scenes.

As for the heroine, of course it doesn't exist.

If there is any bloody emotional drama in this film, it is estimated that in the eyes of many people, it will be a bit nondescript.

Of course, the reason why there is no emotional drama is because of the plot.

If emotional drama is added, it will inevitably affect the overall rhythm of the plot.

At the end of the film, the battle between gods, demons and monsters, the special effects scenes are naturally amazing.

This is also the consistent style of Chenxi Film and Television's commercial blockbusters.

In fact, Hollywood commercial blockbusters also have big scenes at the end.

"I'm afraid this film will inevitably have some complaints from the original party."

At the end of the film, Marin said with a smile.

"I think it's pretty good." Wang Hao said, "However, it feels a bit wasteful to combine multiple stories into one film! Those can be shot into one film. That's all money!"

"If it is made into several stories, it will inevitably be a bit procrastinated." Mu Chen said, "This film is aimed at the global market, so there is naturally a big gap between it and the original."

"Those who haven't read the original book or the TV series, or even fans who haven't watched the previous work "Havoc in Heaven", watching this movie will not be affected." Mu Chen continued.

how so?This is the result of the company's discussions for a long time.

Didn't Mu Chen, Chen Fuhai and others think about expanding the story into several movies?

thought about it!
However, it finally gave up.

The premise of making more films is that each film must be successful.

If the word-of-mouth box office of this film is not satisfactory, then the subsequent films will also become a spectacle. Once the market foundation is established, it will be meaningless to shoot again.

What's more, Mu Chen didn't plan to adapt Journey to the West into too many movies.

There is a limit to any IP movie.

Mu Chen actually prefers to shoot that kind of extended movie, a recreated movie like "The Return of the Great Sage", in Mu Chen's view, has more marketability.

"Find a place to sit down and chat slowly, this is not a place for small talk." Mu Ze said with a smile.

I found a club, played ball, had fun and relaxed, and then started chatting again.

"I heard that Thanos is going to make a personal movie?" Marin looked at Mu Chen, saw him nodding, and said, "Then "Guardian Alliance" will be postponed."

Mu Chen nodded.

It is no secret in the company that Thanos makes a personal movie.

Naturally, Marin had heard about this.

"Then what are you planning to shoot next year?" Marin asked, "Isn't it still a Hollywood movie?"

"I'm going to make a fantasy movie." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "If possible, I don't mind making a fantasy world."

After all, Mu Chen is a Chinese director, and he is more willing to bring Chinese culture to the world through his films.

"Fantasy world?" Marin froze for a moment, and said, "Like your movie universe?"

"It should be a protagonist running through the whole world." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I haven't figured out how."

"It means that it is just an idea now, and there is no shadow of the script yet." Marin said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Yes!" Mu Chen nodded and said, "What about you? What are your thoughts on the new film? Or, are you going to take a break and solve your personal problems first?"

"If you don't mention it, we can still have a good time." Marin said with a curled lip.

"Why do you suddenly want to shoot a fantasy world?" Wang Hao asked casually, "Your superhero movie universe is enough for you to shoot for a lifetime."

"If you were you, would you make movies like that for the rest of your life?" Mu Chen pouted.

"He has no interest in those superhero movies now." Zhao Jin said.

"Fantasy movies are okay in the domestic market, but not so good in the international market." Su Xiaowan glanced at Mu Qing and the others who were playing around not far away, and said with a smile.

"That depends on who shoots it." Wang Hao said, "Are there still few types of movies that Mu Chen shoots?"

This seems to be true.

Mu Chen has made many unpopular movie genres, and almost every movie has a popular genre.

It even went abroad directly.

Of course, there are also some genres, which were later made uninterested by countless follow-up works.

Just like martial arts movies and kung fu movies, there are really not many movies that can make a decent box office.

"Actually, I'm not very sure." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

He did not have much confidence, and this is not a modest statement.

After all, this film is not only original, but also a fantasy theme with little international market.

In recent years, Chinese-language films have gradually expanded in foreign markets, but apart from Mu Chen’s superhero films, action films and fantasy films that received the best box office response are undoubtedly some oriental-colored fairy tales and fantasy themes. , not so much.

"Actually, I only have a rough idea."

Seeing everyone's expressions of "I believe in you", Mu Chen gave a wry smile and said.

Engaging in a cult of personality is out of order.

Could it be that the movies I make are all confident?

"Tell me." Marin said immediately, still very curious about Mu Chen's so-called general thoughts.

The others also looked over curiously.

"In the depths of the universe where coldness and darkness coexist, nine huge dragon corpses are pulling an ancient bronze coffin towards the earth," Mu Chen said. Landed on the top of Mount Tai."

Mu Chen's "idea" actually originated from an online novel in his previous life.

However, Mu Chen didn't finish it and didn't have time to finish it.

Compared with novels, Mu Chen prefers to watch movies and TV to pass his free time, rather than novels.

Although I haven't finished watching it, Mu Chen was so impressed by the opening chapter of Nine Dragons Coffin and the World of Immortals in the Starry Sky, that he couldn't help but put it on the big screen.

Internet novels are generally very long and difficult to adapt, especially those involving a lot of special effects.

TV dramas may be able to carry the content of that length, but the special effects are poor, and they will be smashed.The special effects are good, and it is difficult to pay back.

It is a big difficulty to cut the plot and characters into a movie.

If you are not careful, you will be scolded bloody by the original party.

However, this world does not have this novel, and Mu Chen has not finished reading this novel, so he adapted it again to reduce the difficulty.

Reduced difficulty, but not without difficulty.


"It's over?"

"Go on!"

Mu Chen kept silent, but Marin and the others couldn't help but speak.

It seemed that they were attracted by Mu Chen's "ideas", especially the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin at the beginning, which left a deep impression on them.

"That's all I want." Mu Chen spread his hands and said.

If it follows the original story, Mu Chen can naturally continue.

But Mu Chen's movie did not follow the original work.

Even, apart from the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin at the beginning, the following plot has little to do with the original work.

Of course, some characters in the film will still be referred to.

For example, that big black dog who is lazy and shameless, greedy and arrogant but also emphatic in love and righteousness.

It is sometimes very eye-catching to have such a "cute pet" beside the protagonist.

"I'm looking forward to your movie." Li Ruolin smiled.

"That's all, don't tell me, you haven't even thought of the title." Wang Hao said.

"I've already thought about the title." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"What's it called?" Marin asked.

""Covering the Sky"!" Mu Chen said lightly.

"This name is so domineering!" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Why do you want to call it this name?" Mu Ze asked.

The title of a film is definitely not chosen casually.

Even the title of the film has some influence on the box office of the film.

Just like a novel, a good title can instantly attract readers' attention.If it's a bad title, even if the title is seen by readers again and again, I'm afraid they won't be interested in going in to read it.

"Why?" Mu Chen thought for a while, and said, "Did Nine Dragons pull the coffin back to the ancient times, or came to the other side of the starry sky? A vast world of immortals, strange and mysterious. The blood boils like a volcano, and the passion The vast sea is turbulent, and desires are endless like an abyss. Ascend the road to heaven, sing songs, and cover the sky with your fingers."

"Snap your fingers to cover the sky?" Marin was stunned, as if he didn't know the calendar.

"Why do I feel like an introduction to a novel!" Wang Hao pouted and said with some complaints.

It's not like, that's what it is!

Will I tell you that the title of the film is the title of the novel?
Will not!
Mu Chen smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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