my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 518 I took it, maybe I let it go

Chapter 518 I took it, maybe I let it go

As the Spring Festival approaches, the topic of the Spring Festival Gala is inevitable.

This may be public attention, but it is also promoted by the Spring Festival Gala program group.

Just like the skit "Selling a Car" that Zhao Shan and others starred on stage this year is the sequel to last year's skit "Selling Abductees", and the book was written by Mu Chen.

As soon as the news came out, it was immediately on the hot search list and went to the top of the list.

The audience is undoubtedly looking forward to this sketch.

Even, the clicks of "Selling Abductees" on the video website soared instantly.

Apparently many viewers ran to rewatch it.

This undoubtedly made the audience look forward to this Spring Festival Gala.

"When are you going to go back?"

"War God 2" finished, and Mu Ze habitually pushed aside things around the Spring Festival.

Staying at home with the children these two days seems to be much more leisurely.

Going home for the New Year, the habit of the Mu Chen brothers has been known to everyone for so many years, but as the Spring Festival approaches, the invitations between the two have never stopped.

"If you want to go back, you have to wait for your sister-in-law to come back!" Mu Ze said, "But I guess it will be soon."

Su Xiaowan is currently filming "Resident Evil 5".

This series of movies is still quite popular in the world.Moreover, after "The Mage" and "Invincible Hulk 2", Su Xiaowan's international reputation has also increased a lot.

This naturally also promoted the shooting of "Resident Evil 5".

This series of films, since the third one, has been freed from the shackles of the original version, and now the fifth part has long since lost the shadow of the original version.

However, no matter in terms of investment and production, this film will definitely not be worse than the original version.

In terms of box office, both Mu Chen and Chenxi Film and Television are relatively optimistic.

"Where's Ruoxi? I ​​heard that her film has only been launched for a short time. Can it be completed before the Spring Festival?" Mu Ze asked.

"The film definitely can't be completed, but she doesn't have many roles." Mu Chen said, "She just played a cameo role as a big villain boss."

"Is she going to gradually go behind the scenes?" Mu Ze said.

Li Ruoxi now seems to be preparing for the transfer to the production supervisor in the future.

"Sooner or later." Mu Chen said, "What about you? Continue to fight? Sooner or later, you will be like Li Long and Cheng Jie."

"It's impossible." Mu Ze shook his head and said, "If I don't make action movies, do you think anyone will watch them?"

Is there?

Naturally there is.

Just certainly not many.

Mu Ze's image as an action superstar has now deepened, even far surpassing that of Cheng Jie and Li Long.

The same is true for success, and the same is true for failure.

Mu Ze's physical fitness has always been very good, he can shoot action scenes, and he will inevitably get injured.In the future, as you grow older and your body declines, your career will definitely decline accordingly.

"Don't worry!" Seeing that Mu Chen seemed to be thinking about something, Mu Ze smiled and said, "I never thought about playing for the rest of my life. If I really can't play anymore, then I will retire. If I don't film, there are still many things to do. I do. Even if I don’t do anything, I won’t starve to death.”

"It's too early to say this now." Mu Chen said with a smile.

People without thought, he must worry about!

There is no need to worry too far.

Mu Ze's physical strength is now at its peak, so as long as he doesn't get seriously injured, he won't have any problems in filming for ten years.

What's more, just like what he himself said, if he can retire, he will live a good life.

Mu Ze's net worth may not be as good as Mu Chen's, but it's absolutely astonishing.

Not to mention his salary, endorsement and other income over the years, just his investment income is amazing.

Relatively speaking, Mu Ze may not be that good at investing, but he has made a lot of money following Mu Chen, Li Ruolin and others.

Of course, not all projects are profitable, and there are also losses, but not many, and the losses are limited.

Su Xiaowan came back from the finale before Li Ruoxi. At this time, the children were on vacation, so they had two days off and went back to their hometown directly.

In fact, Li Ruoxi's role has already been wrapped, but she didn't leave the crew immediately.

She doesn't just appear in this film as an actress.

There are still many things that need to be arranged by her.

"Why are you here?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"Come and see you!" Mu Chen said with a smile, then looked not far away, and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing!" Li Ruoxi said, "Mu Wen's temper is like this, isn't it true for many directors? It's not a bad thing to keep improving and strive to be the best. Although Zhou Liang is often scolded, his acting skills have improved. A lot."

Not far away, Mu Wen was catching Zhou Liang and yelling at him.

It seems that Zhou Liang NGed several times, and one expression still failed to meet the requirements.

After Zhou Liang participated in Mu Chen's "Guardians of the Galaxy" and played the role of Ronan, the film and television industry has attracted a second spring, especially after signing with Chenxi Film and Television, he has obtained a lot of resources.

He was born as an athlete and has a tall build, which is quite in line with the setting of a protagonist in "Game of the Brave", so he serves as one of the protagonists of this film.

This is also an opportunity for him.

After all, this film is a commercial blockbuster with big investment and big production.

It is aimed at the international market.

In China, there is not much market for a burly man like Zhou Liang.But internationally, especially in the West, there is a huge market.

Mu Chen also doesn't understand why domestic stars like "creamy niche" stars, but foreign countries like burly and strong men.Just like Brady, who became famous with "Terminator", has become the dream lover of countless beauties.

From the appearance point of view, Zhou Liang is much more handsome than Brady.

Opportunities need to be seized.

Although Zhou Liang was scolded by Mu Wen, he listened carefully.Mu Wen's tone was blunt, but many of his words hit the key points.

This is also the key to the improvement of Zhou Liang's acting skills in this film.

What's more, the director yelled and cursed at the crew, basically he was right about things and wrong about people.

"When will your business be over?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

"What's wrong?" Li Ruoxi asked.

Isn't there still a lot of days before Chinese New Year?
She saw that Mu Chen seemed to be in a hurry to go back, so she asked with some doubts.

"Two days later, Jincheng's 'Morning Dream' theme park opens, so I have to cut it." Mu Chen said, "The two little guys at home are also arguing about going to play."

The "Morning Dream" theme park in Jincheng is the second after Shanghai, and certainly not the last.

The third "Morning Dream" theme park has now started construction in Xiangjiang.

Once the "Morning Dream" theme park in Shanghai opened, it was extremely popular, and the flow of people far exceeded that of the old Disneyland.

The profits are naturally astonishing.

This is why there was Jincheng's "Morning Dream" theme park so soon.

Of course, this is not dominated by Mu Chen, nor by Chenxi Film and Television or Dream Films, but by Wansheng Group.

However, Mu Chen owns a lot of shares.

He attended the opening of the park, and with his great star power, he can also bring great enthusiasm.

"Open?" Li Ruoxi frowned and said.

This was somewhat beyond her expectations.

It seems that it didn't take much time from the beginning of the construction of this paradise to the present!
"With the experience in Shanghai, the progress is naturally faster." Mu Chen said, "The park has started construction, and it is ready to open before the Spring Festival."

During the Spring Festival, not only movies are popular, but also many places.

"I think it will take another two days here." Li Ruoxi said, "I'll let Sun Wen go with you. You and Cheng Ting are bringing two little guys, and I guess they can't take care of them. Well, let Cheng Ting take their family home. Bring that kid with you too. If you can't take care of it, find a few temporarily."

"Okay!" Mu Chen nodded.

"After attending the opening ceremony over there, you go back to your hometown directly!" Li Ruoxi continued, "I'm done with my work here, so I'll fly directly to Jincheng, and you can pick me up at the airport."

"Alright!" Mu Chen still nodded.

He didn't mind flying back to Yanjing again, and flying again with Li Ruoxi.

But when the child is still young, there is no need to toss so much.

Mu Chen didn't stay with the crew for long, and Mu Chen didn't bother with the crew.

"I heard that you will fly to Jincheng tomorrow, and then go directly back to your hometown?"

The next day, Mu Chen still went to the company.

I have to communicate with Chen Fuhai about some things during the Chinese New Year.

"That's right!" Mu Chen nodded, looked at Marin, and asked, "Why don't you just ask this when you come to my office?"

"I found a script for you to read." Marin said, "The crew of the sequel to "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" probably won't come out for a while. I want to shoot this first."

"Not sure?" Mu Chen looked at Marin suspiciously.

I was ready to shoot, but I showed it to myself, probably not asking for my own opinion.

Marin smiled, but didn't speak.

Mu Chen didn't say much anymore, picked up the script and read it carefully.

Just for a moment, Mu Chen looked up at Marin, a little puzzled.

Marin remained silent, as if signaling him to continue watching.

"Why did you suddenly want to make such a film?"

After a long time, Mu Chen read the script and said in surprise.

"See? I used to feel like I let go, but after reading the script, I realized that I didn't let go at all." Marin said with a wry smile.

"Then you still shoot!" Mu Chen said.

The script is an urban romance, a love story about betrayal.

A boy who is loyal to his feelings falls in love with a girl who plays with his feelings, and in the end the girl goes off the rails. Naturally, in terms of feelings, the boy pays the most, but loses the most.

The script does not blindly accuse the betrayer, but objectively analyzes the problems existing in both parties of love.

This film is moving, but also sad, a literary film.

"Actually, I was also responsible at the time." Marin said.

"It's different!" Mu Chen shook his head and said.

Qin Yu was spoiled by Marin back then.

He gave too much before, but he wanted to restrain him later, but it was too late.

Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Chou!
Qin Yu's betrayal was somewhat unexpected, but after careful consideration, it seemed to be reasonable.

The script Marin brought has some shadows of him and Qin Yu, but there are many differences.

The heroine's betrayal was largely caused by the male protagonist's blind indulgence.

The hero thinks it is love.

Marin didn't condone Qin Yu, but like the hero in the play, he was also responsible.

"Do you really want to make this film?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

"After shooting, maybe let it go." Marin said.

(End of this chapter)

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