my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 521 This Face Hurts So Much

Chapter 521 This Face Hurts So Much
Awards, for a film and television company, are not optional.

Otherwise, there would not be so many film and television companies knowingly losing money, but still investing in some literary films.

Although not all literary and artistic films lose money, relatively speaking, the risk is much greater than that of commercial films.

Since the stakes are greater, what else is there to do but make up for the prize?

The awards won by Chenxi Film and Television are undoubtedly amazing.

Whether it's a movie or a TV series, it's almost the same.Especially visual effects, and motion direction, these years have been almost monopolized.

Chenxi Film and Television is almost crushing other film and television companies in China, not only in terms of box office, but also in terms of awards.

Even in the actor awards, maybe not every year, but they are definitely shortlisted.

This year, none of them were shortlisted, and Chen Fuhai inevitably felt dull.

The acting skills of artists under Chenxi Film and Television, even Wang Yi, a popular little fresh meat, are well received.

However, Chenxi Film and Television, which has so many good actors, has not been shortlisted for this year's Golden Dragon Award, not even a supporting role.

It's not like they didn't have their work released.

So what's the problem?

Obviously not from the actors, but from Chenxi Film and Television.

It's the company's problem.

what is the problem?Too much pursuit of commercialization.

being targeted!

Chenxi Film and Television dominates almost all the good schedules in China, isn't there no film and television company that hates it?

It's just that Chenxi Film and Television is now a giant, and it can't be shaken at all.

Are there few people who attack Chenxi Film and Television?
Quite a lot!

Who wouldn't want to cut off a piece of flesh from his hand?

Just want to do it, but it's hard.

"Some films need to be released." Chen Fuhai said, "The booth is too big, which will inevitably cause a waste of personnel."

"You're the general manager, so you can figure it out." Mu Chen said with a smile.

How could he not understand this matter.

Several plays were filmed at the same time, and there were not enough people, so we naturally recruited people.

But it is impossible for the company to shoot several films with colleagues every time!

So when there are not many film colleagues shooting, don't those people have nothing to do?

Chenxi Film and Television earns more every year, but the cost is also not low.

If several blockbuster films fail in a row, the capital chain will definitely be affected.

Of course, when that time came, it would not be difficult for Mu Chen to make up for it.

His money and the company's money have always been kept separate.

Some of the investments were through companies, while others he invested personally.

For example, the "Dawn Dream" theme park is a cooperation between Chenxi Film and Television, Dream Films and Wansheng Group.

Xuanying Digital Special Effects Company, theater chains, film peripheral products, etc. have also left the company.

But like "Flash Letter", "Douyin", "Meituan", etc., they are Mu Chen's privately owned shares, and have nothing to do with Chenxi Films and Dream Films.

These are complicated to say, but not complicated. They can be said to be simple, and they can't be explained clearly for a while.

Mu Chen himself probably doesn't know how many properties he has, how much he is worth, or even how much money he has in his card.

He once "bragged" to Marin and others, saying: "I haven't touched money for a long time, and I have long since lost interest in money."

At that time, Wang Hao replied with a smile: "I am not interested in money, but I am interested in making money."

The nominations were announced, and the enthusiasm for the Golden Dragon Awards lasted for two days and gradually dissipated.

The hottest time is not at this time, but before and after the awards ceremony.

The Golden Dragon Award has now become the most watched film award in Asia, and its influence is growing.

Even if it is just a shortlist, it has attracted great attention.

However, it is still worse than Oscar.

Especially the heat.

And when the shortlist for this year's Oscars was announced, regardless of whether it attracted global attention, it even directly caused a sensation.

Last year, Scorsese won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Director with the film "Dawn", and was once again shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Director with this film.

The film "Dawn", in addition to the best director, also won four nominations for best screenplay, best actress, and best cutting.

However, the key to popularity is obviously not here.

But Mu Chen's new film "Titanic" was also shortlisted for this year's Oscars, and the number of nominations was astonishing.

No, it should be said that it is amazing.

This unreleased film was shortlisted for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Newcomer, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Cutting, Best Costume Design, Fourteen awards including best art direction, best film and television song, best soundtrack, best visual effect, and best sound effect.

Mu Chen is a frequent visitor to the Oscars. Although he has spent too much energy building the superhero movie universe in the past few years, resulting in most of the awards being technical awards, no one doubts his level.

But even so, it is still shocking that he has won so many Oscar nominations with one film.

This undoubtedly broke the record for the most Oscar nominations for a film.

Of course, this is not the reason for the amazing popularity.

The real reason is that Mu Chen seems to be aiming at Scorsese when he made this film.

Otherwise, Mu Chen wouldn't have participated in the Oscars before the show.

At this time, Mu Chen didn't need to rely on the popularity of the Oscars to boost the film's box office in North America.

Scorsese "fucked" Mu Chen at the Golden Dragon Awards last year, and then Mu Chen will make a film to compete with Scorsese at this year's Oscars.

This matter had been hyped for a long time before and after Mu Chen's movie started.

Now that the Oscar shortlist has been announced, the topic has naturally resurfaced.

One film was shortlisted for four awards and one for fourteen awards.

Fraction ah this is!
Not to mention the final award, just relying on the shortlist, the duel between Mu Chen and Scorsese, it is clear at a glance who will win.

The confrontation between two of the world's top directors is now clear, such a topic, the global media will naturally report.

Countless people began to gloat.

You think you are awesome, and you criticize other people's movies all the time, how is it now?
Don't you want to meet Mu Chen at the Golden Dragon Awards Oscar?

Isn't it a surprise to meet at the Oscars now?

And Mu Chen came straight to you.

I don't know how you feel at this time, but is the mood still beautiful?
As soon as the Oscar shortlist was announced, Scorsese was asked by countless media.

"Director Mu Chen's "Titanic" was shortlisted for [-] Oscars. How do you feel about that?"

Scorsese has been in the film and television industry for so many years, how can he teach less with reporters?

Those people have bad intentions, how can he not see it.

"I was a little surprised, but not too surprised." Scorsese said, "I said that Director Mu Chen is an excellent director. He was delayed by those superhero movies in the past few years. Now, if you don't shoot those It’s no surprise that a so-called film is nominated for an Oscar.”

Awesome, at this time, I still don't forget to catch Mu Chen's super movies and criticize them fiercely.

"You said at the Golden Dragon Awards last year that you hoped to meet Director Mu Chen at the Golden Dragon Awards or the Oscars. Now that you meet, who do you think will win? Are you afraid of losing?" The reporter continued to ask.

"Losing? How can we win or lose?" Scorsese smiled and said, "Even if there is, do you think us people will care? At an age, life and death are underestimated, and we still care about winning or losing? What's more? If you lose, you are not as good as the other party?"

They are all at the top of the film and television industry, so there is no real winner or loser.

Could it be that if he wins this time, his level is higher than that of the opponent?
Do you really not care?
I'm afraid not!
Facing the media, he naturally said so.

If he didn't show his indifference to winning or losing, could he still show that he has a certain chance of winning, or is he not convinced?

In that case, it will only be more embarrassing.

Only by expressing that you don't care can you not lose face so much.

There are winners and losers at the Oscars, too.

It's just that, in the eyes of many, Scorsese has already lost.

And lose badly.

Even Scorsese.

What he said today was just to save himself some face.

In fact, he already regretted it a little.

What I regret is not criticizing those super movies, but what I said at the Golden Dragon Awards.

Obviously, those words not only annoyed Mu Chen's fans and caused "Dawn" to hit the street, but now it seems that it will also affect the film's performance at the Oscars.

Even if Scorsese was chased by the media, Mu Chen was naturally even more so.

One of his films has won fourteen Oscar nominations, and the topic in China is hotter than abroad.

"Titanic" is an English film, but the director is Chinese.

A film shot by a Chinese person was shortlisted for [-] Oscars, which naturally made all Chinese people proud.

In fact, Mu Chen was a little surprised that the film was shortlisted for [-] Oscars.

Even though the original version is also like this, Mu Chen still believes that his own version has improved on the basis of the original version.

But after all, the world is different, the times are different, and the competitors are also different.

Mu Chen was confident that he would be shortlisted, but he never imagined that he could be shortlisted so many times.

And he himself has been nominated for several awards for this film.

Aside from the collective award for best film, best director, best screenwriter, best film and television song, best soundtrack, etc.He participated in other things such as cutting, costume props, etc., but his name was not added.

"Director Mu, "Titanic" was shortlisted for fourteen Oscars, what do you think?"

The reporter asked about Mu Chen.

"It's just being shortlisted, not an award. Do you want me to give a speech about being shortlisted?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then do you think you can win against Director Scorsese? Are you really pessimistic about winning or losing, don't you care?" the reporter asked.

"My competitor is not only Director Scorsese." Mu Chen said, "As for winning or losing, maybe I am not good enough. Since I am shortlisted, of course I want to win an award! If I don't want to win an award, why participate in it?" Film Festival?"

When the reporters heard this, they were stunned for a moment.

How do you feel that this is slapping Scorsese in the face?
(End of this chapter)

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