my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 525 It's time to decide the winner

Chapter 525 It's time to decide the winner
In the past two years, Mu Chen has suffered a lot from the deadly fight with the Fu Ke Duo Group.

However, it seems that killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred, in fact, Mu Chen got quite a lot.

At least he opened a gap in the media field.Today, his public opinion in North America and other places is no longer so passive.

What's more, Mu Chen wouldn't care even if he really killed a thousand enemies and hurt himself eight hundred.

Money, what are you doing with so much money?

Just spend money to buy happiness!

Mu Chen felt that his thoughts were not clear and his mood was not smooth if he didn't have a fight with Fu Kedo Group.

Mu Chen is not a pure businessman, perhaps because of his martial arts training, he has a little more quack air.

Willing to love and hate, regard money as dung.

What's more, the enemy's "one thousand" is what he cares about, but his own "eight hundred" is not.

Mu Chen is naturally happy to do so.

"That guy is flirting with you again?"

Mu Ze glanced at James who was going away, walked up to Mu Chen, and said.

Last year, many people in Hollywood secretly laughed at James for a long time in front of Mu Chen.

"What's so embarrassing about him!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "I was the one who embarrassed in front of him."

"You!" Mu Ze shook his head and said, "Last year, his film and television company was attacked by Dream Films, and he lost all his money. If it wasn't for the Fox Group to cover him up, he might have gone bankrupt."

"Bankruptcy?" Mu Chen smiled and said, "It will happen sooner or later. If it wasn't for the influence of the Foxconn Group in Hollywood, his film and television company would have gone bankrupt."

"Be careful, you know that guy's temperament. He might jump over the wall in a hurry." Su Xiaowan said, with a lot of worry in her tone.

That guy bought Mu Chen and assassinated him, but unfortunately there is no proof.

And Mu Ze was even designed to retaliate by him, and almost died in a filming accident.

If he was pushed into a hurry, he might not be able to do something drastic.

"Does he still dare?"

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said.


Mu Chen didn't know either.This is also asking myself.

"When you come to the United States, be careful!" Mu Chen said, "As for me, he doesn't have that ability."

Mu Chen really hoped that that guy would jump over the wall in a hurry and take some drastic action against him.

If so, he can take the opportunity to solve it once and for all.

Mu Ze hesitated to speak.

He knew that Mu Chen's kung fu had reached an unimaginable realm, but now that guns and guns were rampant, no matter how high his kung fu was, how could he be able to withstand guns and guns.

This is not domestic, the United States does not ban guns.

"Let's go! The awards ceremony is about to begin." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Naturally, his kung fu cannot resist guns, but with his strong perception, even if he is aimed at by a sniper rifle, he is confident that he can avoid it.

James does not have the ability to use weapons of mass destruction, nor does he have the guts.

Under the attention of everyone, Mu Chen and the others took their seats.

This year's Oscars, Mu Chen is definitely the most eye-catching person.

When he walked on the red carpet, the eyes of the surrounding media all fell on him.

And when he walked into the venue, the eyes of everyone in the venue also fell on him.

James was ridiculed by Mu Chen, but he just snorted, turned around and left, he didn't want to get entangled, and there may be some reasons for this.

Under the "all eyes", who wants to humiliate themselves?
The award ceremony began quickly, and the first award was awarded for the best soundtrack.

"Titanic" got off to a good start, and Mu Chen also won the first award of the year.

"Thank you for the affirmation from the jury." Mu Chen said with a smile, "I hope this is not the last time I will be on stage at this year's Oscars. Thank you!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Mu Chen's acceptance speech was brief, but it also won rounds of applause from the audience.

Mu Chen was the first to receive the award on stage, and maybe the last to receive the award.

"Titanic" was nominated for best picture.And this award is basically awarded at the end.

The film has been shortlisted for fourteen awards and has a high probability of winning Best Picture.

And this award is just the beginning.

Soon, "Titanic" won the best art direction, best cutting, and best sound effects.

Among the shortlisted awards, only the best visual effect was defeated by a major Hollywood production.

"The winner of the award for best song for a film and television is: "Titanic"."

Mu Chen took the stage again and won his second award this year.

And these two awards seem to be awards for music.

"Thank you! Thank you for the affirmation from the jury." Mu Chen said, "I'm very happy to be able to stand on the podium again! Again, I hope this is not the last time I will be on stage at this year's Oscars! Thank you!"

"Titanic" was shortlisted for fourteen awards, and Mu Chen was shortlisted for four.

Today, both awards are awarded.

He does have a chance to be on stage again.

However, "Titanic" missed out on the next Best Screenplay, and Mu Chen failed to win the award.

Mu Chen was not surprised by this.

If he remembered correctly, the original version was not even shortlisted for this award.

Being shortlisted this time surprised Mu Chen, so he naturally did not expect to win the award.

In fact, among the many awards, the one he cares most about is undoubtedly the best director.

Maybe it's because Scorsese is also nominated for best director.

Perhaps it was because the award gave him a greater sense of accomplishment.

For example, the soundtrack and songs are completely based on the original version, without much effort from Mu Chen, and it can't be regarded as his work.

But the director is different. Although there is a reference to the original version, Mu Chen spent a lot of thought and energy.

Subsequently, "Titanic" missed the best costume design again, but won the best photography.

Justin also won the Best Newcomer for his role as Jack.

Lena failed to win Best Actress.

However, "Titanic" has not yet been released, but the two have skyrocketed in popularity by virtue of being shortlisted for Oscars, and the same is true of the film salary, and the film appointments continue.

Everyone can see that after Mu Chen's movie is released, the two of them will definitely become popular all over the world.

After Best Actor was awarded, Steve and a popular actress stepped onto the podium.

They are the award presenters for Best Director.

"The competition for the best director this year is as fierce as ever." Steve said with a smile, "So who will be the winner this year? Who do you think is most likely to win the award?"

"They are all such excellent directors, so they are all possible." The actress said with a smile.

Just kidding, even if she knew who won the prize, she wouldn't say that stupidly.

Director, and a director nominated for Oscar for Best Director, no matter how popular she is, she will not be easily offended.

What's more, this year's Oscars, the incident between Scorsese and Mu Chen has already been known to everyone.

"Titanic" has already won many awards, but Scorsese's "Dawn" is still nothing!
Best Cutting lost to Titanic, and while Best Screenplay, Titanic also missed out, neither did Dawn.

"Dawn" was shortlisted for four awards, and now only this best director is left.

If Scorsese wins the award, then he still has some face left.

As for winning, that is naturally impossible.

"Titanic" has now won seven awards including Best Soundtrack, Best Film and Television Song, Best Cinematography, Best Newcomer, Best Art Direction, Best Cutting, and Best Impression Effect.

So is it possible for Mu Chen to win the best director?
"You have a good chance of winning the prize."

Harvey, who was sitting next to Mu Chen, said with a smile.

"I don't think it's very likely." Mu Chen said with a smile, "It's more likely to win the best picture."

If he wasn't a Chinese director, if he didn't have trouble with Scorsese, everyone would know.

Perhaps, the possibility is really great.

Scorsese has been famous for many years, and there are definitely many Oscar judges who are better than him.

Don't they want to save some face for Scorsese, and some face for Hollywood?
I didn't win the best director, and "Titanic" won the best picture, there seems to be nothing to question.

It's not uncommon for a film to win both Best Director and Best Picture.

Unless there is a clear advantage.

Mu Chen didn't think that "Titanic" had obvious advantages over "Dawn".

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

There is no standard for judging two excellent movies, which one is good and which one is bad.

"Do you think the jury either gives the award to Scorsese, or neither of you?" Harvey said.

Mu Chen smiled, unable to deny it.

He really thinks so.

Is Oscar really that fair and just?
"The matter between you and Scorsese is so big, the only partiality of those judges will disappear." Harvey shook his head and said, "They have to worry about what will happen after the release of "Titanic" Influence! When the time comes, the public opinion will be raging, and trouble will inevitably come."

When Mu Chen heard it, his heart moved.

After the release of "Titanic", if the momentum is astonishing, it will be in stark contrast to the hit of "Dawn".

If Scorsese won the best director, or if none of them won, Mu Chen's fans, as well as those fans of "Titanic" will definitely complain about Mu Chen. At that time, the public opinion will be fierce, and the Oscar's image will definitely be criticized. affected.

If that's the case, Mu Chen really doesn't mind fanning the flames of public opinion and attacking Oscar's fairness.

What will happen after "Titanic" is released, the judges can still see it to some extent.

Perhaps, I really have the possibility of winning the prize.

Mu Chen is confident that the filming is better than the original version, and this year's competitors' works have not received much response.

"Hey, who is the best director winner this year?" Steve said, "This person has won the best director Oscar twice."

As soon as Steve said this, two of the four shortlisted directors showed disappointment and smiled wryly.

Among the four, only Mu Chen and Scorsese have won two Oscars for Best Director.

There was a smile on Mu Chen's face, but his eyes narrowed.

This is to decide the outcome!
Mu Chen suddenly felt uneasy, he really didn't have confidence in this award.

It's not that I don't have confidence in "Titanic", and it has nothing to do with the director's ability, but that there are too many disadvantages in other aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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