Chapter 534
The footsteps were very soft, but Mu Chen could hear them clearly.

He wants to kill the four people who are chasing him.

Only in this way can we reach the seventh floor as soon as possible.

He was afraid that those gangsters would go crazy after jumping over the wall.He also knew that once he came in, the police would definitely take action again.

Mu Chen put the gun beside him, and then held the dagger in his hand.

The quickest way to deal with those four people was not to use guns, but to use daggers when they got close.

Mu Chen could feel that his marksmanship was incomparable to that of his previous life. If it wasn't for his high level of kung fu, good physical fitness, and extremely keen perception, it might be even worse.

Perhaps, his marksmanship was better than those who were chasing him, but it wasn't much better.

His strengths lie in close combat.

As long as you get close, those four guys will cook in minutes.

With the sound of footsteps approaching, Mu Chen immediately opened the door and jumped out instantly.

Those four people reacted very quickly, but Mu Chen was already approaching, no matter how fast they reacted, it would be useless, Mu Chen would not give them any chance to shoot.

Close at hand, the empire is full of people.

He killed three people in the blink of an eye, and the remaining one was also restrained by Mu Chen, with the dagger across his neck.

"I ask you to answer, if you don't die!" Mu Chen said sharply, "Where are the hostages? How many of you are there?"


Before Mu Chen could finish speaking, he slashed the man's throat without hesitation, jumped about ten meters in two steps, and fell down.

The moment he fell, there was a bang!

These people are not only well-trained, but also fucking crazy.

The ants are still alive.

This guy pulled a grenade without hesitation.He wants to die with himself, but he is still so calm.

If it wasn't for Mu Chen's quick reaction, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Who are they?
Mu Chen took a look at the guy who was already dead.

Even if he didn't cut his throat the moment he jumped out, that grenade could still kill him.

Putting away the dagger, picking up a gun again, Mu Chen went straight to the seventh floor.

There was another bluff, which undoubtedly shocked the nerves of many people.

Not just the police, but also the media that smelled "blood".

Not long after Mu Chen entered the hotel, there was an explosion from the hotel?
What's going on here?
But now, he thought of the sound of the explosion again.

The police's action was advanced and they had entered the hotel at this time.

Their primary target is still the monitoring room.

Of course, that's not all staff.

The mess in the monitoring room and the dead bodies of the gangsters undoubtedly shocked the police.

The sound of the explosion just now turned out to be really the monitoring room.

Moreover, it doesn't seem to be any internal strife, but the opponent came to this monitoring room, and then fought with the gangsters in the monitoring room.

The explosion didn't blow up the monitor.

The surveillance of the hotel was destroyed by violence.

Could it really be Mu Chen?

The gangsters below the fourth floor have been cleared, and there are not many people left.The bombs on the ground floor have also been defused.

The police have gone up.

The explosion on the fifth floor naturally attracted the policemen.

Another four corpses!

There were only so many people in that group, and there were about a dozen corpses.

who killed it?
Could it really be Mu Chen? It seemed that there was no one else besides Mu Chen.

How did he do it?
The military elite may not be able to do it either!
Shocked, puzzled, even unbelievable.

However, the police did not stay long, nor did they study how those people were killed.

The most urgent thing now is to rescue the hostages.

However, one only needs to take a closer look, and it is not difficult to see that the way of death of these four people is different from that of the previous ones.

The hostages are really on the seventh floor.

When Mu Chen reached the stairs on the seventh floor, he didn't break the door directly, but was cautious.

He killed a dozen people, but the remaining people are definitely not small.

The place where the hostages are located is definitely the place where the most gangsters gather.

Mu Chen needed a chance.

It's just that he didn't expect that this opportunity would come soon.

Lady Luck always favors the prepared.

When the police came in, they undoubtedly attracted the attention of the gangsters.

In the hall, many people disappeared in an instant.

Mu Chen seized the opportunity and rushed all the way into the hall.

"who are you?"

After a fight, there was only one person left.

The man strangled a woman's neck with one hand, and pointed a gun at Mu Chen with the other.

When Mu Chen heard this, he was taken aback.

He is famous now, not to say that he is a household name, but as long as he is not someone from deep mountains and old forests, there are really few people who do not know him.

And it's not just domestically, but globally.

This person really doesn't know himself?

I still don't believe that I am Mu Chen, who is the director of the movie?

"It's just a wife's husband." Mu Chen said lightly.

He glanced at Li Ruoxi and Sun Wen not far away.

The two of them were still hostages.

However, when Mu Chen came in just now, the two of them violently attacked, cooperated with Mu Chen, and killed the two of them.

Of course, it was Sun Wen who did the most.

Li Ruoxi made a handful of soy sauce beside her.

But under such circumstances, it would be extremely brave to dare to do it.

In the hall, there are many hostages.

When those people saw Mu Chen, under the terrified expressions, there was an unbelievable shock.

They never expected that the first person to kill in was not the policeman, but Mu Chen.

This top Chinese director.

Is it really him?
Just now Mu Chen killed a few people neatly, his marksmanship was extremely accurate.

You know, what Mu Chen is holding is not a pistol at this time.

It's not like making a movie!

Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen in shock, but also deeply moved and worried.

How could she fail to guess why Mu Chen came here.

At this time, Sun Wen also pointed the gun at the remaining one.

"put down the gun"

"You are different from those people!"

The man said sharply, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Mu Chen.

This person threatened Mu Chen as a hostage, obviously not as "crazy" as Mu Chen had met those people before.

"I told you to put down the gun!"

When the man heard it, he was stunned for a moment, but then he became a little excited and his voice was a little hoarse.The gun in his hand pressed against the hostage's head and became heavier and heavier.

The hostage burst into tears at this moment, and his emotions broke down a bit.

"it is good!"

Mu Chen then slowly squatted down and put the gun on the ground.

"and also."

The man looked at Sun Wen and said sharply, wanting her to put down the gun too.

But before he finished speaking, the dagger thrown by Mu Chen pierced his head.


The man opened his eyes and then fell down.Whether it's in the eyes or on the face, there is an unbelievable look.

And the hostage screamed, and then also passed out.

Mu Chen's knife spattered some blood, which splashed on the hostage's face.

"Okay, it's all right!"

Li Ruoxi ran directly in front of Mu Chen and hugged him.

This time, she too was frightened.

Although she practices martial arts, her kung fu is not weak.But where has such a thing come across.

She saw with her own eyes that those gangsters pushed a hostage downstairs.

While Mu Chen was comforting Li Ruoxi, Sun Wen was guarding the surroundings with a gun.

"Those people went out a lot just now!"

Li Ruoxi suddenly realized and said.

The crisis is not over yet!
"The police should have already broken in." Mu Chen said, "However, for the sake of safety, everyone should stay here!"

Mu Chen spoke in a loud voice, and he still used English.

The gangsters in the hall have all been killed, and many people have the joy of surviving after the catastrophe.

It's just that this kind of joy hasn't fully erupted yet, but it was drowned by Mu Chen's pour of cold water.

The heart that had fallen just now suddenly rose again.Uneasy.

What if the gangster who left just now came back again?
It seemed that they could only count on Mu Chen.

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he picked up the gun that was placed on the top just now.

At this time, someone also picked up the guns in the hands of the other murdered gangsters.

"Bang bang bang!"

Not far away, there was intense gunfire, which made the atmosphere in the hall even more tense. Some timid people were trembling, and many people crossed their chests, as if they were praying, to calm down.

Several other people with guns were also very nervous, their hands were shaking.

Mu Chen glanced at the hall.

Some of the jewelry shields on display were violently broken, and some were not.

It is estimated that those precious jewels are difficult to break open with violence, and in the end, they are afraid of threatening their lives, forcing the relevant personnel to open the shield.

Not far away, there are several bags, I don't know if they are jewelry.

"Those people really want those jewels?" Mu Chen asked Li Ruoxi.

Li Ruoxi glanced at the bags not far away, shook her head and said, "It's probably just incidental. I heard some scattered things. They seem to ask the US government to release someone."

terrorist, gangster
For some reason, these words suddenly flashed in Mu Chen's head.

Sure enough, it was no ordinary robber.

These jewels are probably just throwing grass and beating rabbits, by the way.

"Isn't that person the bandit leader?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

"The leader led the people out just now, and he is not here." Li Ruoxi said, "That person is a bit like the military advisor of those people."

No wonder there is no "crazy energy" of those people, whether it is psychological quality or combat skills, they are worse than those people.

"Bang bang bang!"

Mu Chen suddenly looked outside, but Sun Wen had already pulled the trigger.

"Those people are back."

Sun Wen said quickly.

"You are right here!"

Mu Chen said something, and then went to help.

Those gangsters didn't seem to have thought that not long after they went out, they would be taken to their "old nest" when they came back.

When the police stormed, they naturally knew that the speed of soldiers was very important, and how could the firepower be weak.

All the way forward, the police had an absolute advantage in terms of firepower, personnel and equipment, and the gangsters naturally couldn't resist.

Since they couldn't resist, they had no choice but to retreat and force them with hostages.

If it doesn't work, they probably don't mind dying together.

However, they never expected that the "old nest" would be taken away by someone.

Now it has become an enemy.

How could this be?
Attacking from both sides, those gangsters fought desperately, leaving some people to block the police, and the rest rushed towards Mu Chen.

Who made Mu Chen's firepower weaker?

Sun Wen has not touched a gun for many years, and the others are not much better.

In the end, someone rushed in.

That person is obviously a master, probably experienced in many battles.

And he is also a master of fighting.

It's just a pity that he met Mu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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