my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 547 Called Parents

Chapter 547 Called Parents

"Nice people!"

Mu Chen patted Marin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Ma Lin glanced at Xie Yuxin who was talking and laughing with Huo Ting and others not far away and smiled.

People, really good.

Is she cute?

Maybe not.At least not yet.

However, Xie Yuxin did make him have a different kind of heartbeat.

Yes, just heartbeat, not love.

Marin is very clear about this.

That's fine, at least she suits me.

Not everyone can get married with the one they love.

Those who love each other are not necessarily happy.

But if it is suitable, then most of them will be happy.

She will be her own happiness.

"When does your movie want to be released?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

Marin's film hadn't been finished yet, but the post-production didn't take much time.

"It's not that particular." Marin shook his head and said.

He naturally understood why Mu Chen asked that.

Now that he is with Xie Yuxin, the past is relieved.

"Don't worry about the new movie, after getting married, you have to go around the world anyway." Mu Chen continued, "Don't make me feel wronged."


Marin nodded.

He has never been a workaholic.

It is undoubtedly good news for Mu Chen and others that Marin has found a suitable girlfriend and is ready to get married.

"Marin actually found someone outside the circle?" Li Ruoxi said, "That's fine."

Before the party, Li Ruoxi was promoting "Sword Immortal 2" in the United States.

"Shouldn't you run around for publicity again?" Mu Chen asked.

"How is it possible?" Li Ruoxi shook her head and said, "After the film is released, I guess I will have to work for a few days. Why do you suddenly say such layman's words?"

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly.

He was not clear about the publicity plan of "Sword Immortal 2", so he just asked casually.

"For this film, the foreign media are not very optimistic about it." Li Ruoxi said.

Why not optimistic, Mu Chen also knows a little bit.

That is, the global box office of "God of War" is not so amazing.Therefore, many media began to bad-mouth those superhero movies.

"So what if you don't like it?" Mu Chen said, "This series of movies has long been established. Besides, the character of Sword Immortal is also considered to be the most popular among many superheroes. Don't have any pressure, this movie The box office will not be bad. Even if the publicity is much smaller."

Among the many superheroes, it's really hard to say who is the most popular.And there are differences between East and West.

However, Jianxian is definitely one of the most popular superheroes.

This is true both at home and abroad.

As the second personal film of this film, fans are still looking forward to it.

The box office of "God of War" is not amazing, that's because there is no foreshadowing at all.But even so, the cumulative global box office has exceeded one billion US dollars.

The billion-dollar box office may not be very good compared to other superhero movies, but how many movies can break the billion-dollar box office every year?
"God of War" is a billion-dollar movie, which is also a big earner.

As Mu Chen guessed, "Sword Immortal 2" was released, and the box office went up all the way.

Those media who bad-mouthed the film in advance were directly slapped in the face.

In China, the film earned nearly [-] million box office on the first day of its release, and won the single-day box office champion without any suspense.

And North America won 8000 million US dollars, even if there are Hollywood blockbusters sniping, it still won the single-day box office champion.And pull No.2 a long distance away.

"Sword Immortal 2" once again proves that the superhero movie created by Mu Chen is still full of money.

Even if this film is not directed by Mu Chen.

Christmas and New Year's Day, no matter in China or in North America, is an excellent time, and the competition is naturally much fiercer.

Just like in North America, there are three blockbuster films released at the same time.

There are relatively fewer in China. After all, Chinese blockbusters are far inferior to Hollywood in terms of quantity and other factors.

"Sword Immortal 2" was released, and it won the single-day box office champion all over the world, and it has been held for a long time.

Among them, Huaxia and North America have almost won the half-month consecutive ranking.

Such a strong ability to absorb money undoubtedly made countless people jealous.

"No wonder so many people want to imitate you to create a movie world." Chen Fuhai said, "Once the creation is successful, it will be a chicken that can lay golden eggs! Well, not one, but a group."

"Always imitated, never surpassed."

Mu Chen smiled and looked at the statistical form Chen Fuhai handed over.

Hollywood wants to imitate him to create a movie world, not one or two, but no one has succeeded so far.

However, driven by profit, even after repeated failures and ridiculed by countless media, there are still an endless stream of film and television companies who want to create a movie world.

In the movie world, where is it so easy.

If it weren't for this, Mu Chen wouldn't have chosen the single-protagonist mode in the world of "Shading the Sky".

Let alone this world, even if it is another world.

DC is based on comics. After the success of the Marvel world, copyright fees also want to create a DC world. Isn’t it also a failure?

It may be easier to imitate or follow suit, but movie fans are more demanding and demanding.

"When will your brother's movie finish?" Chen Fuhai continued to ask.

"It's probably only two days!" Mu Chen said.

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan are currently filming "Lonely Hero" in the United States, but the promotion of "War God 2" has already started.

Today, the Spring Festival is less than a month away.

"Lonely Hero", a title that seems to have a slightly "passerby" temperament.

The film is adapted from the jewelry robbery case.

The title of the film was not chosen by Mu Chen, but by the screenwriter of the film.

This title may be complained by many movie fans in China, but fans in North America like it.

Mu Chen didn't have any opinion on this.

"Dream Films, did you mention when this movie will be released?" Chen Fuhai asked.

"No!" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "For the issue of schedule, you can discuss it with Harvey directly."

Whether it is Dream Films or Chenxi Films, the two film and television companies have produced and distributed a lot of films, and the schedule is very tight.In order to avoid collisions, it is natural to communicate in advance.

Chen Fuhai was about to say something, but he remembered Mu Chen's phone call.

"what happened?"

Seeing Mu Chen's strange expression, Chen Fuhai asked curiously.

"My girl got into a fight at school. I'm being called a parent."

As Mu Chen said that, he hurried out.

Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen's leaving back, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He knew that Mu Chen's kung fu was very high, and Li Ruoxi's kung fu was not bad either. Both of them had the habit of getting up early to practice boxing. It was natural for the two little guys in their family to practice martial arts.

It seems normal for people who practice martial arts to fight!
But when girls fight and are called parents, that's interesting.

I don't know what it's like for Mu Chen to go to school?
This is the first time for Mu Chen to be called a parent.

That girl Mu Xue is still very well-behaved, and when teaching her martial arts, she has repeatedly emphasized that she is not allowed to bully others with her kung fu.

Mu Chen also believed that her girl would not bully others.

Then there must be a reason for the fight.

As for why, the teacher didn't say, just let him go to school.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi protected Mu Xue very well, so their school knew that Mu Xue was his father's Mu Chen, probably only the principal.

Mu Xue's head teacher probably didn't even know.

His calls are probably from Mu Xue.

Hurry to school.

Mu Chen could find the school, but he couldn't find the teacher's office.

He picked up people at the school gate, but never entered the school.

Come to think of it, this is also his failure as a father.

Asked about the place and searched for it.

Before they arrived, they heard noisy voices from inside.

The voice was sharp, showing the anger of the speaker.

The content of the words is a bit ugly, but it reflects that the quality of the speaker is really not very good.

There are some persuasive voices beside him, which don't seem to be teachers.

Mu Chen walked to the door and looked inside, his face immediately became gloomy.

A woman was pointing at Mu Xue and cursing.

There are teachers and other parents who are persuading.However, that person didn't listen to persuasion at all, and cursed unrelentingly there.

But Mu Xue buried her head and didn't make a sound, but her tears were falling down.


Mu Chen stepped in, shielded Mu Xue behind him, looked at the man coldly, and said sharply, "How dare you point at a child and swear at him?"

"You are this little bitch"

One of them opened his mouth to curse again, but was frightened by Mu Chen's look.

"Xiao Xue is not crying, Dad is here!"

Mu Chen glared at the man, ignored him, but squatted down and looked at Mu Xue.


Mu Xue looked at Mu Chen, and burst into tears with a whoosh.

"They bullied Xiaoling, I tried to persuade them, but they didn't listen and wanted to beat me, so I beat them." Mu Xue cried, "Dad, am I wrong?"

"Our Xiaoxue is right!" Mu Chen said, "We don't bully others, but we can't let others bully us either."

"It's right to hit someone!" The man just now was displeased when he heard it, and said sharply, "Teacher, listen! It's right to beat someone. Your school also recruits such students? Expelled, must be expelled, why is my son It is possible to study in the same school with such a person!"

Mu Chen ignored the man, wiped away the tears on Mu Xue's face, glanced at the little boys with bruised noses and swollen faces not far away, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

There was also a little girl behind a grown man.

The adult had been persuading the teacher just now.

"Mu, Mu Chen!"

Mu Chen stood up, looked at the teacher, and was about to speak, but the teacher looked at Mu Chen, but was taken aback, then looked at Mu Chen in disbelief, speechless.

She never expected that Mu Xue's father would be Mu Chen, an internationally renowned director.

Is this a dream?
The scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Mu Chen with a look of shock.

They obviously didn't think of it either.


The bag in the hand of the person who shouted to fire Mu Xue just now fell to the ground.

There was a muffled sound, which seemed abrupt in the silent office, but the people present still did not recover.

(End of this chapter)

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