my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 550 Only Mu Chen Surpasses Mu Chen

Chapter 550 Only Mu Chen Surpasses Mu Chen
In addition to best soundtrack and best movie song, Mu Chen's personal nominations also include best screenplay and best director.

In addition, if the best foreign language film and the best picture are awarded, it is reasonable for Mu Chen to accept the award on stage.

As for whether he can win an award, who can say for sure?

The awards continued, and "Titanic" won the best photography, best cutting, and best costume design awards.

The best visual effects, and the best sound effects failed to win.

And Mu Chen also missed the best screenplay.

Justin won the best newcomer award again after the Oscar, but failed to win the best actor.

It is a pity that Lena, like Oscar, failed to win the title with this film.

In fact, whether they win or not, the two are also extremely popular in China.In other words, it has extremely high popularity in the world.

The old actor who was shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actress Award also failed to win.

However, the film won Best Foreign Language Film, Best Picture, and Best Director.

Three big prizes, all in the bag.

There is no doubt that "Titanic" is the biggest winner of this year's Golden Dragon Award.

Fifteen shortlisted and won nine prizes.Among them, Mu Chen personally won three awards.

If it wins a Best Actor or Best Actress, then it will be more confident to say that this film swept the Golden Dragon Awards.

It's a pity that like the Oscars, although there are many awards, it does not perform well in the actor awards. If it is said to be "sweeping", it will inevitably lose some confidence.

"Director Mu, "Titanic" won nine awards, and you personally won three awards including the best director. How do you feel about this? There are too many awards, and the joy of winning will be won't it fade away?"

After the awards ceremony was over, Mu Chen naturally attracted the attention of media reporters.

This year's Golden Dragon Awards, Mu Chen is the most concerned filmmaker, and also the most talked about filmmaker.

How could media reporters not interview?
"Who would think there are too many awards!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Of course I am happy to win the award, as happy as ever. After all, the same award, but the winning works are different! If you pay, you naturally hope to get someone else's award." sure."

Are you happy to win an award?
Nature is happy.

Is it really the same as winning awards in the past?

I'm afraid not!
The degree of joy and excitement is definitely different between winning for the first time and winning for the second time.

However, Mu Chen naturally wouldn't tell the truth.

"Then Director Mu, do you think "Titanic" will be your pinnacle work? Whether it's box office or awards? Or, do you have the confidence to surpass "Titanic" for your new film?"

The reporter asked.

The film "Titanic", whether it's box office or awards, is not an exaggeration to say that it is Mu Chen's pinnacle work.

Mu Chen has no works that can compare with it, especially for other filmmakers.

Whether it's box office or awards, it's all like this.

""Titanic" is definitely not my pinnacle work." Mu Chen said with a smile, "After all, I am still so young, there is still a long way to go, and there will be more works to appear. If this film is My pinnacle work, doesn't that mean that I will not improve in the future, or even regress?"

"As for whether the new film can surpass this film, I really don't have any confidence." Mu Chen continued, "My new film will make some attempts. Trying, it is inevitable that there will be risks. All I can do is to do as much as possible. Good. Besides, let’s not talk about the awards, but the box office. I think it will be very difficult to surpass the box office of "Titanic" in recent years. Unless the global film market explodes, it will be very difficult."

"Titanic" almost squeezed out the potential of the world's major film markets.

It can be said that this film has almost reached the limit of a movie box office.

This kind of film may not be released in ten years.

So, if you want to surpass the box office of this film in a short period of time, you can only hope that the film market will explode.

The film "Shading the Sky" itself has extremely high risks.

Whether it's Mu Chen or Chen Fuhai, in their opinion, if the box office of "Shading the Sky" can reach one billion US dollars, then it is a success.

If it reaches 20 billion US dollars, it will be too explosive.

"Do you also think it is difficult to surpass the box office of "Titanic" for the film where the superheroes gather and the villainous big boss Thanos fights?"

a reporter asked.

Not everyone knows that the movie is called "Guardian Alliance", so the reporter said that.

Although I don't know the title of the film, it doesn't affect the speculation about the film.

With such a long layout, everyone can see that it is not far from Thanos reaching the earth.

Fans can see it, and the discussion is very heated.

How could these media reporters not understand at all?
The script of "Guardian Alliance" has been revised and revised, and it has now been finalized.Moreover, after Mu Chen finished filming the first part of "Shading the Sky", he will start shooting this film.

That movie will also be Mu Chen's last superhero movie.

"Whether that movie can surpass it is hard to say, even if it surpasses it, so what?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "It's not that the movie itself surpassed "Titanic", but the cumulative superhero movie series surpassed it."

That film may indeed surpass the box office of "Titanic".

But that is obviously not the credit of a single movie, but the accumulated result of superhero movies after such a long layout.

Victory is not military.

"There is such a movie! Director Mu, when is the movie going to start? Will you direct it yourself?"

A reporter spoke.

There have been many rumors about that film, but there has been no official response.

"Estimated next year!" Mu Chen said, "If there are no accidents, I will direct that movie."

"Then Director Mu, what kind of movie is your new movie, and when will it start?"

News of Mu Chen's new film has been circulating, but there has been no movement.

For Mu Chen in the past, a movie was released, and a new movie will start soon.

Nowadays, Mu Chen's filming period is undoubtedly longer.

"A new movie? A movie with a fantasy theme." Mu Chen said, "If there are no accidents, it will probably start at the end of April!"

End of April?
So it's only been a month?

The reporters wanted to ask more about Mu Chen's new movie, but Mu Chen brushed it off with a few words.

Obviously, Mu Chen didn't want to reveal too much.

"'Titanic' sweeps the Golden Dragon Awards!"

"Mu Chen won the best director again!"

"Most Musically Talented Film Director!"

"Mu Chen laughs at himself for making music for movies because he is poor!"

"Who can surpass Titanic?"

"Mu Chen's new movie wants to create a fantasy world!"

The Golden Dragon Awards ceremony is over, but the related topics are far from over.

This year's Golden Dragon Awards, Mu Chen is undoubtedly the most talked about filmmaker.

This is the Golden Dragon Award for Mu Chen, and it is also the Golden Dragon Award for "Titanic".

Those actors who were crowned queens and emperors also had to be eclipsed in front of Mu Chen and "Titanic".

"The only one who can surpass "Titanic" is Mu Chen himself." Marin said with a smile, "Look at this sentence, it's like treating the world's directors like nothing!"

"You try to surpass one?" Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

"I think the media is right." Zhao Jin said with a smile.

"You asked us to come because you said these sour words?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Beyond Titanic?
Mu Chen really didn't have much confidence.Even if there are countless classic movies from another world in his mind.

No way, who made "Titanic" almost the pinnacle of another world!
In that world, let's not talk about awards or anything, just talk about the box office.

There are only two films that surpassed its box office: "Avatar" and "Avengers 4"!
The film "Avatar" has been filmed by Mu Chen long ago, and now it has just been surpassed by "Titanic".

And "Avengers 4", this world is probably gone.

Because the Marvel Cinematic Universe was changed beyond recognition by Mu Chen.

"Guardian Alliance" may also have some relationship with "Avengers 4".

Therefore, if the box office of "Guardian Alliance" cannot surpass that of "Titanic", then "Titanic" will definitely stay on the global box office list for many years.

And "Guardian Alliance" must be directed by Mu Chen, so Mu Chen is the only one who surpasses "Titanic".

"You guys are just incidental." Marin smiled and said, "The main reason is that Yuxin wants Ruoxi and the others to help her refer to something."

"Shouldn't you give her a reference?" Zhao Jin said.

"It's sad!" Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

When Marin heard this, he was not angry, and curled his lips and said, "It seems that you understand women's thoughts very well."

"Who did the best man and bridesmaid look for?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

Marin and Xie Yuxin's wedding is scheduled for mid-April.

Now, some corresponding preparations have naturally begun.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids are essential.

"There are people in the circle, and there are people outside the circle." Ma Lin said, "The best man in the circle is only Wang Yi, and the bridesmaid is Peng Mi."

When Marin gets married, many people in the circle will definitely invite him.

If the best man and bridesmaids are all outside the circle, it will inevitably be somewhat inconvenient.

"I'm about to embark on another journey in my life, how do you feel?" Wang Hao asked with a smile.

"You should ask him when he can catch up." Zhao Jin said.

It goes without saying what to catch up with.

"Do you think you are the same as you, marrying a son?" Ma Lin gave Zhao Jin a blank look and said.

"Do I have it?" Zhao Jin said.

"You can consider it." Mu Chen said, "You are not too old."

"It's not in a hurry." Marin said.

"Where are you going to spend your honeymoon after getting married?" Wang Hao said, "Would you like those of us who have been here to give you some advice!"

"What do you think Yuxin asked Ruoxi and the others to refer to?" Marin said with a curled lip.

When Mu Chen and the others heard this, they were taken aback.

"I thought I was asking them to refer to the wedding dress or something!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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