my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 553 The only selling point

Chapter 553 The only selling point
Compared with "I'm Not the God of Medicine", the fans of the film "Youth in Youth" are much more limited.

Both films involve some social topics, but the former has a much wider base of fans.

The former, people of all ages are easily touched, while the latter is very difficult to do.

Mu Chen had seen the finished film of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

However, Mu Chen hadn't watched "Youth in Youth", but he had heard from Chen Fuhai that the filming was extremely good, and it was indeed a high-quality film.

For these two films, the expectations on the awards are actually much higher than the expectations on the box office.

Of course, the big hit at the box office can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

"Youth in Youth" is scheduled for the summer vacation, but it will be released later in August.

This summer, although Mu Chen didn't have any of his films released, Chenxi Films did not lack for releases.

In early July, "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" hits theaters!
These days, superhero movies are a summer must-have.

Either the Chinese superheroes produced by Chenxi Films will be released, or the American superhero-related films produced by Dream Films will be released.

Anyway, during the summer vacation, there will be superheroes active on the big screen.

The only question is whether the superhero belongs to China or the West.

Although "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is no longer directed by Mu Chen, it still has the expectations of countless superhero fans.

Even, it has received the expectations of countless sci-fi fans.

In June, the promotion of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" gradually increased, and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" also announced that it will be postponed to July.

At this time, the box office of the film has exceeded 30 billion.

Although it will be released for one month, there are very few films scheduled, and the possibility of breaking 40 billion is already slim.

However, even so, this film has made countless people jealous.

Director Lu Hai even became famous with this film.

Of course, it's not just the director who became popular. Except for Huang Yao, the lead actor, the supporting actors were not well-known before, but now they are all undoubtedly popular.

In July, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" was released, and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was gradually drawn down.

It is a pity that the film failed to reach the 40 billion mark in the end.

And the foreign box office of the film is not so good as everyone speculates.

The box office in Southeast Asia is still so-so, and the box office in North America and Europe is a bit "horrible".

Relying on "Mu Chen's screenwriter", the box office hit in China and other gimmicks, the box office in North America on the first day broke 3000 million US dollars, and then the cumulative box office only broke [-] million US dollars.

The domestic box office is nearly 40 billion, while the foreign box office is less than [-] million US dollars.

There are many such cases, but films written by Mu Chen are extremely rare, especially in recent years.

In recent years, the films written by Mu Chen have achieved considerable box office worldwide.

Many movie fans wondered why Mu Chen wrote such a film that was only aimed at the domestic market.

However, it is said that Mu Chen wrote this film a long time ago, but he just forgot it in a corner of the study.

The script of this film was written long ago, but it was left in the study.

As soon as the news came out, fans who were puzzled were immediately relieved.

After all, Mu Chen's previous works were only aimed at the domestic market.

Then, this incident also aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

A script dug out from the study room, with a box office of several billion?
So, are there still billions left in Mu Chen's study?
When "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" was released, "Shading the Sky" was filming for more than three months, and it was also coming to an end, and the filming was imminent.

"If the box office of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is not as good as the previous one, how many media will jump out and step on it?" Li Ruoxi said to Mu Chen with a smile.

She also appeared in "Shading the Sky", but she only showed one side in the first part.

Basically, it appears at the end of the film as an easter egg.

However, the role she plays is undoubtedly an extremely important role in the entire "world that covers the sky".

Ruthless Emperor.

Li Ruoxi plays this wonderful human empress.

Although Mu Chen's "World of Shrouding the Sky" is quite different from the original novel, some characters in it are borrowed from it.

For example, Emperor Ruthless, Emperor Wushi, etc.

If such a movie world is successfully created, then an outstanding character like the Ruthless Emperor will definitely produce a "spoiler" movie.

"Just step on it." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Although the box office of "Sword Immortal 2" and "War God 2" is not as good as the previous ones, they have broken through 15 billion US dollars. I don't know how many film and television companies are jealous of this box office." What's more, the box office of "Guardians of the Galaxy and 2", the company was already prepared to not be as good as the previous work."

No way, the first film was filmed by Mu Chen, who can match his box office appeal?
In terms of the director's box office appeal, the second part is inherently insufficient.

Moreover, with Mu Chen Yuzhu in the lead, fans of the follow-up will naturally be much harsher.

"Sword Immortal 2" and "Valkyrie 2" are not as good as their predecessors at the box office, and "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" may not escape this fate.

Mu Chen is the creator of this movie universe, and the movies he directed are naturally more recognized by fans of superhero movies.

This is like Mu Chen saying that Thanos is the most powerful character, and he has always been at the top of the combat power list.

And so is it.

As Mu Chen and others guessed, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is worse than the first one in terms of box office and word-of-mouth.

Of course, there are only a few.

Compared with the films released in the same period, the popularity of this film is still at the top of the list.

On the first day of its release, the film won the single-day box office champion in both North America and China.

Judging from the box office trend of his films, the final box office may not be as good as the first film directed by Mu Chen, but the box office breaking 15 billion US dollars is still a sure thing.

It didn't surpass the first one, and some media, such as "Sword Immortal 2" and "War God 2", began to be sour on this series of movies again.

For several consecutive films, the box office is not as good as before.This is the rhythm of going downhill!

And then, those media fans of superheroes get blasted for nothing.

are you crazy!

A movie that grossed more than $15 billion and made a lot of money turned out to be a failure.

This is not success, what is success?
How many films worldwide have a box office of more than 15 billion U.S. dollars each year?

Mu Chen didn't bother to pay attention, it was just to gain attention, if they responded to this, they wouldn't have that much face.

Shortly after the release of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", "Shading the Sky" was successfully completed.

The finale was very low-key, no press conference was held, and no celebration banquet was held.

The post-production time of this film is expected to be not short, so there is no need to consume the popularity of this film in advance.

"Why don't you play for a while?"

Back at the company, Mu Chen was taken aback when he saw Ma Lin, and then said.

"There's nothing on my side, and it doesn't matter if I take a longer rest. But Yuxin's side can't do it. Countless patients are waiting for her to save their lives!" Marin said with a smile.

"Yes!" Mu Chen smiled and nodded.

Xie Yuxin is a doctor. During the holidays, she is indeed not so free.

"When will "Terracotta Warriors and Horses 2" be launched?" Mu Chen asked.

"I went in October." Marin said, "Although my film doesn't have much hope for the box office, it still needs to be promoted."

Marin's film for himself is scheduled for September, a less competitive schedule.

Mu Chen nodded.

Mu Chen had seen that movie, it was a bit literary, but it was not without commercial elements.

Perhaps, many people will see some shadows of themselves in the film.

It was a film that made many people feel involved.

After substitution, different people may have different feelings.

The movie was a good movie, but Mu Chen couldn't say how well it sold at the box office.

However, there is little chance of losing money.

Even if the cost of the film is included in Zhao Jin's salary, it is not high.

What's more, Zhao Jin has been getting dividends for a long time, and this film is also the same.

Therefore, regardless of the salary of Zhao Jin and others, the production cost of this film is pitifully low.

With a box office of more than [-] million, it can basically pay back.Of course, directors and actors basically didn't pay dividends.

But now, the box office on the first day can easily exceed [-] million to [-] million. With the box office appeal of Ma Lin and Zhao Jin, even if the film is more literary, the total box office will not even reach [-] million.

"Oh, that's right! When will we make red envelopes?" Mu Chen seemed to think of something, and asked immediately.


Marin didn't understand, and looked at Mu Chen with some doubts.

"My second child has gone to school, and those two boys from Wang Hao's family are probably ready to play soy sauce soon." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Ma Lin heard it, he didn't understand why Mu Chen was giving birth!
"Why are you the same as my dad!" Marin rolled his eyes and said angrily.

When you are not married, urge you to get married.

After getting married, give birth to a baby!

It's okay to be urged by parents, but now I have to be urged by friends.

Is it my fault for getting married late?

Marin was very depressed.He walked out of Mu Chen's office and met Yang Min head-on.They greeted each other, seemingly casually, but a hint of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of both of them.

In August, "Youth in Youth" will be released soon, and the publicity is getting stronger and stronger.

The promotion of the whole film revolves around the "screenwriter Mu Chen".

As for the director and actors, they are basically newcomers, so they don't have much box office appeal.

The most attractive part of this film is probably the screenwriter of the film.

Perhaps, it is also the only selling point of this film.

"Director Mu, is "You Are a Young Man" a script that you forgot in a corner of your study like "I'm Not the God of Medicine"? After "I'm Not the God of Medicine" hit the box office, did you go to the study to check it out? If you turn it over, you may not be able to turn it over to billions!"

The popularity of the film is getting higher and higher, and Mu Chen, the screenwriter at the center of the topic, is naturally asked by the media.

"When "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was a big hit at the box office, I was still filming on the set. How could I go to the study?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "The script of "Youth in Youth" was written after meeting the director Chen Guodong. I just wrote it."

"Director Chen Guodong wants to make a movie about campus bullying, and I think this campus issue should be brought to the big screen to attract more people's attention." Mu Chen said, "So, I wrote such a script .”

(End of this chapter)

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