my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 57 Mu Chen's New Drama

Chapter 57 Mu Chen's New Drama
After returning home, Mr. Xiao's mood has calmed down a lot.

"Old Battalion Commander, I have suffered for you these years." Xiao Zhongguo saw that the house had just been repaired, so he didn't need to look at it. He also knew a little about how Mu Qingshan lived these years.

"It's nothing bad. Compared to the past, I don't know how much better it is." Mu Qingshan shook his head and said.

"Hey, if you didn't save me back then, how could you have been injured and retired. Now..." Xiao Zhongguo sighed, but he didn't say anything.

There is no if in this world.

If not, how far my old battalion commander can go is not certain!

Perhaps higher than their achievements!
It's really good-for-nothing!
"Why are you still talking about him in the past." Mu Qingshan smiled, "I'm fine now. Although my son is not very good, our two grandsons are now big stars."

Mu Qingshan laughed as he spoke, as if he was very satisfied with the two brothers Mu Ze.

"Why didn't you come to me back then?" Xiao Zhongguo said.

The "beginning" that Xiao Zhongguo said naturally refers to the most difficult time for the Mu family.

It was also at that time that Mu Ze had to drop out of school to work.

"Who knows who is alive!" Mu Qingshan shook his head and said.

Xiao Zhongguo was silent.

The two old men chatted without saying a word.

Xiao Han listened, lost interest, and then took Mu Chen and others out, letting them take them around.

"The scenery is beautiful."

Xiao Han climbed to the top of the mountain behind Mu Chen's house, glanced around, and couldn't help sighing.

"When I have money in the future, I will definitely make this a holy place for leisure and tourism." Mu Chen said with a smile.

There are mountains and lakes around his house. If it really invests in development, it may not be unreliable.What's more, his home is not far from the county seat, and the transportation is convenient.

"Didn't you just win 5000 million?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

Hundreds of thousands every minute, Xiao Han has heard Mu Chen's words.

It seems to be a joke, but it is a fact.

Sometimes Mu Chen is not hundreds of thousands every minute.

Just like this martial arts competition, it was tens of millions every minute.

Of course, this is counting the time on the ring, not the whole journey.

"Not enough." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

He is just starting now, and it is impossible to spend money here.

5000 million may not be able to handle it.

"I still have money." Li Ruoxi suddenly said, "I won tens of millions this time!"

Mu Ze opened his mouth, but finally didn't say anything.

He also has a lot of money, but compared to Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, it's nothing.

After all, it wasn't long before he became popular.

However, even if it didn't take long, the income during this period was countless times more than that earned by playing tricks in the film and television city.

"Aren't you afraid of getting lost?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"I'm not short of money, so it's just a waste of time." Li Ruoxi said indifferently.

She is indeed not short of money.

Not to mention that she has a rich father, her ability to earn money by herself is also amazing.

"What's more, there is potential for development here." Li Ruoxi continued, "Aside from other things, if this mountain is filled with peach blossoms, it will definitely be full of tourists during weekends."

"Then think about it." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He didn't refuse, and it wasn't easy to refuse.

He knew Li Ruoxi, and it was always better to accept than to refuse.

Accept, Li Ruoxi will be happy.

If she refuses, Li Ruoxi will only be sad.

Mu Chen didn't want to make Li Ruoxi sad because of this.

What's more, Mu Chen is not so masculine, and feels sorry for using Li Ruoxi's money.

If he was such a person, I am afraid that even if Li Minhui said it was a test, he would not have accepted the 3000 million check.

He is also optimistic about this project and does not think he will lose money.

Even if the project fails and loses money, it doesn't matter, at least the folks in the village have benefited.

As for Li Ruoxi's money, it will be compensated in the future.

With an investment of tens of millions, it is naturally impossible to throw money directly in a flash of enthusiasm, and a long-term plan is needed.

However, Xiao Han was not very interested in this matter.

The scenery here is good, and it is not uncommon to see better scenery than here in all parts of the country.

He is just bored.

The boring time will soon pass, Mr. Xiao has a special status, it is impossible to stay at Mu Chen's house for a long time.

Staying overnight is also the limit that Mr. Xiao insisted on.

Mu Chen and the others did not stay at home for a long time, but they did not return to Beijing with Mr. Xiao, but went directly to the film and television city.

"Brother, you have to seize the opportunity when you go, can you go home?"

Before Mu Chen finished speaking, Mu Ze made a plan.

"It's not easy to go home. If you can't find a girlfriend, can't you find an actor?" Mu Ze said.

When Mu Ze and the others left their hometown, his mother directly ordered Mu Ze to die.

Either bring your girlfriend back or don't!

The reason is simple, as a younger brother, Mu Chen already has a girlfriend, but as an older brother, Mu Ze is still single, are you embarrassed?

"If Mom finds out that you're pretending to be an actor, I'll beat you to death." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

"Brother is actually saying that he wants to find an actor to be his girlfriend." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

When Mu Chen heard it, he laughed.

Mu Ze pursed his lips and remained silent.

How could he not know that Mu Chen and the two were teasing about his affair with Su Xiaowan.

Mu Chen and others came to the film and television city, and the rest of the main creators were also present.

Mu Chen didn't invest in the new drama alone, and naturally many of the actors also had people from other companies.

The launch of the new drama was no longer as low-key as "Fist of Fury", but a launch conference was held.

A "Fist of Fury" has created many records, and Mu Chen's new play naturally attracts attention.

What's more, Mu Chen had just killed Xue Dong in an instant on the ring, and the topic was intense, so many reporters came to the launch conference.

""Swordsman"! Is this the title of Mu Chen's new drama?"

Many reporters looked at the banner and were a little surprised.

The title of this play is undoubtedly very exciting.

There are many classic martial arts dramas, Mu Chen thought about it, and finally chose the martial arts drama "Swordsman".

In fact, shooting "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is also a good choice, but Mu Ze's temperament is too different from Guo Jing, especially Chen Zhen in "Fist of Fury" is too impressive. The audience is hard to accept.

And Li Ruoxi may not be able to play the role of Huang Rong alive.

What's more, if "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is filmed, then if "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is not afraid, it will inevitably leave regrets.

Mu Chen didn't plan to spend too long on martial arts dramas, and he didn't even intend to keep tossing in the field of TV dramas.

TV shows are just a transition.

Of course, if he is free, Mu Chen doesn't mind writing about these two TV series.

There are many versions of this TV series, but Mu Chen has not watched all the versions.

He did not follow a certain version, but borrowed from the versions he had read, took the essence and discarded the dross.There are also many innovations in martial arts design.

Of course, Mu Chen was not responsible for all the martial arts design in this play.

The cast of this show is naturally much stronger.

The leading male lead, Linghu Chong, is naturally played by Mu Ze. He is no longer the same as when he participated in "Jing Fu Men".The salary is no longer doubled, but directly added zeros, it's just a matter of a few zeros.

The female number one Ren Yingying is played by Li Ruoxi.

The second female Yue Lingshan is played by Su Xiaowan.

The second male, Yue Buqun, is an old actor with good acting skills, while the third male, Lin Pingzhi, is a newcomer.

Both of them are signed artists of other investment film and television companies.

Zhao Jin, Wang Hao and others did not participate in this drama again, not because Mu Chen didn't invite, but because after "Fist of Fury" became popular, they kept making appointments and there was no schedule during this period.

The media reporters had arrived, and Mu Chen immediately led the main creator out.

"Thank you for coming to the launch conference of "Swordsman". "Swordsman" is the second work directed by me. You have already guessed the title of the drama. Yes, this is a martial arts drama"

(End of this chapter)

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