my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 6 My happiness depends on you

Chapter 6 My happiness depends on you
Mu Chen's Weibo post was just an emoji, but its lethality was unimaginable.

Zhang Yi instantly became the target of countless netizens' ridicule.

The heat didn't catch on, but caused a commotion.

While Zhang Yi was angry, he also regretted it.

Why?So many people scolded you, you didn't respond, but you hit me back so sharply.

There was also confusion in his anger.

Slander you, bully you, insult you, laugh at you, despise you, despise you, hate you, lie to you, don't you want to endure me, let me, let me, avoid me, endure me, respect me, and ignore me?

you liar!
Is this how you put up with me?

You scolded me so hard that I became the target of ridicule by many netizens.

So, will your conscience really not hurt?
Mu Chen's two emoticons became popular on the Internet and became the treasures of many netizens.The origin of these two pictures is naturally widely known by netizens.He, Zhang Yi, became the "image spokesperson" who gave up treatment when he died of illness!

As the two Ma Lin said, that Zhang Yi was really KO'd by Mu Chen.

As soon as Mu Chen's Weibo was posted, Zhang Yi was still jumping up and down, but he had become a laughing stock in the eyes of netizens.

The image is damaged, and if the public relations are not timely, it may also affect the star path.

This is the case in the entertainment industry, a microblog can ruin one's stardom.

Mu Chen didn't pay any more attention, he was already thinking about what to shoot!

Web drama?

Mu Chen was the first to be ruled out.It may be an exaggeration to say that there is a world behind him.But he doesn't know how many movies and TV shows are in his mind, and he may not finish filming them all in his life. He doesn't need to make any online dramas.

Although he doesn't discriminate against online dramas.

However, web dramas have not yet become popular after all.

With 3000 million in hand, there is no need to shoot online dramas.

TV, movies?
Mu Chen struggled for a while, and finally chose to shoot a TV series.

He is just a student who is about to graduate and has no experience. If he directly makes a movie, whether he can control it is the second. In terms of publicity, he has a natural disadvantage.

Whether a movie is popular or not depends not only on quality, but also on publicity.

What's more, this movie is still for flattering people.

He directed it, his brother starred in it, how many people went to see it?Even, whether it can be released is a problem.

If the movie is not popular, how can people be popular?
Praise people, TV dramas are often faster than movies.

I decided to make a TV series, so I had to think about what kind of TV series to shoot.

In the previous life, there were many popular TV dramas, and there were also many TV dramas with popular actors.

However, Mu Chen is very clear that whether a TV series becomes popular or not depends on many factors.It exploded in the previous life, but it may not be so in this world now.

Acclimatization is not impossible.

So, I have been studying the market these days.

The market is in demand, and the quality is absolutely hard, so it is most likely to explode.

This time, he was not allowed to fail.

To fail means to lose.

After some research, Mu Chen made a decision, and immediately began to write the script, cut shots, renderings, etc.

Everything is complete, that is to form a crew and find actors.

Mu Chen took out his phone, wanted to call his brother Mu Ze, but put it down, and went directly to the film and television city.

This has to be said face to face.

There are many film and television cities in Huaguo, and Mu Ze has been staying in the film and television city not far from Yanjing for several years.

At the beginning, I played some dead bodies, and then I gradually became able to play live ones. After a few years, I still get a role with a few lines of dialogue from time to time.

The last time Mu Chen talked to Mu Ze on the phone, he heard that he was spotted by a Xiangjiang director, and he acted as a martial arts stand-in while playing a small role in an action movie.

Mu Chen and Mu Ze practiced martial arts with their grandfather since they were young, and learned the true inheritance of Bajiquan. Of course, they also dabbled in other boxing arts to some extent.

In this respect, Mu Ze is much better than Mu Chen.

But that's another matter now.

There is kung fu in the body, but there is little use for it.

Otherwise, Mu Ze has been in the film and television city for so many years, and it wouldn't be like this.

Of course, Mu Ze didn't dare to take such a job before.

He has not practiced his strength thoroughly, it is difficult to send and receive freely, and he is inexperienced, so accidents are easy to happen.

Kung fu movies and martial arts movies are on the decline, and action movies are already on the verge of struggling. This is the status quo of the Chinese film industry today.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no market for Kung Fu and martial arts films.

After a lot of research, Mu Chen decided to shoot a kung fu TV series.

He wants to make Mu Ze a kung fu superstar.

Nowadays, when action actors are in short supply, it is undoubtedly faster and smoother for Mu Ze, a person with real kung fu, to take such a path.

Mu Ze is two years older than Mu Chen, but he is only 24 now.The two brothers have somewhat similar faces, Mu Ze is darker and Mu Chen is taller.

"Xiao Chen!" Mu Ze returned to the small farmyard he rented out, but saw Mu Chen looking at him with a smile, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Looking for you!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Why are you looking for me? It's time for dinner, talking while eating! I just received the money, please have a good meal." Mu Ze said and pulled Mu Chen out.

"How about the crew you were with?"

After sitting down, Mu Chen asked.

"It's just finished today." Mu Ze smiled, and then asked, "What about you? You're about to graduate. Tell me, why did you come to find me in the film and television city?"

"Looking for your help!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Isn't this about graduating? I wrote a script, raised a sum of money, and prepared to make a TV series."

"Are you a director?" Mu Ze was stunned for a moment and said.

He has been in the film and television city for so long, and he doesn't know how easy it is to get ahead in this circle.

"I'm the director, you're the starring role." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"How much investment?" Mu Ze asked casually with a smile.

He didn't think Mu Chen, a new director who just graduated, could get much investment.

"3000 million!" Mu Chen said.

"How much?" Mu Ze was a little surprised.

3000 million, for today's TV series, it is not a big production, but it is definitely not small.Of course, the premise is that you don't invite those popular actors.

"With such a large investment, you let me, a walk-on, be the leading role?" Mu Ze shook his head and said, "Will the investor agree? Xiaochen, you just graduated, and it's not easy to get the investment. Give me a small supporting role That's fine. Wait until you gain a firm foothold in the circle, and then praise me."

Mu Ze naturally knew why Mu Chen applied for the film and television academy back then, and he tried his best to stop it, but to no avail.

Brothers are all thinking of each other.

"The investor asked you to play the leading role by name." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He knew that his brother would definitely not agree.

It really can't be done on the phone.

"You haven't been beaten for a few years, your skin is itchy!" Mu Ze pouted and said, "If I play tricks, that investor will know me?"

The two brothers had quarreled and fought a lot since childhood.

Of course, Mu Chen wins every quarrel, and when it escalates into a fight, he loses.

"My future father-in-law!" Mu Chen continued.

"What? Who?" Mu Ze said, "Your future father-in-law, you might as well say that a rich woman likes your brother and pays me for it!"

Mu Chen had a girlfriend, and Mu Ze also knew about it.

However, it is only to know the name.Li Ruoxi's family situation, and even now the relationship between the two is raging, because they were busy filming before and did not pay attention.

"A rich woman has a crush on you, even if she pays for you, she won't ask me to shoot you!" Mu Chen said.

"Oh!" Mu Ze was speechless when he heard that.

It looks like it makes sense.

The truth of the fart, which rich woman would take a fancy to me as a deadly trick.

"Your future father-in-law will give you 3000 million to make a TV series, and you still want me to play the leading role?" Mu Ze asked.

How does this matter look weird?

"He has so much money and nowhere to spend it!"

Seeing Mu Chen nodded, Mu Ze said sharply, how could he believe it.

"Ruoxi's father is Li Minhui, chairman of Wansheng Group. He does have a lot of money!" Mu Chen said.

Li Minhui is a well-known rich man, how could Mu Ze not know.

"You took the money?"

Mu Ze was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, his face became serious.

In his opinion, that money cannot be taken, even if it is Mu Chen's future father-in-law.

"I have to take it!" Mu Chen naturally saw that Mu Ze had misunderstood, and then smiled, "This is a test given by him! Either make you famous, or get out. He said his daughter can fall in love with a poor man, but Never fall in love with a trash."

Mu Ze opened his mouth and was stunned.

And such a father?
Why do I still believe it?

Could it be that people who are awesome can't judge it with common sense.

There is no doubt that the person who once ascended to the throne of the richest man in China is good or not.

"Brother, my happiness depends on you, brother, you have to help me!" Mu Chen continued.

Mu Chen knew Mu Ze well, if he didn't tell the truth, he would definitely not be the lead actor.

(End of this chapter)

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