my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 60 Nomination

Chapter 60 Nomination
It takes a lot of courage for a star entertainer in the entertainment industry to fall in love.This is especially true for people like Su Xiaowan who are on the rise.

If you don't fall in love, you will definitely become popular and become a big star that everyone is looking forward to.

If you fall in love, then there is a great risk that the upward trend will stop suddenly, or even the popularity will decline, and eventually everyone will disappear.

Such examples are too common in the entertainment industry.

Who doesn't want to be popular in the entertainment industry?

It's a trade-off, and it's a risk.

It is also very common for people who give up their careers for love and fail to get together in the end.

The entertainment industry is so fucked up.The love of people in the circle has also become very cautious.

Li Ruoxi frankly admitted her love, and her popularity rose instead of falling. It was because she had the support of her company, and because of Mu Chen's talent, fans gradually accepted her.

The two of them are not reproducible.

Su Xiaowan sighed, she would not hesitate just because of Li Ruoxi's few words.

Let's do it by chance!
Be it Su Xiaowan or Mu Ze, they are actually still very young, younger than many so-called "little flowers" and "little fresh meats".

People in the circle of their age really rarely think about this matter.

The fact that Mu Ze was urged by his family was purely because people in the country get married early, not to mention that as a younger brother, Mu Chen already had a girlfriend.

Filming continued, although the fighting scenes in "Swordsman" are not as good as in "Fist of Fury", every episode has them, but there are quite a few.

What's more, fighting scenes in martial arts dramas are completely different from fighting scenes in kung fu dramas, and it is much more difficult to shoot.

At least in Mu Chen's view, it was much more difficult.

However, those fight scenes were well-designed before the filming started, and even the rehearsals were filmed smoothly.

"Fist of Fury" tells the truth, while "Swordsman" is ethereal.

Dugu Nine Swords, Evil Sword Manual, Star Absorbing Dafa, Sunflower Collection.
Mu Chen was extremely satisfied with the design of those familiar martial arts, and the post-production made them shine.

One person counts the short, and everyone counts the long.Not only does Mu Chen have his own team, but he also has a lot of film and television works as references. If he can't design amazing moves like this, then don't shoot.

"The program team of the Spring Festival Gala sent invitations to you two brothers." Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen and said.

"We two brothers?" Mu Chen said in surprise, "Then let us two brothers make a show alone, or together?"

"Anything is fine!" Chen Fuhai said.

With his role as Chen Zhen in "Fist of Fury", Mu Ze is definitely one of the hottest stars this year, not to mention a household name.

What's more, "Fist of Fury" is broadcast on CCTV.

As the male protagonist of this TV series that created a record ratings, it is not surprising that Mu Ze was invited.

And what about Mu Chen?

After the relationship with Li Ruoxi was exposed, the topic has hardly been broken. It can be said that this year's "topic king", and several of Mu Chen's songs are also popular, and the popularity is extremely high.With the CCTV Spring Festival Gala whose ratings were getting lower and lower, it was no surprise to invite him.

Among the stars with strong appeal among young people, the Mu Chen brothers definitely have a place.

If the Spring Festival Gala wants to increase cleaning, it is natural to find ways to start with young people.

Old people have the habit of watching the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, but young people do not.

"Help me push mine!" Mu Chen thought for a while, then said, "I can't spare time to attend the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal."

"Your brother's answer?" Chen Fuhai asked.

He still guessed a bit about this result.

Mu Chen's reputation is no worse than Mu Ze's, but he is a director after all, and he prefers behind the scenes.

Of course, there was another main reason. The filming of "Swordsman" was in full swing, and he, the director, simply couldn't leave.If you leave, the progress of the crew will be affected, and it will be difficult to finish filming before the Spring Festival.

Mu Chen's need for the Spring Festival Gala is not so urgent. If it affects the filming of "Swordsman", it will undoubtedly be worth the candle.

Mu Chen and Mu Ze were invited, and Li Ruoxi probably was no exception.

"Invited by the Spring Festival Gala?" Mu Chen asked Li Ruoxi with a smile.

As the heroine of "Fist of Fury", Li Ruoxi can be described as one of the hottest actors this year.

What's more, her music albums are very popular, and the variety shows she participated in are also very popular, and she has topped the topic list and hot search list several times.She is also the most topical and well-received young female star this year.

It was no surprise that she was invited to the Spring Festival Gala.

"What song are you going to sing?" Seeing Li Ruoxi nodding, Mu Chen asked with a smile.

Li Ruoxi is not only an actor, but also a singer. Nine out of ten of her performances in the Spring Festival Gala are due to her singing skills.

As for inviting him and Mu Ze, I'm afraid it's mostly kung fu performances.

"Not reported yet." Li Ruoxi said while looking at Mu Chen with a smile.

"Then try submitting the ending song of "Swordsman"?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"The ending song? Have you written it? Why not the theme song?" Li Ruoxi asked immediately.

"The theme song is suitable for old men. It's not suitable for you." Mu Chen smiled and said, "The ending song is actually very good."

"Really?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

Even though she asked, she actually believed it.

"When have I ever lied to you!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Chen never thought of making a movie version of "Swordsman", so both the theme song and the ending song of this TV series are the theme songs of the movie.

The theme song "A Laugh from the Sea" is really not suitable for Li Ruoxi to sing.

However, the ending song "Laughing in the Red Dust" is very suitable.

If Li Ruoxi performed "Smile in the Red Dust" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it would undoubtedly be a kind of publicity for "Swordsman".

Although, at that time, the TV series was probably finished soon, and it had not yet entered the promotion period.

It is also good to warm up the publicity in advance.

After the end of the year, the Spring Festival is getting closer, and the topic of the Spring Festival Gala is getting hotter and hotter.

Netizens are already predicting how much the ratings of this year's Spring Festival Gala will decline, and of course they are also paying attention to those guests invited.

In mid-January, "Swordsman" is coming to an end, and the filming is imminent.

This year's New Year's Eve is at the beginning of February, before New Year's Eve, it must be completed, several days earlier than expected.

However, Mu Chen's tense nerves did not relax.

Today, the topic of the Spring Festival Gala has been on the hot search, and Mu Ze and Li Ruoxi will be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, which still surprises many people.

The hottest topic is no longer the Spring Festival Gala, but the nomination list for the Golden Dragon Awards.

Mu Chen hadn't made a movie yet, so the nomination for the Golden Dragon Award had nothing to do with him, but he paid attention to it.

The film industry will enter sooner or later, so it's good to know about it in advance.

The Golden Dragon Award has nothing to do with him, but it is estimated that he should be included in the Golden Phoenix Award.

The nomination list for the Golden Phoenix Award was announced, but it was beyond Mu Chen's expectations.

"This is going to go against the sky!"

The nomination list for the Golden Phoenix Award was announced, and the Internet went viral immediately.

The most dazzling of the entire nomination list is undoubtedly "Fist of Fury", that is, Mu Chen.

Best Film and Television Series, Best Director, Best Actor, Most Popular Actor, Most Popular Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Newcomer Actor, Best Newcomer Director, Best Film and Television Song, Best Film and Television Soundtrack , Best Screenplay, Best Editing and more than a dozen nominations.

Among them, there are two Best Supporting Actors.

Huo Yuanjia played by Gao Hua was nominated, and Cai Xuefu played by Zhao Jin was also nominated.

There are quite a few Golden Phoenix awards, but "Jing Fu Men", a TV series directed by a newcomer, has won most of the nominations, which is really surprising.

Among the most important awards, there are no nominations for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress.

Mu Chen personally won five nominations for best director, best new director, best film and television song, best soundtrack, and best film and television script.

And Mu Ze also won three nominations for Best Actor, Most Popular Actor, and Best New Actor.

Two brothers, eight nominations, and the voices are extremely high, which made countless netizens shout "Go against the sky".

They are all newcomers!
When did newcomers become so fierce?

(End of this chapter)

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