Chapter 66

Missing three awards in a row, Mu Chen's mood was naturally affected. He was able to keep me smiling all thanks to his acting skills.

Although, many awards were not nominated for Mu Chen's own ability.

But now that he has been nominated, who doesn't want to win an award?

Even if he is just a porter, he still hopes that things from his world will be recognized in this world!
There are four nominations for the best film and television song, some come from popular TV dramas like "The Great Wall Will Never Fall", and some come from unpopular TV shows, some are very popular, and some have never been heard.

Among them, "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" is undoubtedly the most popular and popular.

"The winner of the best film and television song is: Mu Chen's "The Great Wall Will Never Fall"!"

The award presenters did not wait for a long time to announce the results like other awards, but went straight to the point.

In this way, many people are not used to it.

"Sleeping for a hundred years."

As soon as the result came out, I immediately thought of the song "The Great Wall Will Never Fall".

And Mu Chen also walked to the podium with the music and singing of this song.

"Thank you!"

Mu Chen took the trophy from the award presenter and shook hands with him politely.

The award presenter signaled Mu Chen to make a speech.

"Thank you to the jury for the affirmation of this song, and thank you everyone for your love of this song." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Although I am a director, I hope to win this award next year! I can't write songs. The director is not a good screenwriter, I will continue to work hard! Thank you!"

"Clap clap clap!"

There was applause, accompanied by smiles from many people.

A director who can't write songs is not a good screenwriter?Is he making fun of himself for not winning the Best Film and Television Screenplay Award, or is he still nominated for the Best Film and Television Screenplay Award?

The awards ceremony continues.

Mu Chen returned to his position, but left quickly. Next, he will perform on stage.

For an awards ceremony, guest performers are essential.

Generally, the songs that win the best film and television song award will be performed on stage.

When Mu Chen was invited by the organizer, he actually felt that he would win this award.

However, this time he took the stage not to sing "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" but to sing "A Laugh From the Sea"!
The organizer didn't know what consideration it was in, but it agreed to Mu Chen's request anyway.

Perhaps, in their view, those performances at the award ceremony were just regulators.

"Let's put the awards aside for now, the following guest performer is amazing."

"Oh, how amazing?"

"He is a screenwriter and a director, he can write songs, he can sing, and he is very good at kung fu."

"I think I know who he is."

"Who is he?"

"Please follow!"

When the two hosts said this, everyone in the audience guessed it instantly.

Mu Chen's reputation in the circle is still very high, "Fist of Fury" is too dazzling, so naturally he, the director, has attracted the attention of everyone in the circle.

What's more, after Mu Chenzhi and Li Ruoxi's relationship was exposed, they waited for hot searches every now and then, so it was difficult to know this person.

Mu Chen's performance on stage was not beyond everyone's expectations.

However, to everyone's surprise, the music sounded strange.

Didn't he sing "Forget the Great Wall Will Never Fall" on stage?

Among the celebrities in the audience, there are probably almost none who have not heard this song.What's more, this song was missed when the best film and television song award was presented.

The prelude to the song, obviously not.

Could Mu Chen want to sing a new song?

And at this moment, Mu Chen spoke:

The sea laughs, the tides on both sides of the strait

Ups and downs with the waves only remember the present
The sky is laughing and the world is overflowing
Whoever loses who wins God knows
Rivers and mountains laugh and misty rain far away
How much do you know about the common things when the waves wash away the mortal world

Qingfengxiao actually causes loneliness

Pride still has a night photo

The laughter is no longer lonely

The pride is still laughing foolishly
La la la la la la la la la

A song that made all the stars and entertainers in the audience mesmerized.

Mu Chen's singing skills can't be said to be very good, but the unrestrained and self-satisfied, vicissitudes of life in the song are clear, but it is hearty to listen to.

Mu Chen's heroic voice seemed to see through the wind and dust of the rivers and lakes at ease, and was free and easy to see through the world of love.

In the rivers and lakes, there are swords and swords, blood and blood, and people's hearts are sinister.

Life is impermanent, passion starts from sex.There will be no reincarnation in life, and walking through each season in a leisurely way, maybe that is just the most beautiful in my heart.Dim the shadows of swords and swords, and go away to the contention of drums and horns.

The hero retreats to the mountains and forests, looks down on everything, and enjoys the sunset alone on the top of the mountain, with fluttering clothes, reflected in the rays of the sun.This is the rough and bold spirit of a temperamental man, with a free and unrestrained mind!

For a moment, there was such an artistic conception of detaching from things and forgetting gains and losses.

Suddenly, everyone in the audience came to their senses.

This is a song, but it is singing about the freedom and ease of "Jianghu".

For some reason, many people suddenly heard the title of Mu Chen's new play.

Then, someone remembered Li Ruoxi's "Laughing in the Red Dust" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala!
"Laughing in the Red Dust" is the ending song of "Swordsman", so how about this song "A Laugh from the Sea"?

This song is probably the opening song of "Swordsman", that is, the theme song.

This, this, this guy actually went to the Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony to promote his new play?

Hey, it can be done like this!

It is possible to do this!

However, the effect of the propaganda has yet to be confirmed.

Some people with unique vision have already understood that this matter may cause a lot of topics.

Once the topic is raised, the effect of publicity will not be bad.

It's just a pity that the first time will cause a strong topic, but the second time may not.

This kind of propaganda cannot be copied.Moreover, the time when the film starts to air is also particular.

"Clap clap clap!"

Regardless of Mu Chen's purpose, this song is worthy of applause.

The applause this time was undoubtedly louder than the previous applause when Mu Chen won the award.

After the performance, Mu Chen returned to his seat, and Chen Fuhai nodded with a smile, no doubt saying that the effect of this publicity is expected to be very good.

The awards continued, and after several marginal awards, the best new actor award was presented.

Mu Ze was also nominated for the Best Newcomer Award.

However, Mu Chen didn't really want Mu Ze to win this award.Relatively speaking, he prefers Mu Ze to take the latter two.

Winning the Best New Actor Award will inevitably weaken the chances of the Best Actor and the Most Popular Actor, especially the former.In the history of the Golden Phoenix Award, there has never been a situation in which nominations and awards were awarded at the same time.

Not to mention the Golden Phoenix Award, other awards are almost the same, it seems to be a well-known unspoken rule.

It's a pity that the more you don't want it, the more it appears.

"The winner of the Best New Actor Award is: "Jing Fu Men" Mu Ze!"

If you win a prize, at least you won't leave empty-handed.

Mu Ze was still very happy, and excitedly hugged Su Xiaowan next to him, and then hugged Mu Chen on the other side.

"When you're excited, your true nature is revealed. Brother, why didn't you hug me first when you were excited?" Mu Chen smiled and said to Mu Ze, "Get ready for the overwhelming scandal!"

When Mu Ze heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and his face turned red.

He didn't think that much at all just now!

Well, it's just a matter of course.

The reason why he hugged Su Xiaowan first was because she was on his right, while Mu Chen was on his left.

It's up to you to get used to it!
Yes, it must be so.

Whether it is or not, the media reporter asked, so he said.

"Not yet!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Ze immediately reacted and hurried towards the podium.

"Brother's feeling of winning the award was wiped out by your words." Li Ruoxi smiled and shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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