my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 70 Take the opportunity to promote

Chapter 70 Take the opportunity to promote
Young and inexperienced!

Mu Chen obviously didn't mean that he said that because he was young and inexperienced.

It's just saying that you are young and inexperienced, so you still lack confidence after winning the award!
If this is not mocking Hu Qun, what is it?
Every sentence is ridiculed, but he refuses to admit it.

Mu Chen and the others were chased by the media, and so was Hu Qun.

The news that he stepped on Mu Chen on the awarding platform undoubtedly became the biggest hit of this year's Golden Phoenix Awards.

This is more popular than those award-winning celebrity artists.

This can be seen from the situation of those media pursuits.

There are award-winning star artists every year.

But it was the first time I saw a popular director being stepped on on the awards stage, and the person who was stepped on immediately turned back on the stage.

This is definitely the first time that the Golden Phoenix Award ceremony has appeared, and it has never appeared in other award ceremonies.

Star tearing is always more topical than star winning.

"Director Hu Qun, in your opinion, Mu Chen didn't win the best director award because he was young and inexperienced, and he wasn't hot enough?"

"Director Hu Qun, do you think there is a shady story behind "Fist of Fury" winning the best film and television drama of the year?"

"Director Hu, do you think there are still many shortcomings in Mu Chen's filming of "Fist of Fury"?"

"Director Hu, you scoffed at "Fist of Fury" directed by Mu Chen. Where does your confidence come from?"

"Director Hu, your new drama is about to air, do you think you'll step on Mu Chen to promote it?"

"Director Hu, do you think Mu Chen's "Jing Fu Men" is not as good as your new play?"

"Do you think your new drama will surpass Mu Chen's "Jing Fu Men" in terms of word-of-mouth and ratings?"

"A young man doesn't work hard, but an old man is sad. Does Director Hu feel that Mu Chen's words are mocking you?"

"As an old man who has been in the industry for 30 years, Director Hu's works have not yet won the best film and television drama award, and he himself has never won the best director award. Have you ever been "empty and sad"?"

"Director Hu, in the face of Mu Chen's mocking words, do you have anything to say to him?"

Hu Qun was in a complicated mood at this time.

Stepping on Mu Chen's words instantly ignited the topic and attracted the attention of the media and the public.However, I don't know why he has a feeling of being playful.

He found that things were getting a little out of hand.

He was only slightly surprised that "Fist of Fury" won the best film and television drama of the year.After all, the word-of-mouth ratings and influence of this TV series are there.

It's just that he never expected that when Mu Chen came to the stage to accept the award, he would directly send him back.

This bastard actually disrespected seniors so much.

As an old man in the circle, if you say a few words about you, you can't accept it with humility.

From Hu Qun's point of view, things got out of control because Mu Chen ran back on the podium.

If Mu Chen had been silent, how could he have made such a big fuss.

Is this guy a hedgehog?

In the face of media reporters' questioning, Hu Qun chose to remain silent.

Things were already getting a little out of control, and he couldn't let him keep getting out of control.What's more, how do you fight back?

Although Mu Chen is a newcomer, his first work has become the best film and television drama of the year.

He has been in the industry for 30 years, although he has been nominated sometimes, but he has never won this award at all.

He was also nominated for best director, but he didn't win an award either.

In front of Mu Chen, he can no longer put on airs like a senior.

Unable to step on Mu Chen, he felt a little guilty when he went back.

He has experienced the poison of Mu Chen's mouth.

When he came out, he met a judge of this year's Golden Phoenix Awards, and he didn't look very friendly at him.

Hu Qun was silent, but those media reporters would not let him go.

"Hu Qun ridiculed Mu Chen for being young and inexperienced enough to win the best director."

""Fist of Fury" won the best film and television drama of the year, and Hu Qun suspected that there was a shady scene."

"Hu Qun and Mu Chen are fighting each other for the Golden Phoenix Awards!"

"Mu Chen: Don't wait any longer, the young man's head is white, Kong is very sad!"

""Fist of Fury" became the biggest winner of the Golden Phoenix Award, and was questioned by a certain director."

"Hu Qun: You are inexperienced and lacking in skill, you still need to hone your skills!"

"Mu Chen: Youth means infinite possibilities!"

The Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony ended, and the major media almost all focused on Mu Chen and Hu Qun, among which Best Actor and Actress and Best Director became foils.Even for Mu Ze, a popular star who won both the Best New Actor Award and the Most Popular Actor Award, many media only briefly mentioned it.

Others such as best screenplay and best photography were not mentioned.

Many people hated that Hu Qun for this.

If you grab popularity, you can't grab it like this!

On the Internet, this matter was on the topic list and hot search list in an instant.

Netizens naturally have different opinions on this matter, and not all public opinion is in favor of Mu Chen.

Some people think that Hu Qun is wrong, some people think that Mu Chen overreacted.

Of course, most of them were watching the show, and there were some people who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the show and fan the flames.

In fact, there was no need to fan the flames, Mu Chen's fans had already exploded.

Hu Qun's microblog was full of insults, but his post bar was exploded in an instant, without the slightest resistance.

He is just a director, not very popular.

But Mu Chen is different. Although he is also a director, his current popularity is no less than that of many popular actors.

His fans are not only many, but fierce!
Mu Chen didn't say a word at all, and Hu Qun was ravaged countless times by his fans.

Hu Qun can be said to have experienced what is called "cyber violence".

Explode Weibo, explode posts!
The matter is obviously more than that. Some of Hu Qun's past scandals were uncovered by netizens, and then "whipped".

The female celebrities who had been rumored with him were all trending searches by netizens.

Of course, the new drama he is about to broadcast will inevitably be revealed by netizens.

Mythological masterpiece "Hou Yi"!
It has to be admitted that the popularity of this TV series spread instantly, even though Mu Chen's fans shouted to boycott this TV series.

"When will his "Hou Yi" start broadcasting?" Mu Chen asked Chen Fuhai.

"You don't intend to take "Swordsman" to fight, do you?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen and asked.

"He stepped on me to promote "Hou Yi", why don't we use this topic to promote "Swordsman"?" Mu Chen said.

Taking the opportunity to publicize, the effect will naturally be good.

However, if the two dramas compete, they will naturally be compared.

In this comparison, one side has to fall.

Chen Fuhai is very confident in the quality of "Swordsman", but it is a martial arts drama after all. Although he is optimistic about the market, he lacks confidence.

"'Hou Yi' will start broadcasting on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV in the middle of next month." Chen Fuhai said, "TV stations with schedules may not be able to afford the price, and those who can afford the price may not be willing to switch gears!"

"How many TV stations are interested in "Swordsman"?" Mu Chen asked immediately.

This martial arts drama has been slammed by the media, and many netizens are not very optimistic about it.

"CCTV, Nanhu Satellite TV, and more than a dozen TV stations are interested." Chen Fuhai said, "CCTV and Nanhu Satellite TV offer the highest intention prices. The final price still needs to be negotiated."

"Let's talk slowly, the later stage will only be a matter of these few days." Mu Chen nodded.

He didn't ask about this matter.

He's not good at it either.

"Several video sites offer a lot of money for the online copyright of this drama." Chen Fuhai said, "However, this price is the price of the same period as the first round of TV broadcasting. You see it is like "Jing Fu Men" ,still"

"You can figure it out!" Mu Chen waved his hand and said.

How to operate to maximize the benefits of this drama, Chen Fuhai understands better than Mu Chen!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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