my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 84 1 Sitcom

Chapter 84 A Sitcom

On the red carpet at the premiere of "The Emperor's Shadow", Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi threw a bit of a bitch, but they didn't expect the follow-up to be so exciting.

Wu Fan tasted a bitch on the red carpet, but his fans started fighting.

Seeing that the internal strife had come to fruition and dissipated invisibly, he didn't want Mu Chen to suddenly post a Weibo, causing Wu Fan's fans to strife again, even more intense than before.

Countless melon-eating crowd watched and talked happily.

Of course, there were also countless people who gloated, especially the fans of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

In many people's eyes, Wu Fan's attention to Li Ruoxi at the beginning could be described as bad luck.

First, he was scolded by Mu Chen so that he couldn't resist, and then the TV series he starred in was crushed twice by Mu Chen's TV series.

Now, walking a red carpet together would be a bit of a bitch, and let your fans fight among themselves, and now they are falling apart.

Wu Fan felt so sad.

Many netizens felt that Mu Chen was really bad.

Perhaps, that guy had already made follow-up arrangements when he was flirting with Li Ruoxi on the red carpet.

However, netizens had to admit that what Mu Chen said on Weibo actually made sense.

There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait until there are no flowers to break the branches.

Mu Chen's poem "Golden Thread Clothes" is not profound, and it is easy to understand.What's more, the sentence in the accompanying picture: If you don't fall in love, you will be old.

Although it makes sense, the timing of the appearance is too coincidental, so it has to make people think about it.

Mu Chen seems to be advising people to fall in love as soon as possible, so don't hesitate.But the real purpose is probably to stir up internal strife among Wu Fan's fans.

Now, Wu Fan's fans are really fighting among themselves, and it's becoming more and more fierce. Isn't it because fans who agree with Wu Fan's love use Mu Chen's poem and his words?
From the point of view of those fans who don't agree with Wu Fan's relationship, no matter whether it is true or not, if you use Mu Chen's words to make things happen, then you are not worthy of being Wu Fan's fans.

Don't you all know that Mu Chen is full of hostility towards Wu Fan?
Yang Lan saw that Wu Fan's fans were not only fighting among themselves, but with a calm expression, she was somewhat grateful.

She suddenly felt that it was a conscious decision not to be a fan of Wu Fan back then.

I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, and advise you to cherish the youth.There are flowers that can be folded straight, don't wait for no flowers to break branches.

Looking at Mu Chen's song "Golden Thread Clothes" and the picture with the phrase "You will grow old if you don't fall in love", Yang Lan blushed a little.

If he confesses to himself again, will I follow the trend and agree?

"Wu Fan's fans are fighting among themselves!"

"Mu Chen's "Golden Thread Clothes"!"

"If we don't fall in love, we will be old!"

Mu Chen's Weibo created three topics, which made it onto the hot search list and topic list.Although it didn't break into the top three, it was enough to shock people.

The topic list and hot search list are not so easy to get on.

I just don't know why, in the eyes of many people, Mu Chen seems to be easy to get on!
Wu Fan's fans were provoked by Mu Chen's Weibo, which shocked many people.

However, after Mu Chen posted that Weibo, he ignored it and looked at Marin, a little surprised.

"You want to change careers and become a director?" Mu Chen said.

"A photographer who doesn't want to be a director is not a good photographer," Marin said.

"Your father is a nationally-renowned, even world-renowned photographer. He doesn't seem to have changed his career to become a director, right?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"No doesn't mean I don't want to." Marin said, "I thought about changing careers as soon as I was young and entering the industry. If I have been a photographer for a long time, I will inevitably form some fixed thinking."

There are quite a few directors who are photographers, and many of them are well-known.

Top directors like Chen Mouzhi are all photographers.

"Then turn it on!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "What do you want to shoot? Movies, TV, or online dramas or online short films to practice your skills?"

"Isn't this here to ask for your opinion?" Marin said.

"Come find me in a few days. I happen to have a script that I haven't finished yet, so it should be suitable for you to practice." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The script wasn't unfinished, it wasn't written at all.

However, it will not take much time to write it out.

Chenxi Film and Television does not lack photographers, but directors.

Marin wanted to be a director, and Mu Chen naturally supported him.Write a script with a small investment for him to watch.If it works, it is naturally good.If it doesn't work, that's fine.

Between friends, isn't it that you help me and I help you?

A few days later, Mu Chen's office.


Looking at the script given by Mu Chen, Marin couldn't help laughing from time to time.

"Sitcoms can still be filmed like this!"

After a long time, Marin smiled and said to Mu Chen.

"If you finish the first film, I don't mind writing two more seasons." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Don't worry, if the filming of this drama is not good, what kind of director should I switch careers to?" Marin said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Mu Chen nodded, and then said, "I've already said hello to Mr. Chen, you can talk to him with the script! Make good use of this drama, "Bright Sword" and I'll let someone else do it for you."

When filming "Fist of Fury", Gao Hua introduced Mu Chen to a very high-level photographer.Now, he can be regarded as Mu Chen's royal photographer.

After training in two dramas, Ma Lin's photography skills are better, but it is not irreplaceable.

"It's a good thing and a bad thing for you that you taught such a friend." Chen Fuhai read the script, looked up at Marin, and said.

"What can be bad?" Marin froze for a moment and said.

"With such a talented friend, don't you feel a little inferior?" Chen Fuhai said.

A good thing, of course, is that Marin has Mu Chen to take care of him, and his career is undoubtedly much smoother.

Now, he wanted to change his career to become a director, so Mu Chen wrote him a suitable script.

If you want to change careers as a director for other photographers who have just entered the industry, it is almost impossible, unless you write the script yourself and invest in it out of your own pocket.

"Mr. Chen may not know that when he is in school, no one will regard him as a competitor." Marin said with a smile.

"Why?" Chen Fuhai asked with a smile.

"No one is a masochist, why go to abuse!" Marin said, "That guy is a pervert, we have to feel inferior."

When Chen Fuhai heard it, he smiled.

Mu Chen was indeed a bit perverted, especially in the script.He could see that the script that Mu Chen gave Marin was not unfinished as he said, it was probably written after Marin said it.

Chen Fuhai knew Mu Chen not long ago, but he knew his habits. Before the filming of "Bright Sword" is finished, he will definitely not write a new script.

What's more, Mu Chen said before that after the filming of "Bright Sword", he might prepare to make a movie.

Since I was planning to make a movie, how could I write such a script for a TV series, and it was a sitcom.

Mu Chen probably won't make such a TV series now.

However, it seems that Mu Chen's abnormality is not just a talent in the script.

He seems to be very talented in writing lyrics and composing music!

Did he really study directing?

Well, the director seems to be talented too!

How can a person be so comprehensive.

It seems that he is really a pervert!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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