my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 93 A Song for Environmental Protection

Chapter 93 An Environmentally Friendly Song
Haven't felt it well yet

snowflake climate

we tremble together

I will understand more about what kindness is
not holding hands with you

Walk through the deserted dunes

maybe from now on
Learn to cherish the eternal and the eternal

sometimes sometimes

I will believe that everything has an end
meet and leave sometimes

Nothing is immortal
Li Ruoxi's song "Red Bean" caught everyone's ears instantly.

In addition to the beautiful melody of this song, the delicate and lingering lyrics also add color to the song.Li Ruoxi's voice sounds a little diffuse, but the form is scattered but the spirit is not scattered, especially the emotion in the middle, which is natural.

This is a great example of a love song.

A good song can catch the audience's ears in the first place.

Of course, some songs are not ruled out. I don’t feel much at the beginning, but the more I listen to them, the more flavorful they become.

However, such songs are obviously not suitable for the stage of a show like "The King of Songs".

And this song clearly isn't.

"It's a good song," Marin said.

"Why do I feel that you have a relationship crisis?" Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

"Nothing will last forever?" Zhao Jin said, "Maybe there is no crisis, but some people may not be very confident about this relationship."

"It's just a song, and your imagination is too rich." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

"The one in his family just showed his love on TV!" Marin said with a smile.

"Let's eat your food!" Mu Chen shook his head and laughed.

The competition continued on TV, Li Ruoxi was not the only one who sang the new song, and many people also re-arranged the old song.

Of course, there are also people who sing old brother, but it is not very popular.

After a meal, although he didn't drink, he also finished watching the show.

The result of the competition will not appear until the next issue, even if it is the vote of the audience.

It is said on TV that the audience vote will be fair, and many viewers naturally believe it.

However, as an insider, Mu Chen maintained his opinion.

The number of song downloads will definitely affect the program group.If the number of audience votes and song downloads is too large, the fairness of the program will definitely be questioned.

Of course, this kind of program must be questioned, the question is only the degree of questioning.

If it's just the fans who eliminated the singer's doubts, it's irrelevant.But if the public doubts it, then the program may not just cause controversy.

After all, this program is competitive.

However, how long this program can last ultimately depends on the revenue.

The income of the program group and the income of the participating singers.

If the singers who are not popular become popular, then the show will not lack singers participating in the competition.

With the influence of this show, I'm afraid those eliminated singers will not only not be popular, but will also be popular.

"Your family won't be hacked by the program team, right?" Marin looked at Mu Chen and said.

"Environmental protection?" Wang Hao also said, "Are there any environmental protection songs? In other words, how long does it take you to write such a song? How much time do you have left for Li Ruoxi?"

"That doesn't seem to be the point. The point is, is this kind of song suitable for this kind of stage?" Zhao Jin shook her head and said.

"You guys don't understand the world of a top student." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When the three of them heard this, they immediately rolled their eyes.

"We look forward to it!" Marin said shaking his head.

They and Mu Chen have been buddies for so many years, so they naturally know that this guy is full of confidence at this time, rather than really pretending to be aggressive.

Is Mu Chen confident?
Naturally very confident.

How many environmental protection songs are there?a lot of.Of course, Mu Chen didn't have much in mind, but there happened to be one that fit the stage of "The King of Songs".

That song may detonate the audience.

However, before that, Mu Chen needs to check.

He didn't want to create a plagiarism incident.

The crew of "Love Apartment" was filming in Yanjing, Mu Chen went back after dinner, but Li Ruoxi hadn't come back yet.

Mu Chen immediately went into the study room, wrote out the lyrics, score and arrangement of the song in his mind, and then searched a lot of information on the Internet.

"Back?" Mu Chen raised his head and said.

"Are you writing a song?" Li Ruoxi was a little surprised.

"It's finished." Mu Chen smiled and said, "I watched the show, it's good."

"So fast?" Li Ruoxi looked at the manuscript, a little shocked.

This program is recorded and broadcast, recorded during the day and broadcast at night.

What song she needs for the next issue, she hasn't had time to tell Mu Chen yet!

"In the next issue, call me when you get a song theme, what if I need time to think about it?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Embarrassment flashed across Li Ruoxi's face.

In fact, she didn't want to trouble Mu Chen.

The theme of environmental protection is undoubtedly very biased.She was not very confident in Mu Chen either.

Of course, this confidence is not a lack of confidence in Mu Chen's talent, but a lack of confidence in time.

Writing a song takes time, and practicing it takes time.

Although Mu Chen wrote songs quickly, Li Ruoxi felt that she couldn't let Mu Chen let go of her work and write songs for her.

"Is your voice good enough for this song?" Mu Chen continued, "If you can't make it, I'll write it again?"

"You still write if you can't come?" Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "Don't worry! Everyone's jaws will be shocked this time! Hehe, they really think that I, Li Ruoxi, can only sing those soothing love songs!"

This song is very explosive and requires a lot of vocals.However, Mu Chen still knew Li Ruoxi's voice very well.Although his last album was dominated by soothing love songs, she is not the only one who can sing such songs.

Li Ruoxi's voice is unique and can control songs in many ranges very well.

"Let people from your company invite these old artists tomorrow." Mu Chen continued.

"I'll invite you in person." Li Ruoxi said immediately after reading Mu Chen's manuscript.

She knows very well that this song cannot do without such an old artist.

"Then I'll go with you!" Mu Chen continued.

"You..." Li Ruoxi hesitated to speak.

"If I, the director, had to keep an eye on the post-production of "Bright Sword", it would be the failure of Chenxi Film and Television." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Whether it's a TV series or a movie, the director still needs to control the post-production, but he doesn't follow up every step of the way.

When Li Ruoxi heard it, she smiled sweetly.

She knew Mu Chen's habits very well. Whether it was "Fist of Fury" or "Swordsman", he followed up the whole process, although he didn't participate in all of them.

This time, it was more for her.

The next day, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi flew directly to Shangshan Province to invite an old Huayin artist.

The title of the song Mu Chen wrote for Li Ruoxi: "Give You a Little Color"!
If this song lacks Huayin's old accent, the taste will be gone.

"Mu Chen, Li Ruoxi!"

Mu Chen was about to go forward to knock on the door, but he didn't expect the door to open suddenly. A young man came out from inside, and when he saw Mu Chen and the two of them, he exclaimed.

"Excuse me, is this Master Zhang Xi's house?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"Are you looking for my grandfather?" The young man was taken aback, full of doubts, but quickly realized that he asked Mu Chen and others to enter.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The young man led Mu Chen and others into the courtyard, and then shouted loudly into the room.

"Why are you coming back? Get the hell out of here! If you don't learn, you'll never get old again." An old man's voice came from the room, full of anger and unwillingness.

The voice is full of energy and sonorous.

When the young man heard this, he immediately showed embarrassment.

"Grandpa, here's a guest." The young man said immediately.


The door opened, and an old man in a coat came out. He was full of white hair, but he was full of energy.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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