Chapter 97

The passion and agitation emanating from the core of Western rock music, coupled with the roughness and boldness of the Loess Plateau, the foreshadowing and rendering of the prelude were done to the extreme, and the scene exploded!
Li Ruoxi walked up to Limai, breathed in, opened her voice, and sang:
"Empress Nuwa made up for the sky, the remaining stone is Mount Hua!"

Open your mouth soaring, like a nuclear explosion, directly stunned everyone!

The explosive power and penetrating power of this voice is simply unexpected!

What is open kneeling, this is it!

Li Ruoxi's opening made people want to kneel down directly, and they felt their scalps go numb.

Is this the Li Ruoxi they knew?

Is this still Li Ruoxi who sang "Red Bean" with a lazy voice?

This is not her style!

When can she sing such a song!
This doesn't fit Li Ruoxi's personality!

At the scene, Li Ruoxi's fans felt their hearts were about to jump out.

"Birds fly with the sun on their backs! Fly from east to west!"

As soon as Li Ruoxi uttered the second sentence, her shocking voice made many people stand up.They felt goosebumps all over their bodies, and their hair stood on end, and they had an urge to kneel and listen.

At this point, who cares whether this song has anything to do with "environmental protection" or not!
Perhaps, those musicians who were in charge of commentary at the scene still maintained a trace of calmness.

The old artist’s old lyrics above, his uncle and second uncle are both his uncles, and the high tables and low benches are all made of wood. This is the simplest truth, the world was originally like this!

And Li Ruoxi's libretto in this section is undoubtedly a continuation.

Yes, the world should be like this at the beginning, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the world is always orderly, but it doesn't seem to be like this now!
Li Ruoxi's next question made people have to think deeply, but no one had time to think deeply.

Why did the sky turn gray?
Why is the earth not green?
Why is the human heart not red?
Why is the snow mountain black?
Why?Is it damaged because it is not environmentally friendly?
Faced with a series of questions and doubts, the veteran artist made a bold move, and the high-pitched Huayin old tune exploded again:

"The sun is round, the moon is curved, they are all in the sky."

What do you mean?
Everything in the world complements each other, and this is the way of nature and the way of balance.

However, where will the audience think about this at this time.

Even the minds of those musicians have fallen into a short blank at this time.

Li Ruoxi went on to sing high:
The sky and the earth made a company, the birds turned around the sun, Huashan and the Yellow River made a company, and the millet in the field bent over with a smile!
Ask later,
Why is there no oasis in the desert?
Why don't the stars twinkle anymore?
Why are the flowers no longer blooming?
Such pressing questions hit people's hearts, calling out:
It's time to restore some color to the world!

Finally, some questions!

The song ends, but the audience's emotions don't.

The soul was shocked, and the emotions naturally could not be calmed down for a long time.

There was a brief silence, and then the whole scene was boiling, frying pan!
At this moment, everyone didn't know when to stand up.

The same goes for Mu Chen.


Applause, screams, and cheers are endless, like a stormy sea!

"The scene is completely on fire!" The host Qin Hao said with a sigh.

"It's not burning, it's exploding!"

Qin Hao clapped his hands, feeling a little complicated.

This song, deserves a round of applause, but feels Alexander as a competitor.

"Li Ruoxi can sing such a song, amazing!"

Hu Yufei in another rest room said with a sigh.

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

Then he couldn't help sighing again.

His temporary agent looked over with some doubts.

"Fortunately, I didn't play behind her. Luo Xu might be in danger." Hu Yufei shook his head and said.

Although Luo Xu's last issue was not the last, it was not far behind the last one.In this program, if the ranking is not as good as that of the other party, he will probably be the first to be eliminated.

The applause and shouts continued, and Li Ruoxi said with a smile, "Thank you! Thanks to Zhang Xi and Zhang Le, the inheritors of Huayin's old melody."

After singing, singers usually step off the stage directly, and canvassing is not allowed.

However, this time Li Ruoxi did not canvass for votes, and directly introduced that old artist.

According to Li Ruoxi, several old people smiled shyly, not talking.

Due to program restrictions, Li Ruoxi didn't say much, she gave a brief introduction, and then stepped down.

Mu Chen didn't leave after that, but still watched the game at the scene.

Behind the singers, there are many good songs, but Li Ruoxi's "Give You a Little Color" is hard to hide!
Mu Chen believed that Li Ruoxi might win the first round of the show with this song.

"The King of Songs" has twelve issues, and one will be eliminated every two issues.And the person with the highest cumulative score in the two rounds can get a promotion card, even if they are eliminated in the next game, they are still eligible to advance to the finals and compete for the throne of singing king.

However, this promotion card is a bit weak.

Those who can win the championship are obviously less likely to be eliminated in the next program.

Of course, it's just not high, not nothing.

Not everyone can guarantee that the songs they sing will always be popular.

At least, after obtaining the promotion card, the pressure to bear in the following competitions will be much less.

After the seven singers sang, the audience stood up, but the recording was obviously not over yet.

They also need to draw lots to decide the next song.

Of course, the elimination of the singer was not in vain. After the elimination, there will be an encore performance.

"What did you get? It can't be another weird theme!"

Mu Chen smiled and said to Li Ruoxi.

Among the songs, the ones with the theme of environmental protection are not unique, but they are definitely not mainstream, or even biased.

"Hope!" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

"It's quite popular this time." Mu Chen nodded.

Draw lots to decide the theme, naturally it will not be a simple inspirational song or a love song.

"An idea?" Li Ruoxi's eyes lit up, and she asked immediately.

"Where is it so fast!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Have an idea?Naturally, there are already.

He does not compose songs, but chooses songs.

How much time can be wasted choosing songs on request.But Mu Chen couldn't take it out immediately!

If so, it is no longer brilliant.

Li Ruoxi may be his closest person, but Mu Chen intends to keep some secrets in his heart.

"Let's go, say hello to Master Zhang and the others, have a meal together, and then we're going back to Yanjing." Mu Chen continued.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi will return to Yanjing overnight, while Zhang Xi and the others will return to Shaanxi Province by plane tomorrow.

After all, although they are energetic, they are not young after all, and they are not as good as Mu Chen and the others. If they go back overnight, their bodies may not be able to bear it.

"Master Zhang, thank you very much this time. Both of us don't drink, so we will replace the wine with water, and I toast you." Mu Chen said with a smile while holding the cup.

"We are the ones who should say thank you." Zhang Xi said, "Huayin Laoqiang is on such a big stage, and the number of people who like it will definitely increase. If some people like it, then Huayin Laoqiang will not stop."

"Perhaps, there is a bigger stage waiting for you." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Xi and the others' thanks to Mu Chen and the others were not polite, they knew very well that this time Huayin's old tune might be on fire.

It is their opportunity to be on such a stage.

What's more, their work is not in vain.Li Ruoxi gave them most of his appearance fee for this issue, and the program team of "The King of Songs" also seemed to express this.

In a few days, they can earn their income for several years.

Of course, such old artists do not necessarily regard money as important.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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