From traffic to movie star

Chapter 11 The Angry Female Fan

Chapter 11 The Angry Female Fan

Let's go back in time for an hour, and change the venue from Tianguang Media's Lin Chao single release conference to Wei Xun's study.

Mao Bin prepared the live broadcast equipment and turned on the camera.

Wei Xun's young and handsome face was immediately shown in the news broadcast room.

As a celebrity in the entertainment industry based on his appearance, although Wei Xun's popularity has begun to decline this year, he still has a large number of fans. He will not lose his popularity when he broadcasts live.

Therefore, in just a few minutes, fans kept entering the live broadcast room, and the barrage was frantically swiped.

"Husband, you are here."

"Woooooo long time no see husband, you are still so handsome."

"Good afternoon, Xunxun baby."


It can be said that these female fans are bolder and bolder than the other.

Wei Xun tried his best to let himself ignore the strange names on the screen, coughed lightly, and said: "Good afternoon, everyone, I am Wei Xun, and I will chat with you casually for the next two hours, what do you want to say , you can send a barrage to tell me."

Of course, traffic stars don’t have to sell things like Internet celebrities. The main task is to interact and chat with fans to maintain popularity.

Hearing what Wei Xun said, there was another frenzy on the bullet screen.

"Husband, I saw that your latest announcements have been canceled at noon, are you too tired?"

"Yes, yes, I wanted to meet you at the commercial performance the day after tomorrow. Why did you cancel it? I'm so sad."

"Did the company give you a holiday, my husband?"

Celebrities will usually inform the fan support club in advance of their itinerary.

Wei Xun's commercial performances and advertising endorsements in the last week were all rejected by Luo Feng, which is equivalent to being vacant for a week. This is a bit unusual for a popular traffic star.

Fans were very worried when they saw the idol's schedule was suddenly blank for a week.

"Announcement issues are generally arranged by the company." Wei Xun smiled and said, "But I haven't had a rest day for three years. It feels good to take a break for a while."

Three years without a break, every day is high-intensity work, this is the unknown bitterness behind the glamorous star.

After all, celebrities are just a tool for capitalists to make money.

"Trash Tianguang Media knows how to oppress my husband."

"And that annoying manager Luo Feng, don't be too partial, I heard that he will give Lin Chao a single press conference this afternoon."

"Since Lin Chao made his debut, how many resources have been stolen from my husband? It's disgusting. When will he learn to walk on his own without tying up our family?"

"Brother Xun is miserable. He was used by the company to suck up Lin Chao's trash."

"An ugly monster like Lin Chao has taken up countless resources, but you are still popular without your husband hehe."

"Okay, don't talk about these bad things, my husband, I want to hear you sing."

Lin Chao, as another artist under Luo Feng's team, got his start by tying Wei Xun when he debuted.

Since the beginning of this year, Lin Chao has been blatantly relying on Luo Feng to praise him, trying to seize Wei Xun's resources in various ways.

Wei Xun's fans are well aware of this, so mentioning Lin Chao and Luo Feng is a burst of scolding.

But there's nothing they can do about it, because their idols are not strong enough, and their reputation is even worse, so they can only be bullied.

"Do you want to listen to a song? It just so happens that I recently created a new song, and I can sing it to you first."

Wei Xun pretended not to see the barrage of fans saying bad things about Lin Chao and Luo Feng. When he saw a fan saying he wanted to listen to the song, he took out the guitar next to him very naturally, and said a little embarrassedly: "But My level is limited, so don't laugh at me."

Fans were shocked when they heard that the idol wanted to sing an original song.

"Husband, I won't laugh at you, sing quickly!"

"Original and new song, isn't that the first time I sang it? My husband played it specially for me. God, I'm so happy."

"I heard that Lin Chao is going to release a single later, and it's such a big battle, it's like who doesn't know how to release a single."

"That's right, my husband also has original songs!"

Fans don't have too much filter on their idols. The rainbow farts have already been prepared before the singing begins.

Wei Xun was a little dumbfounded, but still adjusted the guitar in his hand, and then began to play and sing: "I had a beautiful nightmare last night. In the dream, you were a bottomless black hole. I couldn't resist weightlessness..."

A slightly hoarse and low-pitched male voice sounded in the study room with a touch of sad music, and finally reached the ears of every fan in the live broadcast room.

At the beginning, there were barrage scrolling confessions frantically on the screen.

But as Wei Xun sang, the entire live broadcast room fell silent, and an unspeakable sadness and depression began to spread.

But this song is not blindly low, the high-pitched passage roars to its heart's content, telling its unwillingness and bewilderment.

When the song ended, the fans were stunned.

Mao Bin, who was watching Wei Xun's live broadcast in the study, was also stunned.

He didn't expect Brother Xun to come out like this. You know, Tianguang Media will soon be releasing Lin Chao's single, and the single that Lin Chao is going to release is "The Devil from Heaven"!
This is the rhythm of crashing!

By doing this, Lin Chao could indeed be slapped hard on the face, but Wei Xun will definitely be suspended from more endorsement and commercial performance resources, and if it is serious, he may be directly blocked by Tianguang Media!

Once Wei Xun is hidden, the debt of more than [-] million yuan will immediately make him bankrupt on the spot!
Mao Bin was anxious, but it was the time of the live broadcast, so he couldn't speak, so he could only use his eyes to signal Wei Xun to stop.

However, Wei Xun still refused to look up at Mao Bin, only paying attention to the direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this moment, because of the song "The Devil from Heaven", has completely fallen into a state of frantic swiping.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my husband."

"Husband, trust me, you will definitely be popular this time."

"What is the name of this song, husband, please tell me!"

"The release of Lin Chao's single should be about to start. I sneaked over to find out about the enemy's situation. I'll report back to my sisters later."

"I'll go to the next door to have a look, too."

"This song should be released as a single, okay? If Tian Media dares to ignore my husband this time, I will tear them apart!"

"Woooooo husband, you are so talented, I will blow it up!"

Seeing the excited speeches of the fans, Wei Xun said with a smile: "The name of this song is "The Devil from Heaven". I wonder if you will like it."

In the study, hearing Wei Xun's words, Mao Bin closed his eyes in despair.He knew that they were about to face disaster, and they were about to meet Luo Feng's wrath.

But the fans didn't know Wei Xun's little assistant's thoughts, and they cheered for the idol one after another.

"A devil from heaven? Sounds good!"

"Husband, when will you release a single, I will buy ten copies to support."

"I'll buy twenty."

However, amidst the speeches expressing support for Wei Xun, some shocking barrages suddenly appeared.

"Honey, I just went to see Lin Chao's single press conference. The single he released is exactly the same as your "Devil from Heaven"!"

"That's right, that's right, I went to listen too, it's exactly the same."

"Lin Chao is crazy, dare to steal my husband's original song blatantly."

"Husband, go and contact the company and ask what's going on!"

Wei Xun noticed the abnormality of the barrage, and said in surprise: "You must have made a mistake. How could Lin Chao's single be the same as mine? This is a song I created recently. In this way, I Suspend the live broadcast first, and check with the company."

After finishing speaking, Wei Xun hurriedly downloaded the live broadcast.

But even though Wei Xun said that he was going to check the specific situation, his female fans were already going crazy with anger.

"Lin Chao hasn't robbed Xunxun's resources once or twice. This incident clearly shows that he is stealing Xunxun's original songs."

"Has our Xunxun been bullied by Luo Feng's eccentric manager in the past two years?"

"Who doesn't know why Lin Chao became popular? It's because of Xunxun's traffic and resources!"

"I heard that Lin Chao's single is definitely the same song as "The Devil from Heaven" that Xun Xun sang just now. If Xun Xun hadn't sung to fans today and let Lin Chao release the single first, we would definitely kept in the dark."

"The media that went to Lin Chao's press conference all have official newsletter accounts. Let's report to them about Lin Chao's theft of Xun Xun's original song."

"Also, link the newsletter data, and send #林超吹卫勒歌# on the hot search list!"

"I'm going to sort out the evidence that Lin Chao has robbed Xunxun's endorsement and commercial performances in the past two years."

"Sisters, don't break out at this time, when will we wait, guard the best Wei Xun in the world!"

"Tear that bastard Lin Chao to shreds!"

(End of this chapter)

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