From traffic to movie star

Chapter 14 Potential Value

Chapter 14 Potential Value

Since entering the lounge, Li Tianzhi has deliberately ignored Luo Feng.

Hearing Luo Feng's words now, he looked at Wei Xun and asked with a smile: "You also made three requests to the company, tell me?"

Before Wei Xun could answer, Luo Feng said first: "Mr. Li, Wei Xun wants Lin Chao's commercial performance resources, and asked the company to arrange for him to appear in "Gold Medal Singer". He also asked for the right to choose and shoot three films."

In fact, what Luo Feng said was correct, Wei Xun's three demands did mean to threaten the company.

It's okay to grab Lin Chao's resources, but for a popular variety show like "Gold Medal Singer", the company will definitely select its own talented singers to participate.

And Wei Xun, no matter how you look at it, can't be regarded as a powerful group.

As for the right to choose to shoot movies independently, it is the treatment that only first-line actors can have.

In this time and space, stars are completely under the control of agents and film and television companies. The star studio system has not yet been born, and ordinary small artists are even more easily manipulated by film and television companies.

Previously, Wei Xun had filmed a lot of money-making bad films, not only because these bad films made money, but also because Luo Feng, as his manager, forced him to accept them!

However, in the 15-year contract signed by Wei Xun and the company, there is no right to freely choose to make movies, and it is a proper contract of sale!
After listening to Luo Feng's words, Li Tianzhi pondered for a while, and then regretted: "I'm sorry, Wei Xun, I can't agree to all your demands."

Luo Feng's face brightened.

Even Lin Chao, who was waiting for a reply from Luo Feng's office, couldn't help laughing.

This trash really dares to open his mouth like a lion. If Tianguang Media is so easy to talk about, how can it become one of the seven famous media and film giants in the industry?

It's true that the company is open to philanthropy!
But laughing and laughing, Lin Chao couldn't laugh anymore, because a text message came into his cell phone.

That was the reply from Luo Feng's office assistant: Wei Xun's newsletter account cannot be logged in, and the password has been changed.

Lin Chao gritted his teeth and looked at Wei Xun, and said, "You changed the password of the newsletter account!"

Luo Feng's expression darkened when he heard this, it seems that Wei Xun's preparations this time are very sufficient.

Wei Xun looked at Lin Chao and Luo Feng's distraught looks, spread his hands together, and said mockingly: "If you don't change the password, will you divide up my music copyright?"

Seeing that several people seemed to be arguing again, Li Tianzhi frowned and asked, "What is the password for the newsletter?"

Luo Feng and Lin Chao were a little embarrassed and didn't say anything.

Mao Bin next to him explained angrily: "Mr. Li, Luo Feng asked Lin Chao to contact the office just now, intending to forcibly log into Brother Xun's newsletter account to issue a statement, intending to transfer half of the music copyright of "The Devil from Heaven" to Lin Chao. Fortunately, Brother Xun was smart and changed the password of the newsletter account in advance!"

After Li Tianzhi heard it, his expression darkened: "It's ridiculous, such a malicious fight is not allowed within Tianguang. Who owns the copyright of this song?"

Mao Bin hurriedly said: "Brother Xun originally created it, both lyrics and music, and Brother Xun registered the copyright a week ago."

"Very powerful." Hearing this, Li Tianzhi praised with a smile, and then said: "Wei Xun, I really can't fully satisfy you on behalf of the company for the request you just made. Because, one of them, you have already done it yourself. "

Did it yourself?
The people present were all taken aback when they heard the words, then Mao Bin's face was ecstatic, while Luo Feng and Lin Chao were shocked beyond belief.

Of the three requirements that Wei Xun raised just now, there is only one that can be fulfilled by oneself.

It turned out that this is what Li Tianzhi meant when he said that Wei Xun's three requirements could not be fully met!
Fortunately, Luo Feng and Lin Chao were gloating just now, but the face slap came so fast.

"That's right, on the way I came just now, the company has received the news that "Gold Medal Singer" invited you to participate in the show, don't worry, as long as the song "Devil from Heaven" is written by you, no one can take it away. "

Li Tianzhi finished speaking with a smile, then turned to look at Lin Chao and Luo Feng, his face became cold: "Look at the good things you two did today, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Wei Xun!"

Wei Xun was actually invited by the "Gold Medal Singer" program team!

Thinking of how he was just rejected by others a few days ago, Lin Chao was bleeding from jealousy, and subconsciously blurted out, "Will Wei Xun be invited to "Gold Medal Singer"?"

"Lin Chao, are you questioning my words?" Li Tianzhi said in a cold voice, "Isn't it embarrassing enough to blatantly steal Wei Xun's music achievements and make a fuss outside? Oh, and you, Luo Feng, are you like that? I don't mind if you lead the artists under your hands if you don't have enough self-awareness..."

"No, no, Mr. Li, I'll do it. Lin Chao was just confused for a while and dared not question you."

Seeing that Li Tianzhi's words became more and more serious, Luo Feng finally panicked, he pulled Lin Chao, then looked at Wei Xun, suppressed the aggrieved voice in his heart and said: "Wei Xun, I'm sorry, today is Lin Chao and I have gone too far."

"Brother Luo, you!" Lin Chao looked at Luo Feng in shock, but facing the pressure from Li Tianzhi next to him, Lin Chao finally understood that Wei Xun might really turn over.

He advanced to the second round of "Call Me an Actor" and was invited by "Gold Medal Singer". With such achievements, it's no wonder that Li Tianzhi has always favored Wei Xun since he entered the door!

Even though he hated him to death, at this moment, Lin Chao still gritted his teeth and looked at Wei Xun, and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Standing behind Wei Xun, Mao Bin felt relieved to the extreme.

These two people used to show off their power and bully them in various ways, and now they will finally bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

However, Wei Xun didn't pay any attention to Lin Chao's apology. Instead, he looked at Li Tianzhi with a smile and said, "Mr. Li, today's matter is just an apology. I'm afraid we won't be able to expose it?"

With a fluttering apology, I want to expose the previous attempt to steal the music copyright, just dreaming.

Lin Chao couldn't help being startled and angry when he heard this, "Then what else do you want!"

Li Tianzhi raised his voice: "Lin Chao, get out!"

Lin Chao's face turned pale, but facing Li Tianzhi's aggressive gaze, he couldn't bear the pressure after all, and left in despair.

When the people left, Li Tianzhi looked at Wei Xun and said, "Well, Wei Xun, "Gold Medal Singer" has invited you, you go back to prepare for the show in the next two days, and the company will definitely give you this matter." A satisfactory answer. As for your other two demands, I can agree to you first on behalf of the company."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for good news from Mr. Li."

The appeal was satisfied, and there was no need to continue the quarrel. After exchanging pleasantries, Wei Xun took Mao Bin and left.

When there were only two people left in the lounge, Luo Feng looked at Li Tianzhi's face and asked cautiously, "President Li, what about Lin Chao..."

Today's single release conference can be said to have completely made Lin Chao a target for stealing other people's music copyrights. This black spot involves moral and character issues, and it is completely invincible!

If Wei Xun cannot be forced to stand up and admit that "The Devil from Heaven" was co-authored by him and Lin Chao, then Lin Chao will be completely nailed to the pillar of shame, and his star career will be completely ruined from then on!
"Lin Chao, do you still care about him at this time?"

Hearing this, Li Tianzhi said with a strange expression: "Tomorrow "Call Me an Actor" will start broadcasting, and "Gold Medal Singer" will be broadcast live the day after tomorrow. The company will re-evaluate Wei Xun's potential value based on these two programs. Once Wei Xun's performance impresses the company In order to appease his anger, Lin Chao will be given up."

If Tianguang gave up on Lin Chao, Wei Xun was still not satisfied, and Wei Xun's performance was too impressive, then the next step to be used for surgery would be Luo Feng himself.

Having said that, Li Tianzhi patted Luo Feng on the shoulder, turned and left.

Luo Feng sat on the ground weakly, his face pale.

 ps: Thanks to the book list recommended by the big man 'dear understands me'. Since the afternoon, the collection has soared by more than 100, and I am so happy that I fainted.


(End of this chapter)

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