From traffic to movie star

Chapter 2 Original Hit Songs

Chapter 2 Original Hit Songs
The ladies and sisters look beautiful and attractive, but they are crazy.

When Wei Xun, with the help of Mao Bin, broke out of the encirclement of beauties and got into the company car on the way home, he was still full of lingering fear.

These traffic fans are too barbaric.

From this point of view, it is not a good thing to have more wives, it is really too much.

Ten minutes later, the driver drove into a residential area on the third ring road of Beijing and returned to Wei Xun's home.

The house with three bedrooms and one living room is not too big or too small, and it looks okay.

Wei Xun casually glanced at the decorations in the room, and said to Mao Bin who was carrying the luggage, "Don't leave, just sleep in the guest room."

Mao Bin was flattered: "Thank you Brother Xun."

In more than two hours, we will go to record a variety show with Wei Xun, and he has no place to sleep when he leaves, so he can only make do with it in the car for a while.

Wei Xun never let him stay before, I don't know why he is so easy to talk about today.

After Mao Bin lay down in the guest room, Wei Xun went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then went to the study.

He first opened his notebook, searched for some information about this world, and confirmed it with the memory in his mind, and finally came to the conclusion that this is indeed a parallel world different from Earth.

Out of his previous habits, he subconsciously searched for entertainment news on Weibo, but he couldn't find Weibo. Instead, he found a portal platform called Express, which has very similar functions to Weibo.

And Wei Xun's newsletter has an astonishing 1000 million fans, and the comments in it are messy and unsightly. Some fans praise his good looks, and most of them scold him for his eye-catching acting skills. He is a tool launched by strong capital to make money.

In my impression, fans of traffic stars do always fight.

After browsing the news on the homepage for a while, Wei Xun took out a blank notebook from the bookshelf, and began to sort out his next plan.

The company currently signed with Tianguang Media, the 15-year prostitution contract, obviously wants to find a way to terminate it.

There are also wind reviews on the Internet, which also need to be reversed.

Well, in the end, it was the 7000 million debt owed by the family bankruptcy. In the past two years, Wei Xun has already paid 3000 million of the previous traffic, and there is still [-] million to be repaid.

A lot of money.

But looking at it from another angle, just over two years after his debut, this small traffic can earn 7000 million to pay off debts, which does not include the current house worth tens of millions. Even Wei Xun is shocked by the ability of traffic stars to make money.

This is the deformity of the industry.

However, the above needs to be slowed down. The first thing to get done now is the variety show "Singing Youth Training Camp" that will be recorded in a few hours.

From the name, one could tell that it was an unremarkable program. Wei Xun did a simple search on the Internet, and it turned out to be the case.

In fact, the variety show that Wei Xun is going to participate in is "Call Me an Actor". Wei Xun's traffic used to attract ratings.

Of course, Wei Xun, who has no acting skills, will definitely be eliminated in the first round, but he has a lot of fans and traffic.

This is the reason why traffic can flourish in the entertainment industry and make a lot of money.

Originally, Wei Xun had already decided to participate in the recording of "Please Call Me an Actor", but he was temporarily thrown away to record the program "Singing Youth Training Camp", which originally belonged to Lin Chao. It was replaced by Lin Chao.

Lin Chao, a newcomer promoted by Tianguang Media recently, is 20 years old. He was born in Beijing Conservatory of Music. He is good at singing and has many fans since his debut. Recently, he wants to try the waters in the film industry, so he wants to use the acting variety show "Please Call Me an Actor" The show serves as a springboard.

So Wei Xun was pushed down.

As for why Wei Xun can make money and has a lot of traffic, but is not taken seriously by Tianguang Media and his agent Luo Feng, the reason is not complicated.

More than two years ago, Wei Xun made his debut on a variety show with a handsome face. As soon as he showed his face in the entertainment circle, he became popular all over the Internet because of his super good looks, and he crazily harvested millions of female fans.

Tianguang Media also attaches great importance to this handsome little fresh meat under its banner. It invested 7000 million yuan to save a blockbuster movie "Penglai" with the theme of fairy tales. Its acting is accompanied by a group of powerful actors.

Once such a big battle broke out, the whole circle knew that Tian Guang was determined to promote Wei Xun to the top.

Although the investment of 7000 million yuan is not top-notch, it is definitely not a small investment in today's film market. Wei Xun can get such good resources as soon as he debuts, and he does not know how many colleagues are jealous.

The results, however, were astonishing.

"Penglai" suffered from Waterloo. It was released for more than a month and only received more than 1000 million box office. Wei Xun's clumsy and soulless performance became the laughing stock of the whole Internet.

Tianguang Media spent more than [-] million yuan in investment and publicity on this movie, which can be said to be nothing.

Not only that, the actress Wen Piaopiao was also dubbed a box office poison, and she was completely devastated, and she hasn't recovered yet.

The movie market is very harsh on actresses. A movie heroine who lost more than [-] million yuan directly ruined Wen Piaopiao's movie career.

And Wen Piaopiao is an artist under Luo Feng's hands. It is precisely because of Wen Piaopiao's cultivation that Luo Feng can firmly sit on the throne of Tianguang's gold medal manager.

At that time when Wei Xun signed with Tianguang Media, the momentum was fierce, and Luo Feng was able to take Wei Xun under his command because of his qualifications as a gold medal agent.

However, after losing Wen Piaopiao, Luo Feng has no more artists under his command, and there is Wei Xun who has become the laughing stock of the industry. How can he call himself a gold medal manager?

It was also for this reason that Luo Feng hated Wei Xun so much, since then he has suppressed Wei Xun in various ways, and after signing Lin Chao, he couldn't wait to use Wei Xun to milk Lin Chao to take over the position.

And Tianguang Media, which lost nearly [-] million investment on Wei Xun, also completely no longer has any expectations for Wei Xun.

The result of the company's discussion is to squeeze out the remaining value of this little fresh meat with all its strength, and recover all the lost money from him while his traffic is still there.

Wei Xun has no investment value and can only be used to make quick money.

So in the next two years, he was forced to act in countless bad movies, making whatever movies made money, and completely became a tool for Tianguang to make money.

Because of this, Wei Xun's reputation became worse and worse. At first, the audience ridiculed and boycotted him, and later, because he acted in a movie that hit the market, even the movie circle blocked him from returning all the products.

Today, Wei Xun earns money by accepting endorsements and acting in commercials, and has not had a movie contract for half a year.

Not only did he not have a film contract, but even the variety show "Please Call Me an Actor" that he finally received was forcibly taken away by his manager Luo Feng and given to Lin Chao.

The previous Wei Xun was also very depressed when he heard about this, but he still owed more than [-] million yuan in debt. He was afraid of being blocked by Xuezang, so he didn't dare to challenge the company at all, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Now, Wei Xun, who had changed his soul a long time ago, did not intend to accept it like this.

He searched the Internet and found that the three mentors of "Call Me an Actor" are actress Zhai Qing, actor Gu Chengxian, and veteran filmmaker Sun Kuo. It is a good show that can become popular.

The reason why we came to find Wei Xun in the first episode now is nothing more than wanting to use Wei Xun's traffic to warm up the show. If the show becomes popular, traffic like him will definitely not have a chance to be on.

Therefore, Wei Xun must seize the opportunity to appear on this show as a springboard for his initial recovery.

That rubbish "Singing Youth Training Camp" program itself should belong to Lin Chao, so he doesn't want to go.

But now Wei Xun has just traveled here, and it’s just a small amount of personal traffic. Tianguang Media is one of the best media giants in the entertainment industry, and the manager Luo Feng is also very skilled. If he wants to take back the show "Please call me an actor", he still needs A little trick.

At least not too tough, after all, it's not the time to tear yourself apart with Skylight Media.

Wei Xun pondered these in his mind, searched Lin Chao's information on the computer, and gradually got the answer in his heart.

At five o'clock, there was already some light outside the window.

Mao Bin woke up, went to the bedroom and didn't find Wei Xun, but saw him sitting in the study, he was a little surprised: "Brother Xun, you didn't go to rest? We're going to record a show later, we have to... "

Wei Xun raised his head and said lightly, "I won't go today."

not going?
The announcement has been made, if you don't go, you will be in breach of the contract.

However, hearing what Wei Xun said, Mao Bin did not panic. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I will contact Brother Luo."

Brother Luo, of course, is Wei Xun's manager Luo Feng.

Seeing Mao Bin turn around to make a phone call very neatly, Wei Xun's eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

This assistant is quite courageous.

A few minutes later, Mao Bin turned around and came back, and said worriedly: "Brother Luo was very angry on the phone and said he wanted to make a video call with you. Brother Xun, you should be careful."

Obviously, Lin Chao took away Wei Xun's variety show "Please Call Me an Actor". As an assistant, Mao Bin also knew about it.

Before Wei Xun held back, even if Mao Bin felt aggrieved for Wei Xun, there was nothing he could do. Now seeing Wei Xun resisting, Mao Bin actually felt happy in his heart, but after the happy, he was worried.

After all, Wei Xun not only signed a 15-year contract with the company, but also owed more than [-] million yuan. If the trouble is too serious and the company freezes it, it will be completely over.

Seeing the worry in Mao Bin's eyes, Wei Xun smiled: "Don't worry, it's fine."

Mao Bin was slightly taken aback.

He always felt that Brother Xun seemed to have changed something, and he couldn't tell exactly what changed, but it was very reassuring.

Three minutes later, a video call popped up on Wei Xun's computer, and he pressed the connect button.

Manager Luo Feng's gloomy face appeared on the screen: "Why didn't you go to record "Singing Youth Training Camp", you'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

Why didn't I go? It wasn't because "Singing Youth Training Camp" was announced by Lin Chao!

Pretending to be confused.

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Feng, and said after a while: "My main business is film and television, and Lin Chao is a singer. If you forcibly replace our resources, it will not benefit anyone. I think you know in your heart that Lin Chao has no acting skills. , Going to "Please Call Me an Actor" will not bring him much benefit, for him, getting a hit song is the most serious."

Luo Feng said with a cold face: "Lin Chao doesn't have acting skills, so you have? Wei Xun, remember, since you paid Tianguang more than [-] million yuan, you have lost the qualification to negotiate terms with the company. Moreover, How can it be so easy to buy popular hit songs?"

What you've been waiting for.

After Luo Feng finished speaking, Wei Xun took out the guitar from the side of the desk and said, "Then look at this song, is it a hit?"

After finishing speaking, he plucked the string lightly and started to play.

On the screen, when Luo Feng saw his appearance, there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

What kind of trouble is he planning to make?

But then, the sad music with morbid nostalgia flowed from Wei Xun's fingertips. The mere prelude stunned Mao Bin in the study and Luo Feng, the manager on the computer screen.

What song is this?

Wei Xun ignored the others, and began to sing along with the music: "I had a beautiful nightmare at night, but I couldn't resist my heartbeat when I wanted to wake up. In the dream, you were a bottomless black hole, and I couldn't resist weightlessness."

In fact, his singing skills can only be said to be average, but his voice is slightly deep and hoarse, with a taste of decadence, which complements this song, revealing a nameless sadness.

If the prelude to the music just now attracted Luo Feng's attention a little bit, now that Wei Xun opened his mouth, Luo Feng was completely amazed!
This is definitely a song that can become a hit!

If Lin Chao can get this song, it is not impossible to use the song to take off if he does a good job in marketing!

Thinking of this, Luo Feng couldn't care less about where Wei Xun got the song, and asked anxiously, "What's the name of this song?"

"You want to know?"

Wei Xun smiled: "Give me the spot to record "Please Call Me an Actor"."

 ps: Don't worry, no songs will be given away.

(End of this chapter)

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