From traffic to movie star

Chapter 211 "Wolf Warrior" Premiere

Chapter 211 "Wolf Warrior" Premiere

The premiere ceremony can be regarded as the face of a movie, and it is an indispensable part of the promotion of the movie.

Now that I think about it seriously, Wei Xun's movie premiere, except for "Chinese Partner", was actually not too grand.

The reason why "Chinese Partner" was able to invite so many rich and powerful people here is because of Chi Sheng's face, and it has nothing to do with Wei Xun.

But even if the previous premiere was not grand enough, there will be no lack of attention in the place where Wei Xun is present, or it will be compared to others.

But this time, the crew of "White Shark" next door is the real star.

The hot searches on today's newsletter are all hot searches on celebrities who attended the premiere of "White Shark". The lineup is even more exaggerated than the film festival awards show.

Dynasty Entertainment is really generous.

"Actually, it's not deserted anymore. After all, dozens of celebrities over there have given you free publicity a few days ago."

A reporter comforted Wei Xun, and then turned the topic to hot news: "Director Wei, when you were on the road show of "Wolf Warrior", you once said something about Hollywood movies and Chinese movies, so in your opinion , why would a small number of Chinese people be 'embarrassed' by our own personal hero?"

This issue has been discussed a lot recently on the Internet.

The quarrel between Wei Xun and "Wolf Warrior" about "Chinese individual heroism" caused many people to reflect, but at the same time they felt confused.

Why can't we accept our own superheroes?
"Maybe, because of habit. Over the years, we are used to watching Hollywood movies in cinemas, and we are used to the exciting pictures in their movies, and the plots that do not consider logic for exaggeration. So some audiences subconsciously agree that Hollywood superheroes have nothing to do. No, this is a very vigilant... cultural invasion."

Wei Xun said seriously: "But on China's side, the film industry has lagged behind in recent years. Whenever there are imported blockbusters, we avoid them as much as we can, and we don't consciously shape our own superheroes. This led to the personal heroic behavior of the Chinese male protagonist in "Wolf Warrior", which made some people uncomfortable. I don't think we can all blame this part of the audience, because our filmmakers should also reflect on how to produce our own high-quality features Movies, to reverse this situation.”

These words are worth pondering, but also a little heavy.

The reporter was silent for a moment, then smiled: "But since "Charlotte Annoyance", you have already won a round in the war with imported Hollywood films. I hope that "Wolf Warrior" can also defeat Bai..."

"Hey, don't say that, it's very offensive."

Wei Xun waved his hand to stop his words, and said helplessly, ""Wolf Warrior" is about to start, everyone, save your cameras and mobile phones at the security checkpoint, let's watch the premiere together."

The live interview screen ends here.

On the Internet, netizens who watched the live premiere of "Wolf Warrior" had something to say.

"I think what Wei Xun said is quite right. We have indeed been seriously invaded by Hollywood culture over the years."

"I used to think that commercial film directors only care about making money and have no depth of thought, but Wei Xun's words made me think that he is really thinking about the future of Chinese films. No wonder he can make so many high-grossing films."

"The higher the position, the wider the vision, Wei Xun is becoming more and more like a great director."

"I will support "Wolf Warrior"."

The premiere of "White Shark" was attended by many stars, and it was lively and beautiful.

But in "Wolf Warrior", Wei Xun's invasion of Hollywood film culture and his self-reflection as a Chinese filmmaker also sparked heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Because it is not only the expectation of Chinese filmmakers, but also the expectation of ordinary audiences to make Chinese films stronger and even go abroad.

Wei Xun's words not only moved the audience, but also made some professional film magazines join this topic for related discussions.

Since discussing such topics, "Wolf Warrior" will inevitably become the benchmark that is taken out as an explanation.

And because "Wolf Warrior" is a film officially named and supported, so the current evaluations by film critics and related industries are still considered positive.

Let's talk about Wei Xun.

After entering the Medal Theater, he did not act as the host of the premiere ceremony of "Wolf Warrior" this time, but chose to sit in the auditorium.

Whoever hosted 35 screenings during the road show, probably would not have the intention to continue to be the host of this movie.

Even if the movie was made by himself.

After a cutscene, the host invited by Medal Media announced the start of the movie.

Everyone put on the 3D glasses equipped in the theater.

That's right, this theater is an IMAX screening hall, and it is also the only theater with an IMAX screen among the 20 theaters under Medallion Media.

The price of this screen alone is more than one million, not counting playback equipment, so although Huaxia has introduced IMAX technology, there are currently less than [-] movie theaters equipped with IMAX theaters in the country.

But the viewing experience in the IMAX theater is absolutely amazing.

Especially the high-burning blockbusters that burst.

For example, right now, when "Wolf Warrior" starts, it relies on sniper rifles to shoot, grenades explode, and the special forces show off their various skill points, which arouses exclamations in the theater.

The beginning of the story stems from a Chinese army's encirclement and suppression of anti-drug criminal gangs.

A group of Chinese soldiers clean up the drug dealers standing guard outside the abandoned factory. The movements are clean and neat, and the picture looks very comfortable.

During the final attack, however, the dealer hid behind the factory's walls and took a hostage.

Existing bullets can't penetrate the wall, and the leader asked not to shoot.

Then, the male protagonist Leng Feng played by Wei Xun appeared on the stage, holding a sniper rifle, jumped down from the [-]-[-]-meter elevated, rolled handsomely, and then shot very simply.

After three shots, the wall was pierced and the drug dealer was killed.

In just a few minutes, the audience was dumbfounded. How did this movie get promoted by the above?

A thorny Chinese soldier who dared to disobey the orders of his superiors and act foolishly. With such an image of a hero, is it certain that the army will use "Wolf Warrior" as a promotional film for recruiting?

But I have to say that the prickly head is more popular than the serious protagonist.

At least at the moment, the audience in the movie theater is astonished as well as amazed.

A personal hero should not stick to the rules!
Handsome and powerful, it's over!

After the story line on Leng Feng's side was explained, the screen changed to the lake villa, and Minden played by Sun Kuo appeared on the stage.

And his appearance was followed by 3 minutes of indiscriminate bombing, bullets, grenades, submachine guns, bombs, watching all of this from the perspective of 3D glasses, it is simply not too exciting!

Bullets shuttle in front of your eyes, grenades explode beside you, and the screen is full of high-energy, all the way.

Before coming here, everyone knew that the picture of "Wolf Warrior" was very hot, but I didn't expect it to be so hot!Less than 10 minutes after the movie started, a bombing instantly raised the atmosphere in the theater.

 ps: Thanks to "The Destiny of Cuncun" for "I used to think" "Flowers are not flowers."The rewards of the four big bosses of "Zhuge Qinmo" are costly.

(End of this chapter)

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