From traffic to movie star

Chapter 242 The Shocking Propaganda

Chapter 242 The Shocking Propaganda

Dynasty Entertainment.

"Medals are no longer the time for Wei Xun to fight alone. Last night, I temporarily notified some media that we cooperated with and broke the news that Zhang He had a history of plagiarism, but someone still secretly told Wei Xun."

Gao Lei was waiting in the company early in the morning. When he saw Ke Runheng coming, he immediately helped him take off his coat, and blamed himself: "Xun Zhang Music issued an apology statement overnight and terminated the contract with Zhang He, so we prepared The manuscripts have all been discarded.”

Originally, according to Dynasty Entertainment's plan, on today's Internet, Wei Xun's related words have to add "indulging plagiarism" in addition to scumbag and drama bully.

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and Wei Xun's successive scandals at this time will definitely have a great impact on "Tang Detective".

But I didn't expect... the plan that had been prepared for so long in advance was completely spoiled by an inexplicable movie cp.

And it also reversely helped "Tang Detective" to market a wave.

Gao Lei now has the urge to vomit blood.

Ke Runheng walked into the office expressionlessly, and said with a sullen face: "If there is any bad news, let's tell it all together."

Gao Lei looked at his face, and replied cautiously: "The matter of Zheng Miao's love affair has been uncovered. Originally, it was easy to find out this kind of love affair marketing, but Wei Xun wanted to get rid of it quickly. It's not that easy either, but..."

But "Tang Detective" and "Little Yellow Duck" broke up so much, Wei Xun really left it clean.

Dynasty Entertainment’s action on the medals this time was to analyze several of Wei Xun’s films, and determined that the marketing and distribution capabilities of the medals were not good, so they specifically identified the weak points and targeted them, and they were quick and accurate.

But after this time, who dares to say that the ability of the medal is not enough.

The golden idea of ​​movie CP was thought up by some marketing ghost. Recently, many movie marketing and distribution companies have held meetings, and they will definitely analyze the marketing of "Tang Detective".

Gao Lei had promised Ke Runheng before, that Medal would definitely have a hard time this year.

However, the slap in the face came too fast.

"This Wei Xun is really a tough nut to crack."

Ke Runheng was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "Then let Meng Guang stand up and clarify. "Tang Detective" is so popular now, let's take advantage of it."

Therefore, Meng Guang, who once missed the role of Li in "Tang Detective", but played the leading role in "Nobody's Chinese New Year", issued a clarification statement on the newsletter.

Immediately afterwards, the tone on the Internet suddenly reversed. The previous draft criticizing Wei Xun as a drama master suddenly changed to praise Wei Xun and Meng Guang, and praised the friendship between the two outstanding actors.

"The friendship between Wei Xun, the best actor of the Flower Market Film Festival, and the actor Meng Guang, although they missed the cooperation, they achieved each other."

"Meng Guang: Thanks to Director Wei Xun for his help. The collision between "Tang Detective" and "Nobody's Chinese New Year" is purely fate. Friendship comes first, box office comes second."

Therefore, "Nobody's New Year", which itself does not receive much attention, is well known to the public by bundling "Tang Detective".

And the sympathy between Meng Guang and Wei Xun, two outstanding actors, also moved many people with admiration.

But the problem is that Wei Xun is not familiar with this Meng Guang at all.

After seeing these drafts, how can Xing Zhang not understand what the idea of ​​"Nobody's New Year" is?
But there are priorities, and Zheng Miao's matter must be resolved before Meng Guang.

"Boss Wei."

In the afternoon, Dong Zhen found Wei Xun and said: "I just received an anonymous email, and found out that this girl named Zheng Miao is not easy. She went to nightclubs with tattoos, smoked cigarettes, and went fishing for girls. I am in a relationship with the boyfriend who has been exposed now, and I have affairs with several men at the same time."

Anonymous email broke the news?When these hammers were thrown out, Zheng Miao was completely finished.

But for this unknown female singer, Wei Xun had nothing to sympathize with, he said with a smile: "Just throw the material out."

Dong Zhen also smiled and said, "It's already been released. I actually just find it strange why someone would send us Zheng Miao's black information. It's just timely rain."

Wei Xun said nonchalantly: "Maybe it's the enemy who made trouble. The entertainment industry is like this. It's normal to worship the high and step on the low."

Pool Villa.

"Sister, are you sure you sent Zheng Miao's situation to the medal anonymously? Why hasn't there been any news on the Internet?" Chi Tang was checking the newsletter, and asked Xu Yaru suspiciously: "Could it be that you sent it by mistake?" Mail?"

Xu Yaru was a little speechless: "How could I make such a low-level mistake, I must give the medal a buffer time."

That's right, these materials about Zheng Miao were sorted out by Xu Yaru and Chi Tang and distributed to them with medals.

So far, Dong Zhen has simply found out that Zheng Miao has a boyfriend. It will take time to dig deeper.

But with Xu Yaru's computer technology and the Chi family's network of contacts, it's easy to find out some things that others can't do.

As a result, this investigation left Xu Yaru and Chi Tang dumbfounded.

This Zheng Miao, is a proper playboy, the status posted on the newsletter every day is like a little fairy, and the trumpet also pretends to be weak, wronged and pitiful, cheated on feelings, aborted, abandoned by scumbags, and even depressed disease, it turns out that there is such a thing in the core.

A proper green tea girl.

How could Chi Tang let this kind of smelly and shameless woman go without seeing her face being torn out of her true colors?
"I just feel angry!"

Chi Tang said angrily: "I've been so busy recently, I finally had time to go out for a date, and I was disturbed by this woman. Xun Xun was beaten as a scumbag for no reason because she was blasted on the Internet all day long." The title... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, the medal is sold!"

Halfway through her words, the name of #郑iao# has rushed to the hot search list of the newsletter.

No matter what the name is, it has been rumored with Wei Xun, so after being on the hot search, it has attracted a lot of attention.

However, after seeing the pictures of Zheng Miao being skinned, netizens were dumbfounded.

"Damn it, that means this woman not only has a boyfriend herself, but was hyped by Wei Xun in intimate photos taken by the media, and she also has several boyfriends at the same time?"

"Yes, the information also said that she may be suspected of smoking. The child was not forced to be beaten by a scumbag, but because she didn't dare to give birth at all."

"Although I went to nightclubs, smoked, drank, fished, and had several boyfriends, I was just a poor little guy who was bullied by scumbags, and the whole network would love me."

"Understood, next time I will post Wei Xun's hype, you can't scold me, because I have depression."

"The online world is really magical. It makes me feel like everyone is depressed. Don't mention all kinds of rubbish things you do. Mention is a depression warning. I wonder if you can give real depression patients a way to live , do you know how painful depression is, that people with depression are so consumed by you, and human blood steamed buns are so delicious?"

After Zheng Miao's exaggerated private life was exposed, he was besieged by angry netizens in the newsletter.

How much everyone loved her yesterday, how much they hate her today.

It is really fierce when you use other people's kindness to gain sympathy and get backlash.

In the end, Zheng Miao, who had been silent throughout this scandal, couldn't bear the pressure and sent such a quick message.

@郑婆: I just came out of a concert hall with a poor signal, and seeing such unreliable things is really ridiculous.There are a lot of guesswork and analysis, but I’m sorry that none of them are true. It’s hard for someone with a heart to operate like this. I didn’t expect such a big misunderstanding to be caused.I am sorry for the trouble caused to Mr. Wei Xun, but my private life issue is purely fabricated, and I will entrust a lawyer to sue the relevant rumor marketing account.It can only be said that when the work is difficult and life is difficult in the future, keep the principle of heart and don't give some people the opportunity to take advantage of it. I have gained experience, thank you for reminding me.

Below this newsletter, there is also a very deliberate list of depression diagnosis.

But soon it was picked up by powerful netizens, the medical record list belonged to P, and this news also made many people find it extremely funny.

If Zheng Miao took the initiative to clarify when the scandal first broke out, then it would be truly magnanimous.

But now, it's too late.

Although Xunzhang Media did not have any great achievements in the music industry, Wei Xun himself has won the Golden Melody Award and has maintained a good relationship with many kings and queens. It is too easy to ban a small singer.

After today, when the enthusiasm for Zheng Miao of the melon eaters dissipates and everyone no longer pays attention to her, that is when she will completely disappear from the entertainment industry.

Zheng Miao's matter was resolved, but Meng Guang and "Nobody's New Year" posted various drafts from Wei Xun and "Tang Detective".

And because "Tang Detective" and "Little Yellow Duck" broke up recently, "Nobody's Chinese New Year" actually took advantage of the trend and started marketing signs of a new CP with "Tang Detective".

The friendship marketing between Meng Guang and Wei Xun was done very well, and the CPs of "Nobody's New Year" and "Tang Detective" did not make the public feel disobedient and disgusted.

Medal suddenly fell into a dilemma, because if one failed, this marketing idea would be used as a wedding dress for others.

However, at this time, "Tang Detective" made another move in the newsletter.

@电影中国城探案: [heartbreak] [anger] I've already said that I'm not a scumbag, you wronged me!My wife still didn't forgive me and dumped me.Since you all call me a scumbag, then I will show you a scumbag. I, Xiao Tang, will be an out-and-out scumbag today, a safe arsonist, and burn the hearts of all women!

Then came a shocking scene.

"Tang Detective" casts a wide net on the newsletter, showing mercy everywhere.

First of all, Aite @金空门, and Qin and Jin friends, launched the "Tang Detective" version of the Golden Arch Window Family Bucket Package.

Then I found @暖风衣装, and formed cp with them, and released the same detective green trench coat from "Tang Detective".

Then, snacks, jewelry, sunglasses, razors, watches, perfumes and even electric cars, no matter what brand, "Tang Detective" can be posted on the cross-border group cp.

And these brands were also willing to cooperate with the interaction of "Tang Detective", and gave enthusiastic responses one after another. Some were shy, some were charming, and a group of industrial brands started to talk about love on the Internet. With the help of these popular brands, the advertisement of "Tang Detective" has entered the field of vision of more people.

Now that "Tang Detective" is mentioned, everyone can't help laughing, knowing that it is a very famous "scumbag" in the film industry.

During the period of New Year's Day, whether on the Internet or in real life, interesting advertisements closely related to Detective Tang are everywhere.

However, "Tang Detective", which is always merciful, sometimes overturns.

Perhaps because he was a bit proud of being a scumbag, he finally found Skylight Media's movie "The Thing About Daddy".

@电影中国城探案: Brother, are you doing g? Let’s raise a child together. I’ve chosen a token of love. It’s @飞鹅油粉, do you like it? @电影嫩巴囧事.

@电影干巴囧事: Don’t do it, don’t like it, let me crawl.

This wave of hilarious marketing of "Show mercy everywhere" made "Tang Detective" completely break out of the movie circle, and the advertisement was very successful."Nobody's Chinese New Year", which tried to compete with the CP of the "Tang Detective" group, has long since been paid attention to.

It was in such a funny farce that "Tang Detective" finally ushered in its premiere and officially met the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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