From traffic to movie star

Chapter 255 Medal Media Crisis?

Chapter 255 Medal Media Crisis?
Sun Cheng sat in the reception room of Medal Media, casually looking around at the layout of the furnishings.

Sun Cheng is actually a little curious about this film and television company that has achieved such amazing results in only three years.

Of course, what he was more curious about was Wei Xun, the young CEO of Medal Media.

As an excellent investment bank manager, Sun Cheng had already evaluated the company's assets, revenue and other information before coming to Medal.

Then he was surprised to find that more than 80.00% of Medal Media's profit and revenue came from Wei Xun's own movies.

Starting from "Wu Wen Xi Dong", all the films produced by Wei Xun are very profitable.

They are also net revenues in billions.

Such a terrifying return ratio is exaggerated to the point that it far exceeds most venture capital investments, and the annual net revenue of a large number of listed companies can be called a movie wizard. No wonder Wei Xun is called the king of commercial films by the entertainment media.

But unfortunately, a company that only relies on individuals for profit has no value for mergers and acquisitions.

Not only because Wei Xun's personal brand was strongly branded on the medal, but also because once the medal was forcibly acquired, after Wei Xun left, the medal would definitely not be able to maintain the previous profit and revenue.

Because Xun Xing relies on Wei Xun's movies to make money, the annual financial report data is so beautiful that Sun Cheng, an investment bank manager, is amazed.

Without Wei Xun's Medal Media, there is no difference between Tianguang Media and Huaying Media, and it is even far inferior.

A strange business.

Sun Cheng thought this in his heart, and at the same time silently added a sentence.

A lucky business.

"Hello, Manager Sun, I've been waiting for a long time." A few minutes later, Wei Xun opened the door and walked into the reception room, and said with a smile, "I'm Wei Xun."

"Hi Mr. Wei, I'm taking the liberty to visit, please don't take offense, I'm Sun Cheng."

Sun Cheng stood up, took the initiative to shake hands with Wei Xun, and said with a smile: "I used to see you in the movie theater, but I didn't expect to deal with you in the mall now."

Wei Xun motioned him not to be polite, sat down opposite Sun Cheng, spread his hands helplessly, and said jokingly: "Actually, I really don't want to deal with you today, but you are here, I can't put Are you rushing outside?"

This is actually quite rude.

But it would not be rude to say it in such a teasing way.

After all, both of them knew in their hearts that Sun Cheng was appointed by Jutong. If Jutong had the idea of ​​forcibly buying the medal, then Sun Cheng came to explore the way in advance.

Which company dares to say that it doesn't care about Jutong's coveting?

"But Mr. Wei, you didn't seem too worried when you saw me." Sun Cheng asked curiously: "May I ask, are you ready to be acquired by Jutong?"

Wei Xun poured a cup of tea for Sun Cheng, and said with a calm smile, "Well, I'm ready to run away at any time."

Anyway, as long as there is Wei Xun, the media can be rebuilt without the medal.

But without Wei Xun, Medallion Media would not be worth acquiring.

Just now Sun Cheng thought that the operation mode of the medal should be accidental, but now seeing the reaction given by Wei Xun, he suddenly understood.

This was definitely arranged by Wei Xun on purpose.

At the beginning of the establishment of the company, Wei Xun had already considered that in the future, due to the strong revenue ratio, he would face a similar risk of being acquired, so the medal does not sign artists, and does not put too many eggs in the rest of the industry chain. All eggs, They were all kept in Wei Xun's own pocket.

Someone came to buy, but Wei Xun couldn't beat him, so he could pat his ass and leave with the egg at any time.

It turns out that there is no such thing as luck, all luck comes from careful planning and preparation.

But how much confidence do you have to have in yourself to dare to tie the future of a company to yourself?
For the rise of a company, there must be a leader with a forward vision and a strong wrist.Because the capital market is the cruelest, when it is weak, it will be targeted by capital giants. Once it cannot escape these catastrophes, it will only end up being annexed and acquired.

For example, within a day, the medal can bring down Dongheng.

But now Medal is not facing Dongheng, but Jutong.


Sun Cheng gave a sincere admiration, and then explained his purpose of coming: "In fact, Jutong is really interested in the medal, but after evaluation, the business model of the medal has an inseparable relationship with you, so in the end Jutong gave up. made a proposal for the acquisition of the Medal."

Wei Xun asked curiously after hearing the words: "Then why did you come here on behalf of the gathering today?"

"Panda buys tickets."

Sun Cheng said: "Next, Jutong wants to control an online ticketing software."

The capital giants really have their eyes on the fat meat of the film industry. If Jutong wants to enter the field of online ticket purchases, it is definitely preparing for the next airborne film industry.

Wei Xun pondered for a moment, and said, "At present, I don't intend to continue to dilute the shares of Panda in my hand."

"No, in fact, not only Medal Media cannot do without you, but also Panda Ticketing. Because Panda Ticketing is today, thanks to your movies. So Jutong is focusing on Guanchi's The shares of Panda Tickets, but because you control the management rights of Panda Tickets, Jutong appointed me to contact you first."

Sun Cheng said: "As far as I know, the ticket issuing machines of the Buying Ticket Gang have arrived in major theaters one after another. Next, Panda Tickets will face the Dynasty's ticket replacement battle. Guanchi's funds are not only in In theaters, Chi Sheng is too greedy, he wants to get involved in all profitable industries, so the power of Guanchi cannot be gathered in one place, and it is impossible for him to be in the next fight between you and Dynasty Entertainment , do your best to help you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but that he doesn’t have the ability.”

Jutong is eyeing Chi Sheng's shares in Panda Tickets?
After listening to Sun Cheng's words, Wei Xun did not respond immediately, obviously carefully calculating the pros and cons.

"Not only Jutong is in action, but the rest of the industry giants are all eyeing the fat cake of the film industry. My suggestion is, Mr. Wei, you can seriously consider this issue, because today you rejected Jutong, maybe you will accept it. Next, we have to face other giants who are interested in panda ticket purchases and even medal media.”

Sun Chengyou said: "The film industry, especially the entertainment industry, has shown its huge profits, and has long been targeted by the giants. I know you are worried that the entry of the giants will lead to the removal of medals, but I must say The most important thing is that a powerful filmmaker like you is definitely a target that the giants are willing to win over and cooperate with. In other words, in Jutong, the medal will definitely survive, and the cooperation between the two parties can definitely achieve a win-win situation."

In fact, what Sun Cheng said was correct.

On Earth, Maoyan stands behind Guangguang and Meituan. However, due to the limited strength of Guangguang and Meituan, Maoyan has fallen into a stalemate of continuous losses from the very beginning.

On the contrary, Tao Piao Piao is backed by the powerful Alibaba, even if it loses, it can afford to lose, and finally it was revived.

But for Wei Xun, rashly accepting the cooperation of an Internet giant is good or bad, and it really needs to be carefully considered.

Because of the unequal strength of the cooperative allies, Wei Xun would not have the slightest ability to resist once Jutong turned his face, or infiltrated pandas to buy tickets.

So in the end, Wei Xun said: "Actually, it's too early for us to talk about this. The root of all this depends on whether Jutong can buy the shares of Panda Tickets from Guanchi, or Chi always intends to sell it, isn't it?" ?"

A smile appeared in Sun Cheng's eyes when he heard the words, and he echoed, "Yes, Mr. Wei is right, but I was too impatient."

The two chatted for more than half an hour in the reception room, conveying each other's intentions, and then Sun Cheng said goodbye to Wei Xun.

When sending Sun Cheng out, Wei Xun asked: "Manager Sun, do you think it is necessary to keep this conversation secret?"

Sun Cheng looked at Wei Xun in surprise when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. Wei had better control the scale."

This means that Jutong probably wouldn't mind letting Wei Xun pull the tiger's skin a little bit.

So Wei Xun said with a smile: "Thank you, Manager Sun, for reminding me, I understand."

After Sun Cheng left, Wei Xun put away his smiling face, turned back to the company to find Dong Zhen, and said, "Sister Dong, release the draft now. After today, I need all the media to know that Xunzhang Media has been targeted by Jutong. "

It may seem unreasonable to do so, but it actually does.

Because Jutong is not interested in Medal Media, what they want to control is Panda Tickets.

Then when the news that Jutong is eyeing the medal is released, the next medal is the safest.

Wei Xun didn't want to receive Jutong today, and would continue to receive guests from other capital giants tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Because of a bad conversation, the medal is really gone.

The next day, the headlines in the entertainment circle and all the media were broadcasting an astonishing insider news.

"Top Internet giants gathered in the airborne film industry, Medal Media was targeted and sniped, and faced the crisis of being forcibly acquired at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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