From traffic to movie star

Chapter 261 Let son D fly for a while

Chapter 261 Let Son D Fly For Awhile
In mid-April, there is still a temperature difference between day and night in Beijing, and the weather will be a little dry and cold when the wind blows occasionally.

However, in Guangdong Province at this time, the sky is already hot with the sun.

After Wei Xun explained the matter of Xunzhang Media, accompanied by his driver and assistant Lin Cheng, he quietly left Beijing and came to Baixiang Mountain in Guangdong Province.

As early as five days ago, Zou Min had already arrived here ahead of schedule and led the crew to simply arrange the shooting location.

In fact, there is nothing to arrange. Basically, there is only one opening scene in this mountain forest.

Ma Bangde, who bought an official position in Goose City, sat on the train with his wife and master, ate hot pot and sang songs, but was robbed by Zhang Mazi and a group of his men.

Zhang Mazi led people to rob the train and killed everyone, but found that there was no money in this seemingly luxurious train, so he simply killed everyone, leaving Ma Bonde and his wife alive.

In order to save his life, Ma Bangde took the second place to act as the dead teacher, and made the robber leader Zhang Muzhi (Zhang Mazi) the county magistrate.

So Zhang Mazi transformed himself from a bandit to an official, took his master Ma Bangde, and Mrs. Cheap who came along, and took up the post of Goose City.

And his purpose of going to Goose City was to make money.

Earn money while standing.

Important props such as trains, tracks, and white horses were prepared as early as the beginning of the crew's preparations.

The opening scene will not be too time-consuming. Basically, the filming is tentatively scheduled to be finished within a week, and then everyone rushes to the filming location of "Goose City" in the script, which is the Pingcheng Diaolou about seven or eight hours away from Baixiang Mountain.

So the crew is currently divided into two teams, but Wei Xun is the director, where he is, the main project must be there.

When Wei Xun arrived at Baixiang Mountain, Shi Fan, Zhong Xianxian, Shao Bing, Jiang Duzhou, Yi Heng and others were already waiting in advance.

Shi Fan plays Ma Bonde, Zhong Xianxian plays the wife, Shao Bing plays the master, Jiang Duzhou plays the third son of Zhang Mazi's subordinate, and Yi Heng plays Zhang Mazi's son and sixth son.

As for Huang Silang played by Bai Qianchi, he has no role yet, and he will not appear in the scene until he takes up the role of Goose City.

On Earth, "Let the Bullets Fly" is a movie full of celebrities. Even Feng Xiaogang cameo for the master who only has a role in the opening scene of less than a minute. The other small supporting roles are also faces familiar to the audience.

Wei Xun also did the same thing when he launched "Let the Bullets Fly".

In the temporary tent rest area under Baixiang Mountain, when everyone heard that Wei Xun had arrived, they all came out to greet him.

A bunch of big guys gathered in the wild in the mountains and forests, this scene is so weird no matter how you look at it.

"It was a bit congested while driving on the road. I could have come here in the morning." Wei Xun got out of the car and asked as if asking: "What's the matter, let's start directly in the afternoon?"

Zhong Xianxian smiled and said, "You are the director, you have the final say."

Everyone also expressed no opinion.

Wei Xun walked over, bumped fists with Jiang Duzhou and Shao Bing, finally looked at Shi Fan, and said, "Brother Shi Fan, let's fix the makeup first, and hold a script seminar later."

Among these actors, if Bai Qianchi was not around, Shi Fan would definitely be the most famous actor.

Of course, these two film kings are also the most expensive.

"I'm fine here."

Shi Fan readily agreed, and said with a smile: "Before you came, Lao Bai kept praising you for your aura, just so, let's have a sparring session this afternoon, to find out how we feel?"

In the first act, Ma Bonde and Zhang Mazi have already started to play against each other until the end of the second half of the film.

"Let the Bullets Fly" is an absolute man's play, so there is a lot of room for the three male protagonists to display their performance. As long as there are scenes where they are in the same frame, they will be able to show off their acting skills all the time.

After Shi Fan finished speaking, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

In this year's "Detective Chinatown", Wei Xun's acting skills have been praised by many people.

Not to mention Shi Fan, the grand slam best actor, an absolute powerhouse.

The drama of the two film kings is definitely something that everyone loves to see. Not only the staff on the scene are looking forward to it, but even several famous actors want to join in the fun.

After all, as an actor, you still have to judge the level of acting skills in essence, and the drama is definitely a very big attraction.

It can be guessed from the luxurious lineup of "Let the Bullets Fly". When it is released at that time, the performance of this group of big names will definitely be used for comparison.

Since it was a comparison, naturally no one wanted to admit defeat.

Wei Xun didn't want to either.

So he smiled and said, "Okay."

Watching the faint rivalry between the two men, Zhong Xianxian said as if watching the excitement from the side: "Old Fan, you have stopped working for more than a year because you are waiting for Director Wu's new play."

Although she didn't say it clearly, the meaning in her words was obvious, the work had been suspended for a long time, and she was afraid that she would capsize and be hanged and beaten by Wei Xun.

Shi Fan laughed a few times when he heard the words, but didn't reply.

On the other hand, Jiang Duzhou and Shao Bing looked at each other quietly, and they both saw the weirdness in each other's eyes.

Because they both thought of an incident several years ago.

When filming "Forensic Medicine Chronicle", I heard that Shao Bing hired Wei Xun as the second male lead, and Jiang Duzhou came back to the set aggressively for reshoots.

The scene four years ago is still vivid when I think about it now, it is funny but also makes people feel a little emotional.

The guy who was notorious on the Internet back then has now earned more than 50 billion at the box office, and the new movie can invite China's top first-line superstars to help out.

Thinking of this, Jiang Duzhou shook his head.

How time flies.

"Old Jiang, why are you in a daze? Come over to a meeting quickly. Everyone has read the script, and I want to say a few core requirements. After we start filming, in the next few months, everyone will imagine that they are paranoid. Or mental illness."

Here, Wei Xun finished finishing the script, and everyone surrounded him, but seeing Jiang Duzhou in a daze, he had no choice but to walk over and wrap his arms around his neck to pull him over, and continued with the crowd, "The effect we want to shoot Yes, the absurd self-indulgence of a group of mental patients, and it seems to be nonsense, but it is self-contained logic. And our purpose is to let a group of normal people pretend to be I am a psychopath, and accompany us to get high together in the absurd world we constructed."

Hearing this weird request, everyone couldn't help laughing.

But when you think about the script of "Let the Bullets Fly", isn't it just an absurd and nonsensical story with its own so-called 'logic'?
A bowl of bean jelly cut open the abdomen, wearing a mahjong mask on the head, shouting and killing, and 90 years after the tax of Goose City was collected, the bandit turned into a blessing official...

In short, there is no normal plot.

Since the plot is abnormal, there is no need for normal people to act.

After eating at noon, Wei Xun and others put on makeup together.

Because of this scene, the opening is a group play, and everyone has to appear.

In the movie, Zhang Mazi, a man, is rough, because he has been a bandit all year round, his skin is tanned, his personality is gangster, and he is also delicate.

Wei Xun put on makeup, came out wearing a gray gown and a mahjong hat, and asked Jiang Duzhou who also came out with makeup: "How is it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Duzhou looked him up and down.

The short hair close to the scalp, and the skin that was specially smeared with black powder made Wei Xun's facial features look rough, but also very energetic.Maybe it's because he has already entered the role state in advance, he now has a feeling of being a bit of a gangster in every gesture, and he really looks like a bandit leader.

It has to be said that Wei Xun has a talent for pretending to look like anything. The pockmarked Zhang in front of him is absolutely qualified just by looking at his appearance.

After sizing up, Jiang Duzhou affirmed, "It's my elder brother."

Wei Xun grinned and said, "Let's go for a while first. How is your horsemanship? Do you need a substitute?"

At the beginning of the film, Zhang Mazi and his brothers aimed at the train in Maderbang, shot first and then besieged on horseback. The robbery was very skillful.

Jiang Duzhou said, "No problem, I practiced it specially for filming before."

The first scene was shot in two parts.

Ma Bangde and his wife were eating hot pot in the train. On the other side of the cliff, Zhang Mazi and his brothers aimed at them from a distance, ready to shoot.

Wei Xun's arrangement here is to set up the distant scene first, and when the camera is switched, the shots of the train and Zhang Mazi can be framed together, and then the scene inside the train will be shot later.

When all the actors are ready, the scene record will be allegro.

"The first act of "Let the Bullets Fly" starts shooting!"

The main camera was lifted to the cliff, and the long-range shot showed continuous and clean green hills.

There was the whistling of sirens and the sound of horses' hoofs, and then, a dozen white horses leading a car into the frame.

Zhang Mazi aimed his gun at the train from a distance, then quickly loaded and fired!
Bang bang bang!
After the gunshots, everything was quiet.

The sixth child played by Yi Heng was stunned by the side: "Missed?"

Zhang Mazi put his gun away calmly, and said the once popular phrase on Earth, which was also a topic: "Let the bullets fly for a while."

It is also from here that the following various absurd and unscrupulous plots officially kicked off.

 ps: Thanks to 'Long Ziyu' and 'VeraJo' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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