From traffic to movie star

Chapter 263 His acting skills have no upper limit?

Chapter 263 His acting skills have no upper limit?

Because "Detective Chinatown" was only released at the beginning of the year, the two roles of murderer Li and Qin Feng were well interpreted by him, so no one would question Wei Xun's acting skills.

But now the one soaking in the water is Shi Fan, and the one standing next to him is Zhong Xianxian.

Let's not mention the Queen of the Golden Flower who is suspected of being a vase and has few lines.

Let's just talk about Shi Fan, the best actor in the three cities, and Bai Qianchi belong to one of the top four box office ivy leagues, absolutely powerful.

Having worked in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, Shi Fan's name is really well-known.

The first brother and the first sister of Dynasty Entertainment, Bai Qianchi and Zhong Xianxian, although they are more famous and their acting skills are undoubtedly strong, but these two brokerage contracts signed with Dynasty. Generally speaking, they starred in more commercial films, and occasionally There are times when I turn over and star in a bad movie.

Just like last year's "White Shark", Zhong Xianxian was forced to become a soy sauce heroine, so she simply dealt with it blindly, going through a cutscene to perfunctory, playing a mentally retarded vase who can only scream.

But Shi Fan of Huaying Media is different from Zhai Qing.

Especially Shi Fan, who never accepts romance films, and produces very little. For a good movie, he is willing to wait a year or two.

His word of mouth, whether it is in the circle of audiences or the circle of award judges, is unanimously good.

Many people even think that if a Chinese actor can win some awards in the International Category A Film Festival in the future, then this person must be Shi Fan.

Everything is afraid of comparison.

Wei Xun, who often starred in commercial films, is directly facing Shi Fan and Zhong Xianxian, can he hold on?
Everyone came to watch and join in the fun, and it is not ruled out that there is a mentality of secretly watching jokes. After all, Wei Xun has invited a bunch of big names, but if he has no ability to suppress it, then it will be a good show.

But now this scene seems to be filmed very smoothly, it is impossible to tell who is overpowering whom, let alone any scene of fighting against each other. After 5 minutes, the scene is over and there is a click.

Wei Xun fished Shi Fan out of the water, then turned around and went back to the main camera to watch the performance just now, and then said: "It's over, the next one."

The crowd looked at each other in dismay.

No, it's over?
The opening scene in the first few minutes took a whole week to shoot, almost a small shot after a small shot. When the big guys played against each other, everyone felt that they hadn't seen anything. It was over.

A little disappointed and a little skeptical.

Did Wei Xun really have strict requirements on himself? Can the scene where he and Shi Fan are in the same frame in the camera really be passed in such a haste?
It it too casual?

Moreover, this kind of confrontation with no win or loss, or no sparks, is really not interesting, and it is not the plot direction that everyone wants to see.

But Wei Xun is the director, if he said it, it's over.

After the play, Zhong Xianxian handed Shi Fan a towel and asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"I can't describe it. It's just an opening scene with no depth. The conflicts in the plot are not separated, and the relationship between the characters is not tense, so I can only say that it is quite satisfactory."

Shi Fan hesitated and said: "But how should I put it, the filming was very smooth, which made me feel very similar to Lao Bai's scene at that time. One look, one movement, as casual as eating and drinking. It’s very good. At least in this plot, there is nothing wrong with it, and when we play against each other, the feedback is equal to me.”


This evaluation made Zhong Xianxian a little surprised.

She looked thoughtfully at Wei Xun who was directing the crew in the distance, and said, "Perhaps, what Lao Bai said is right, he is really good."

Shi Fan also had some expectations: "Wait, I will have a lot of scenes with him next, and Lao Bai will join in. I haven't played with Lao Bai for several years. This time we will have fun together. When the time comes, I will play with him." If Lao Bai goes up together, if he can easily catch it, then he is really powerful."

Wei Xun didn't know that Shi Fan and Zhong Xianxian were talking about him.

After the opening scene is over, it is almost time to receive the main event of going to Goose City.

When the crew was filming, they had already started packing up the set and were ready to move at any time.

After staying in Baixiang Mountain for [-] days, which was four days over budget, the dozens of people in the crew finally didn't have to endure the wind and sun in the mountains anymore, and took the rented bus to the Pingcheng Diaolou.

On the way to Pingcheng, Jiang Duzhou and Wei Xun huddled together, and asked curiously, "How does it feel to play with Shi Fan?"

"I don't feel anything, it's pretty smooth." Wei Xun was editing the sub-shots of the script, and said casually: "And it's just an ordinary scene, so what can be seen."

Jiang Duzhou was almost convinced by him, but after thinking about it, he still felt something was wrong: "Brother, that's Shi Fan, I've seen all his plays, even if he doesn't explode, not everyone can be under his hands Just play around."

Wei Xun smiled when he heard this, but said nothing.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Duzhou became more and more suspicious.

Others have never played against Wei Xun, nor have they felt the impact of playing against him, but Jiang Duzhou has personally experienced it.

Jiang Duzhou still remembers the feeling of physical and mental exhaustion after the "Forensic Chronicle" scene with Wei Xun.

At that time, he almost lost his footing, but Wei Xun seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

But today, Wei Xun and Shi Fan are still playing like this.

It seems that no matter who the opponent is or what kind of play he is playing, Wei Xun can always deal with it easily, and there is never a time when he can't take it.

If Shi Fan can't pry Wei Xun's acting upper limit, then where is his upper limit?
Jiang Duzhou shook his head, reassuring himself that the plot conflict hadn't been drawn out yet, and Shi Fan didn't try his best, which is why Wei Xun was so relaxed.

Otherwise, can a person really have extraordinary abilities in writing and directing, and at the same time have extraordinary acting skills that are at the same level as Shi Fan?

The road to the Pingcheng Diaolou was a bit boring, and everyone on the bus was sleeping.

In a daze, Jiang Duzhou heard the staff of the two production crews discussing in low voices, which one is better in acting, Shi Fan or Wei Xun.

He listened quietly for a while, and the two finally came to the conclusion that Shi Fan was better.

"The record says that Bai Qianchi, Shi Fan, and our guards will attend together later on, and there will be a big 'Hongmen Banquet', which will definitely be wonderful."

Hearing such a sentence, Jiang Duzhou grinned, looking forward to it, but also worried about Wei Xun.

There have been a lot of similar discussions in the crew recently.

Don't wait for Wei Xun to be crushed by Bai Qianchi and Shi Fan together, then the fun will be great.

But Wei Xun didn't have time to care what other people thought. After arriving at Pingcheng Diaolou, the crew continued to start work. Because Bai Qianchi had two days to join the crew, he planned to finish Yiheng's play first.

The sixth son played by Yi Heng was caught by Huang Silang's subordinate Hu Wan in the jelly shop to blackmail Zhang Mazi.

In order to prove that he only ate a bowl of jelly, Liu Zi cut his belly, stirred out his intestines, and poured out a bowl of jelly.

This is a very absurd and unreasonable plot.

So when Yi Heng acted, there were faults everywhere, he got stuck in several scenes, and couldn't get through.

At the beginning, Wei Xun patiently repeated it twice, but then he threw the guide tube on the table and said angrily, "Whether you can act or not, get out!"

The whole crew was eerily quiet.

Yi Heng's face turned pale with shock, and he hesitated to speak.

Zou Min was also trembling beside him.

Come, come, the studio tyrant in her memory is online again.

But Wei Xun didn't just scold people.

He stood up, glanced at Yi Heng, and said, "I'll act again, you watch, if it doesn't work, you can pack your things in the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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