Chapter 266
News of the bet between Director Wei and Shi Fan spread throughout the crew.

In fact, many people in the production team couldn't even tell the essential difference between the director and Shi Fan's performance methods, but this did not prevent everyone from joining in the fun.

Wei Xun's caesarean section made everyone see his acting skills.

When discussing who is better, Director Wei or Shi Fan, everyone must be inclined towards Shi Fan.

But after this time, many people hesitated.

Because Wei Xun's interpretation of the six sons is so wonderful, with both tension and explosive power, this feeling of being overwhelmed by acting skills makes everyone feel very shocked.

Perhaps, Director Wei's acting skills are not necessarily inferior to Shi Fan's Best Actor.

At this stage, Shi Fan and Wei Xun have different opinions because of the performance method, and they plan to use Yi Heng as a bet. What an interesting thing, who wouldn't want to join in the fun?

And because of problems with Yi Heng's performance, Wei Xun simply asked the crew to suspend work for a day to give everyone a vacation and relax.

Wei Xun, on the other hand, brought Yi Heng and Jiang Kun to teach on the set.

"Old Fan, next time you encounter this kind of thing, you can talk about it in private."

Zhong Xianxian looked at the scene where Wei Xun was seriously lecturing to Yi Heng and Shi Fan from a distance, and said helplessly to Shi Fan next to him: "Now the whole crew is watching the fun, Wei Xun is the director, if tomorrow If he can’t get off the stage, how will he control the production crew then.”

Shi Fan was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and said with a sneer, "I didn't think so much during the discussion, so I just said it."

Zhong Xianxian sighed and remained silent.

"But I'm really curious about the kind of performance he said. My reason tells me that what he said is impossible to achieve, but I still have a thought in my heart, maybe, maybe someone can really do it."

When Shi Fan said this, his eyes were particularly bright: "And Wei Xun played the six sons, you have seen it, it is so wonderful, and it is too real. Lao Bai is right, he is indeed very talented, and , is also very strong."

When encountering a strong opponent, Shi Fan's first thought was to compete with him and have a hearty show.

It is precisely because of this "play idiot" character that Shi Fan is what he is today.

Seeing Shi Fan like this, Zhong Xianxian suddenly became a little envious.

In fact, Shi Fan and Zhai Qing are the same people, they have a deep love and liking for acting.

Unlike her and Bai Qianchi, who think too much and have too many things in their hearts.

On the other side of the crew, Wei Xun was giving Yi Heng and Jiang Kun a little trouble.

"Now the two of you are not in a hurry to perform. I want you to do two things. The first thing is called 'experience'."

Wei Xun looked at the two of them, and said with a smile: "I have helped you just now, sorting out Liu Zi and Hu Wan's own thoughts, emotions, motivations, etc. in the situation stipulated in the script. In other words, I want you to forget about yourself. , and then contribute myself to the character itself."

Yi Heng was listening carefully.

Jiang Kun asked: "The Hu Wan I play, relatively speaking, the character's motivation is relatively single. In this scene, I need to induce him to have a caesarean section. Because this is suicide, it has nothing to do with me, and it hurts Zhang. Asako, I have also completed the task assigned to me by my boss, Huang Silang."

"There is also a very important point, that is, if the six sons don't die, you will die, so you can't be soft-hearted, you have to watch him die."

Wei Xun nodded approvingly, and said: "This is what you have to capture, the reasons or conditions for Hu Wan to do this, and then put these 'conditions' and 'reasons' on yourself to generate Hu Wan's psychological and physical 'feeling of self' rather than producing an 'inner image' and imitating it."

Yi Heng next to him hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and said, "But I am Yi Heng, not the sixth son."

"Then this will involve the cooperation between you and me. Next, I will become a mirror and 'take' you as the sixth son, and all you have to do is trust me."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Can it be done?"

Yiheng nodded.

So Wei Xun's voice became indifferent, and he asked sharply: "Now, answer my question, Liu Zi, how many bowls of jelly did you eat?"

Yi Heng said decisively, "One bowl."

"You lied, you clearly ate two bowls."

Wei Xun grabbed his neck with one hand, and said with a sneer: "The restaurant owner said, you just ate two bowls of noodles, and you only paid for one bowl. The county magistrate's son took the lead in lying and bullying others, so what does that prove? It proves that the county magistrate What you say is bullshit!"

Actors must learn to enter the play at any time and accept the play at any time. This is also the instinct of Yi Heng, who was born in an academy, and has learned countless times in the classroom.

So in the face of Wei Xun's sudden 'attack', he subconsciously began to build a personality defense and began to resist fiercely.

Facing Shang Weixun's mocking and indifferent eyes, Yi Heng felt inexplicably angry and aggrieved: "I only ate one bowl! Am I short of money for this bowl of jelly? One bowl is just one bowl!"

"I know you only ate one bowl, but now I want you to prove yourself. Your father Zhang Mazi has just entered Goose City, and Huang Silang is staring at him everywhere. As a son, don't you just cause trouble for him? ?"

Wei Xun said mockingly: "Cut your stomach open and let everyone see how many bowls you have eaten, Liu Zi, do you dare?"

Yiheng didn't say a word.

Wei Xun shouted loudly: "Cut open your stomach and let everyone see how many fucking bowls of noodles you have eaten! Waste! Do you dare to cut your stomach open to prove yourself that your father has been protecting you, today If you had protected him once, would you have been cowardly?"

On Earth, there is an acting instructor surnamed Liu in "The Birth of an Actor". She is best at using the roaring teaching method to bring actors into the play.

This method is called emotional transmission and rendering. In Wei Xun's view, although it may not be very desirable, at least it can play a role in certain situations.

Like now.

Wei Xun used this 'roaring' forceful teaching to mobilize Yi Heng's motivation and anger as the sixth son!

Yi Heng's eyes turned red: "I didn't persuade you, just cut it!"

"Enough man!"

Wei Xun sighed in admiration, pointed in the direction of the jelly shop, dragged Jiang Kun over, and said, "Go in now, is it because your six sons ate the jelly and didn't give money to embarrass Zhang Mazi, or you Hu Wan can't handle it?" The mission was killed by Huang Silang, it depends on your performance."

Jiang Kun and Yi Heng understood that Wei Xun had just sorted out and analyzed the psychology and motivation of the characters for them, and also mobilized their emotions. The next step is to let them stand in the real environment of the jelly shop and go further. teaching.

So they went straight in.

The extras in the jelly shop began to cooperate with the two actors, taking their positions.

The sixth son played by Yi Heng looked at Jiang Kun with wide eyes, and said tremblingly, "You are a villain."

Jiang Kun smiled and said, "Oh?"

"Is it worse than evil, I am worse than you!"

As Yi Heng said, he stabbed the knife in his stomach with his backhand.


An unsharp knife was enough to pierce the blood bag hidden in his stomach, and fresh blood flowed out immediately.He stared at Jiang Kun and said in a trembling voice: "I want two bowls and two servings in my stomach today, and I will die in vain."

There were exclamations all around.

Jiang Kun's eyes lit up strangely, and he said cruelly and excitedly: "The jelly is too shallow, I can't see it."

Yi Heng continued to draw the knife without hesitation!

Another actor handed him the bowl.

"Is there only one bowl, is there only one bowl!"

Yi Heng took a bowl of bloody stuff from his stomach, and wept tremblingly, "Don't go, there's only one bowl!"

The extras on the set began to retreat one after another, and no one paid any attention to Yi Heng.

Jiang Kun smiled: "Master Liu, I actually know that you only ate a bowl of noodles from the beginning to the end."

Yi Heng's face froze instantly.


At this time, Wei Xun, who was sitting behind the monitor, yelled a click, then smiled and said, "It's over."


What happened?
There was a moment of silence all around, including all the extras and staff members who started to applaud in amazement.

They looked at Jiang Kun and Yi Heng in amazement, and looked at Wei Xun with admiration and awe.

I heard that the way a real great director teaches actors is equivalent to the magical power of turning decay into magic. In the past, everyone always thought it was an exaggeration, but today, I really saw it with my own eyes.

It was agreed to teach in one day, but in fact, from the morning to the afternoon, Yi Heng's performance was as good as the sky.

And the crew's so-called vacation was intentionally shown to Yi Heng and Jiang Kun.

From the beginning to the end, the group performers and the staff were all on standby in the jelly shop.

Director Wei is awesome!

Amid the applause of the crowd, Jiang Kun and Yi Heng hadn't had time to get out of the intense emotions just now, and now they were a little dazed.

Isn't Director Wei teaching them how to play against each other? Why did they pass?
"Don't touch them first, let them relax."

Shi Fan came over, explained a few words to the field manager, then looked at Wei Xun, and asked eagerly, "How did you do it?"

 ps: Thanks to the two big bosses of 'Gentlemen's Travels' and 'Non-Existent Bookmate A' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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