From traffic to movie star

Chapter 281 Dark horse drama king, draining the market

Chapter 281 Dark horse drama king, draining the market

TV ratings are updated in real time.

So when Hongmang Satellite TV found something abnormal, other satellite TVs, TV drama producers, and netizens who participated in Wei Xun Zhou Xingchen's fan war that night all found out.

"The Temptation of Going Home" jumped from 0.4 to 1.8 in one night, and the average coefficient was about to break 1. 34 Central City ranked sixth in ratings.

This surge in ratings... seems a bit too violent, right?
You must know that this is the summer vacation, and the popular TV dramas broadcast by other local TV stations and national TV stations are at their most exciting and are about to end.

In other words, there is no ratings gap to exploit.

A TV series for newcomers without any big names, if it airs for a period of time and breaks 1, it is also supported by the solid basic board of Hongman Satellite TV.

But what kind of coquettish operation is it to break 1 overnight?

No one can believe this statistic.

So Zhou Xingchen's fans cheered up again.

"Fake, it's true that everyone doesn't understand the ratings market. If the market breaks 1 in one night, doesn't it mean that the average coefficient of this show is at least 3, and may even be more."

"In the past five years, there has only been one drama that has broken the 3rd in the field of TV dramas. It is the historical drama "Dynasty and Empire" produced by the two TV emperors and two TV queens, plus the gold medal director Zhao Gang, which took two and a half years to develop."

"I'm so ridiculous. Could it be that Wei Xun saw that the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" couldn't hit, so he spent money to buy the ratings for the sake of looking good, but he accidentally bought the car overturned. I can only say that the 50 billion actor really has money."

Seeing Zhou Xingchen's fans come out to dance again, this time Wei Xun's fans have no time to pay attention.

Because everyone is also muttering, could it be that Wei Xun really bought the ratings to buy the car crash?
After all, the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" do look weird.

On the second day, this matter was reported by various media, from fans tearing each other up, to the Internet.

"The ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" were falsified, and Medal Media was involved in a fraud scandal."

"Wei Xun was suspected of buying ratings and was kicked out, and the 50 billion actor turned over in a TV series."

"Cut out Zhou Xingchen's "Family Relations" and squeeze out Liu Heng and Wen Rui's "A Daughter-in-law is Hard to Be". "The Temptation of Going Home" first relies on shady stars, and then relies on buying ratings to make people laugh."

Overnight, news of Wei Xun's fraudulent ratings was everywhere on the Internet.

It's not just Zhou Xingchen's fans who are making trouble.

Fans of Liu Heng and Wen Rui, the two leading actors of "A Daughter-in-Law" who were pushed out of the schedule by "The Temptation of Going Home" and did not make it to the stars in time, also became restless.

If it wasn't for this trash drama, everyone would have been able to watch "A Daughter-in-Law" a long time ago, okay?

What?You said that "The Temptation of Going Home" was produced by actor Wei Xun's company team?

What's wrong with the film king, even if he is the film king, he shouldn't fool people with bad dramas, and this TV series is not only bad, but also has fake ratings, it's a shame.

Obviously, there is a team behind it.

Early the next morning, Dong Zhen pushed open the door of the general office of the medal, and Qi Dongyue was already inside.

"President Wei, Minister Qi."

Dong Zhen said hello first, and then said: "I checked, there is not much movement at Dynasty Entertainment, it should be Zhou Xingchen and his manager Jiang Shu who guided the fans' opinions, but because of the previous warning by Jutong, Moreover, TV dramas are not the core of Dynasty Entertainment, so Dynasty’s public relations media did not make a big mobilization. Now the Internet accuses us of falsifying our ratings, and most of them are articles from Jingcheng Xingtiandi.”

Capital Stars is definitely a big name in the TV drama industry.

It is estimated that he noticed that the medal wanted to enter the arena, and started to snipe the explosion-proof in advance.

But the advent of a drama king is simply impossible to be prevented by the so-called explosion-proof.

So Wei Xun just smiled, and said nonchalantly: "Collect evidence, and when the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" go up, pick a few marketing accounts and sue directly."

As long as Xun Xing enters the TV drama market, he will definitely have to deal with this company in the future, and conflicts of interest are inevitable.

In that case, you're welcome.

"Alright Mr. Wei."

Dong Zhen nodded and said, "Then just ignore the public opinion on the Internet for now. After all, TV dramas are different from movies. Movies rely on box office, while TV dramas rely on ratings. It's okay to be noisy."

Wei Xun said, "Okay."

After Dong Zhen left, Wei Xun looked at Qi Dongyue again, and said with a smile, "Dongyue, is there any question?"

"The Temptation of Going Home" had the highest single-episode ratings of 1.8 last night, which made the producer of the drama department still a little dazed, and stayed in Wei Xun's office all morning.

"Huh? No, no more."

Qi Dongyue smiled a little awkwardly when he heard the words, and said: "Then Mr. Wei, you are busy, I will go back and watch."

As he spoke, he left quickly from the president's office.

Dong Zhen has not gone far outside.

"Minister Dong."

Qi Dongyue called Dong Zhen to stop, walked forward to walk side by side with her, and couldn't help asking: "The ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" reached 1.8 last night. Others misunderstood that we bought the ratings, but in our hearts Clearly, the ratings are true. In other words, the ratings of the following dramas will definitely go up all the way, but neither Mr. Wei nor you seem to be very surprised?"

Not only was he not surprised, but Wei Xun confidently chose to bet on the ratings on Hongman Satellite TV a few days ago.

At that time, Qi Dongyue was in Hulai with Wei Xun.

However, in a blink of an eye, the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" exploded.

God knows how excited or shocked Qi Dongyue was when he saw the 1.8 ratings last night.

He thought that after joining the company, everyone would be very excited. When he was in Dongheng before, a drama that broke the No. 1 star could make many people, including the company's boss Cheng Yi, happy and excited.

But the person with the medal seems to have no idea about the results of "The Temptation of Going Home"?
From Wei Xun himself to the rest of the staff, everyone is no different from usual.

You know, this is an impressive score of 1.8 on the first night of broadcasting!


Hearing Qi Dongyue's words, Dong Zhen smiled: "Minister Qi, you have not been here for the medal for a long time. In fact, after a long time, you will understand that Mr. Wei creates miracles and impossibilities every year. The initial shock or surprise lasts for several years. Come down, everyone has already gotten used to it."

Qi Dongyue clicked his tongue, but he was completely convinced.

This is the confidence of a top film and television company, from the boss to the subordinates, all reveal absolute confidence.

Wei Xun didn't know what Qi Dongyue and Dong Zhen were talking about.

After seeing the results of "The Temptation of Going Home" as expected, he took advantage of this little free time to conceive a new movie script.

Drop drop drop.

Just as Wei Xun was conceiving a new script, the internal line in the office rang.

He picked up the receiver and heard the front desk of the medal over there say: "Mr. Wei, I just received a call. The other party said that it was the life secretary of Mr. Qian, the CEO of Honggao Video. He said that Mr. Qian wanted to invite you to dinner."

Honggao Video's parent company, Honggao Technology, and Jutong Holdings are known as China's two major Internet giants.

Another super giant crocodile.

But fortunately, the current medal is supported by Jutong, so there is no need to be stage fright.

So Wei Xun thought for a while and said, "Tell the other party that I'm going to fly to Guangdong Province to continue filming, and I don't have time for now."

The boss of Honggao Video made an appointment for dinner, probably for another online drama "Soul Ferry" of the medal.

The success of "Hanging Silk Man" directly brought the Jutong video into the air, making many people jealous.

But since he chose Jutong, it is impossible for Wei Xun to have an affair with other capital crocodiles of the same level, especially Jutong's old rival Honggao, otherwise he will be caught between the two giants, and the medal will be finished if he is not careful up.

After hanging up the secretary's call, Wei Xun frowned.

He was still a little uneasy.

Medal Media has reached the most critical moment.

It coincided with the turmoil in the film industry, and all kinds of capital predators entered the market, but the medals were not as strong as Dynasty Entertainment's own strength, and they were carrying treasures, which was a bit too conspicuous.

Now that Honggao is eyeing the medal, Wei Xun can't help but deal with it carelessly.

He turned the pen in his hand, thinking in his heart: "Perhaps, it's time to put the things we prepared before on the agenda."

"Let the Bullets Fly" is about to wrap up.

The situation in the film industry is now inflated and turbulent. Taking advantage of the fact that only Jutong enters the arena now, Medallion Media has this big backer, so it's time to play big.

As for film and television companies, if they want to play big, they must be inseparable from movies.

Because movies are the best weapon.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun opened the file, and he had already chosen what to make in his next movie.

At the same time, Hongmang Satellite TV's prime time "The Temptation of Going Home" is still on the air.

Neither Hongman Satellite TV nor the producer Xunzhang Media responded to this TV series whose ratings were falsified.

Falsification of ratings on the Internet is getting more and more fierce.

But I don't know when it started, but there were some different voices in the major entertainment forums.

"To put it in a low voice, I think the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" may be true, because this drama is really high. My mother, my second aunt, and my old aunt are all watching, and they are pulling me Watching it together, I refused at first, but later, it smells so good."

"I also watched this drama, and I was shocked, okay. Hong Shixian and Ai Li, a pair of dogs and men, made me very angry. I heard that Pinru will be blackened in the future. When will I wait?"

"To tell you the truth, I have never watched the show that is ridiculous again. My mother doesn't dance in the square now. She sits in front of the TV on time at night to watch Hong Shixian. A group of her old sisters are all chasing this show. So I also think it’s not good to buy ratings without a hammer, if it’s true, Zhou Xingchen’s fans will definitely die this time.”

"What should I do? I'm actually looking forward to it. As for Wei Xun's passerby, once "The Temptation of Going Home" turns around, Zhou Xingchen's fans will definitely be hammered to death."

The ratings of the [-] o'clock drama was supported by the old aunts.

Falsified viewership ratings on the Internet, hacking dramas and withdrawing fan wars, in fact, have no effect on the aunts of this age group.

It's over if the TV series are good, and they rarely go online.

So Zhou Xingchen's fans felt that it was impossible for this drama to become a hit, but it just hit the spot of the old aunts.

Then a scene that made people dumbfounded appeared.

The next day, the real-time ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" reached 2.1, accounting for 10% of the market share.

The ratings ranking of 34 Central City jumped to the third place!

The ratings of a single episode broke 2!

Such an unbelievably powerful result stunned all the people in the TV industry.

In two days, the ratings jumped from 0.4 to over 2, which is too exaggerated.

At the same time, new news began to spread in the circle. The ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" were real, and the relevant advertising time of Hongman TV had already been fired to sky-high prices.

That's right, it's just such a "three noes" drama without any big names, without too much funding, and without the participation of well-known directors. It exploded from the beginning of the broadcast, or it didn't make sense at all!
In the following week, not only the TV circle was boiling, but also the entertainment media circle and the Internet were shocked.

Because the highest ratings of a single episode of "The Temptation of Going Home" reached 3.2, and the average coefficient broke 2, which directly divided up 20% of the market share.

34 central cities ranked No.1 steadily in ratings!
At 20 o'clock in the prime time, there are dozens of star dramas across the country, and hundreds of local TV dramas broadcast together, but "The Temptation of Going Home" stunned to tear off [-]% of the market share at the same time!
In other words, at this time of night in the country recently, one out of every five people watching TV dramas is watching "The Temptation of Going Home".

The king of drama, the absolute king of drama!

According to market feedback, when "The Temptation of Going Home" started broadcasting, except for Hongmang TV, all other TV stations' live dramas were seriously affected.

Blu-ray Satellite TV's summer drama "Shake the Light" has an average coefficient of 2 after half a month since its broadcast. It was originally the strongest drama king this year. Recently, it has been broadcast to the most exciting place and is about to end. The TV station is still waiting for it At the end, the highest ratings for a single episode touched the critical line of 3.

As a result, "The Temptation of Going Home" came out halfway, like paraquat, killing everything.

On the night when "Going Home" broke 2, "Shake Light" fell directly from 2.

The rest of the TV series are even more powerless to parry, and they are all defeated!
Seeing that they are all broadcasting to the finale, they are waiting for the TV dramas that grab the ratings to be over collectively, because the market has been completely drained by "The Temptation of Going Home"!
This is the power of the drama king, by trampling to death a drama of the same period, he can directly climb to the top!

In the second week, "The Temptation of Going Home" under the sluggish gaze of everyone in the TV drama industry, brazenly broke 4, and the average coefficient broke 3!

What's even more frightening is that in the second week after a single episode broke 4, the ratings of this show have remained stable at 4 and never dropped!
The major entertainment media are frantically broadcasting the birth of the Super Drama King!

"Breaking the highest record of TV dramas in seven years, "The Temptation of Going Home" has the highest ratings of 4.7 in a single episode, and it is expected to break five in a single episode. The dark horse drama king comes out, and the market is drained!"

"The theory of buying ratings is purely false, "The Temptation of Going Home" does not need to buy ratings!"

"Another astonishing victory for Wei Xun, the 50 billion movie star, from movies to online dramas, to TV dramas, what else Wei Xun can't do?"

Not only the media were bragging, but Wei Xun's fans also settled accounts after the autumn, and the whole network besieged Zhou Xingchen's fans.

"Didn't it mean that the ratings were faked, fans of Xiao Zhou, widen your little eyes and take a look."

"The ratings for a single episode are 4.7, even Wei Xun, the actor with 50 billion yuan, can't afford this rating."

"First, Wei Xun bullied you by selling miserably, and secretly cleaned up the bad things of the year, and later spread rumors that others bought the ratings without hammer. Xiao Zhou fans, you are so flirtatious."

"Hahahaha Hong Shixian warned, I don't want to waste time with Xiao Zhou's fans anymore, I stayed up all night chasing "The Temptation of Going Home", and now I'm on top every day."

Since the ratings of "The Temptation of Going Home" have been rising all the way, Zhou Xingchen's fans have been quiet and dare not stand up again.

At this moment, facing the siege of a large number of Wei Xun's fans and passers-by watching the show, he was even more aggrieved and had no way to fight back.

The ratings of a single episode were close to 5, the average coefficient broke 3, and 34 cities ranked first, breaking the highest record of a TV series in the past ten years. Such a result is like a mountain, overwhelming Zhou Xingchen's fans.

Who would have expected that a shoddy TV series would have such unfathomable results?

Proper phenomenon-level dark horse hit drama!
At the same time, the actors who played Hong Shixian, Lin Pinru, and Ai Li also became popular on the Internet.

In particular, Hong Shixian's phrase "You are so flirtatious" has become an annual Internet hot word, spread on the Internet, coupled with Hong Shixian's vigorous expression animation, it is simply poisonous.

And when "The Temptation of Going Home" was about to end, the ratings of a single episode lived up to expectations and directly broke 5, becoming the TV series with the highest ratings on Hongmang TV in the past ten years!
At the end of this summer vacation, Chen Sheng can wake up laughing every day when he sleeps.

As for the interior of Medal Media, they were also shocked by this achievement.

When the heads of several departments were in meetings, their expressions were all light and airy.

Because according to the gambling agreement signed by Wei Xun and Hongmang TV, the net revenue of "The Temptation of Going Home" may be less than [-] million!

And this is still the first round of broadcasting. If it is sold to other TV stations, it will be released in the second and third rounds, plus the webcast on the video website. After careful calculation, this TV series with an investment of only a few million may have a net revenue of more than [-] million yuan. "war Wolf"!
TV series bet against each other, and the bet is uncertainty.

It is such a treasure. If Wei Xun hadn't proposed a ratings bet, Zou Min and Qi Dongyue would have been sold for less than 1000 million!
"Boss Wei... is really a golden finger who turns stones into gold."

In the medal conference room, Dong Zhen said in amazement: "Any random TV series can break the ratings record for nearly ten years."

Next to him, Qi Dongyue hurriedly said: "Mr. Dong, didn't you say that you are used to Mr. Wei's miracles and impossibilities, so you have long been used to it?"

Dong Zhen was speechless for a moment.

Who would have imagined that "The Temptation of Going Home" could be so strong?
"So, Mr. Wei has been creating miracles non-stop."

Zou Min took over the conversation with a smile, and said, "The Temptation of Going Home is coming to an end soon, and Mr. Wei is not at home. We should take care of the aftermath for him. Zhou Xingchen's settlement, and the capital star All drafts of Tiandi's marketing account must be typed back."

There is a TV series with a rating of over 5, and Jutong is standing behind it. There is really nothing to be afraid of.

Dong Zhen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Sister Zou, everything is ready. Regardless of whether Xingtiandi agrees or not, the cake of the TV drama industry will be won with medals. Minister Qi, for the next period of time, you will be responsible for watching Xingtiandi, What kind of director and producer are you looking for? Come on, and Sister Zou and I will be responsible for scouting for you!"

Zou Min also had a smile on his face.

Qi Dongyue suddenly became excited.

Xingtiandi's talent pool is undoubtedly strong, and if the medal has made money, it's time to go drastic and dig the wall!

Having been with Wei Xun for several years, Dong Zhen, Zou Min, and Mao Bin have been raised to toughen their personalities.

If you dare to send a draft and step on me, I will hollow out you!
Here, Beijing's Medallion Media began to target the capital's Xingtiandi, with full firepower.

Wei Xun, who is far away in Guangdong Province, after more than six months of filming, "Let the Bullets Fly" is finally about to start wrapping up.

And in his hand, at this moment, he also holds a super big move.

(End of this chapter)

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