From traffic to movie star

Chapter 287 Attack Strongly, Never Relent!

Chapter 287 Attack Strongly, Never Relent!
"Wei Xun's love affair was made public, hundreds of celebrities sent blessings, counting Wei Xun's luxurious circle of friends."

"The identity of Wei Xun's girlfriend has been exposed. She is Chi Tang, the daughter of Chi Sheng, the boss of Guanchi Group. A national male god with a top-notch Bai Fumei!"

"Wei Xun's parents picked up garbage, which is a rumor, and the old couple participated in voluntary sanitation work in the community."

The publicity of a national-level actor's love affair makes the Internet fall into a carnival of eating melons.

When Wei Xun and Chi Tang flew back to Beijing and landed at the airport, Dong Zhen had already launched a counterattack on the Internet.

The first thing to solve is the relationship between Wei Xun and his parents. Except for this point, which needs to be handled carefully, the rest of the draft attack will not hurt Wei Xun.

An actor promoted by many blockbuster movies, his fans are all over China, and one or two unfounded so-called black material is not a big problem.

Let's talk about arrogance, based on Wei Xun's current fan base, as long as there are no problems with the rule of law, no public opinion attack can defeat him.

"Let the Bullets Fly" was reported by Jiang Kun's real name?

Then wait for the film bureau to respond.

And Bai Qianchi, Zhong Xianxian and other big names, didn't they all participate in the show, did anyone stand up and say something?
This guy named Jiang Kun, if you don’t report it sooner or later, you will report it after the film is finished. If you say it’s not tricky, no one will believe it.

What else is there that the boss of a TV drama company has attempted suicide, and there is no stone hammer yet. It is really because Wei Xun committed suicide, so you go to the court to sue, what rhythm will you bring on the Internet?
Medal Media's response was straightforward.

Just responded to Wei Xun's parents, and did not respond to the rest.

The real can not be fake, the fake can not be real.

If someone is killed, you will sue, and the matter of review will go to the Film Bureau.

It's true, I admit it.

If it is false, I will sue you for defamation.

After getting out of the airport, Wei Xun and Chi Tang got into the car of driver Lin Cheng and rushed to Xun Zhang Media.

On the way, Wei Xun received a call from Wei Changdong: "I heard that your mother and I were photographed on the Internet, saying that we were picking up trash for a living?"

So it's really shameful for some people to be black for black's sake. They used Wei Xun's parents to gain attention, and they also exposed Chi Tang on the Internet.

Wei Xun was on fire for a long time, and when he received a call from Wei Changdong, he said softly, "I'm sorry Dad, I didn't handle some problems well."

In recent years, Wei Xun also mentioned changing houses for Wei Changdong and Shen Mei.

But the two are used to living in that old community, and they don't really want to move as they get older.

Wei Xun didn't force it, because he also hasn't changed houses in these years.

"Just explain clearly, it's okay."

Wei Changdong said with a smile: "Your mother and I don't care about this. This call is because your mother said that when the Chinese New Year comes, remember to bring your girlfriend home. We have seen the photos. Your mother is very happy." satisfy."

Wei Xun smiled immediately: "Okay, I will definitely take it back and show it to you."

When Chi Tang, who was sitting next to him, heard it, his face turned red.

After talking on the phone, Wei Xun pressed the hang up button, and was about to put the phone in his pocket, when a new call came again.

He thought it was Wei Changdong who hadn't finished speaking, so he connected again with a smile, and asked, "What else..."

"Mr. Wei, what do you think of this little gift?"

On the other side of the phone, a person said: "Now when your car comes out of the airport and passes through the Wanguo Building, there is someone waiting for you there. If you can chat, I think we can become friends in the future."

It turned out that it wasn't Wei Changdong, but the villain hiding behind his back and splashing dirty water.

Wei Xun put away his smiling face and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"End the cooperation between "Soul Ferry" and Jutong Video." The other side said: "The price we offered will definitely satisfy you."

They keep saying they want "Soul Ferry".

But in fact, Wei Xun's black material is released on the Internet, and he is still relentlessly poaching the wall, using both soft and hard methods, which is indeed a good method.

Wei Xun said in a cold voice: "What you want is "Soul Ferry", or maybe I even send Medal Media to you? Telephone threats are useless to me. If there is any trick, just come."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with a sullen face.

Chi Tang held Wei Xun's hand with some worry.

Wei Xun said helplessly: "I was going to accompany you on a self-driving tour, but it's only been a few days, and there are a lot of headaches."

Chi Tang smiled and said, "Alright next time, you go and solve your problem first, and I'm going to solve mine too."

It's not just Wei Xun who has a headache when the relationship is exposed, but Chi Tang also needs to deal with various relatives and friends.

So the two decided to end this self-driving tour early.

On the way, Chi Tang changed the car of Chi's driver to go home, while Wei Xun rushed back to Xun Zhang Media.

In the company, Dong Zhen, Zou Min, Mao Bin, Li Nian and others are already waiting.

Wei Xun took off his coat and handed it to the secretary, asking, "How is the situation on the Internet?"

"It's not a big problem, and there's already news about the review from the Film Bureau. The relevant procedures for "Let the Bullets Fly" and the release license are all fine. A response will probably be given soon."

Dong Zhen said: "The thing about Cheng Yi's suicide is fake. This person stood up and talked crazy. He probably wanted to take advantage of the chaos to step on us. I have collected relevant evidence and asked the legal department to sue him. .”

Wei Xun nodded and looked at Mao Bin.

Mao Bin immediately said: "I think this time Honggao's cyber attack on us seems to be very powerful, but in fact it does not cause any substantial harm. Their main purpose is to poach the wall. As of today, all departments of the medal have Talent is draining, it seems that they really want to focus on the medal."

Obviously, Honggao wants to use the shell of the medal to airborne.

Poaching is true, and it is also true to put pressure on the medal in online public opinion.

Not only that, once the medal cannot withstand Honggao's means, then in the movie circle, the prestige that the medal has just established because of Jutong will become a joke.

Under blows from multiple directions, the medal was about to fall into the quagmire just as it took off.

"Keep the core team, and the rest of the people, if they are lost, just lose them, and let them dig." Wei Xun thought for a moment, and then asked: "Is anyone here to fish in troubled waters this time?"

Dong Zhen said: "At the moment, I haven't noticed any other family entering the arena. We are fighting with Honggao, and there is Jutong behind us. The rest of them are probably waiting to see."

"Waiting and watching means that they might attack us. Since they plan to attack us, we have to deal with them."

Wei Xun said: "Adjust the schedule, "Let the Bullets Fly" in January, "People on the Journey" in February, and "Glass Shoes" in March. In the first quarter around the Spring Festival next year, I need a medal. These three movies drained the entire movie market!"

Hong Gao is too powerful.

When Medal is fighting with it, it must first attack indiscriminately, shocking all the existing film companies in the entertainment industry.

Only by deterring colleagues like Dynasty Entertainment can they not be stabbed in the back.

Moreover, Medal urgently needs a large amount of working capital to support Wei Xun's follow-up big moves.

Hearing Wei Xun's plan, Zou Min asked hesitantly: "But Mr. Wei, will we make too many enemies like this?"

"What is this? In the future, we will only have more enemies. The emergence of an industry overlord comes at the cost of stepping on other people's bones, because there can only be one overlord."

Wei Xun shook his head and said: "Honggao may enter the venue at any time now. If we don't hurry up, we may be ruined by then. Let's go to our own things. By the way, make an appointment for Jutong for me." Mr. Zhang of the video."

So Mao Bin and others began to get busy.

Medal Media issued an announcement to formally sue Cheng Yi, the boss of Dongheng Film and Television, for spreading rumors and defamation on the Internet.

The Film Bureau stated that "Let the Bullets Fly" has no content problems.

Then, the film of Medal Media was officially finalized.

"Let the Bullets Fly" is set to be released on 1.14, and it will hit Dynasty Entertainment's movie "Nian Beast".

"People on the Journey" will join the Spring Festival file on 2.5.

"Glass Slipper" is scheduled for 2.14 Valentine's Day.

The three films were temporarily scheduled for an emergency, so as soon as the announcement of the medal came out, the rest of the film companies who were watching the show were in a hurry.

In particular, Dynasty Entertainment's "Nian Beast" specially avoided the Spring Festival this year, just because they didn't want to collide with Wei Xun again. Unexpectedly, Medal bumped into it.

At the same time, Wei Xun made an appointment with Zhang Fan of Jutong Video, and "Soul Ferry" and "The Temptation of Going Home" were launched on the video website.

"Mr. Zhang, if you want to play with the big ones and completely trample Honggao Video under your feet, I have a good way here."

On the phone, Wei Xun said with a smile: "I have a concept called video website membership system. I wonder if you are interested."

Honggao's method of dealing with Wei Xun is indeed very tough.

But it doesn't mean that Wei Xun has no ability to fight back.

There is the leading web drama "Soul Ferry" as a launch, this time, let Honggao have a look, what treasure they missed!
(End of this chapter)

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