From traffic to movie star

Chapter 296 Crazy 2.8 million box office on the first day!

Chapter 296 Crazy 2.8 million box office on the first day!
When "Let the Bullets Fly" premiered, the Internet was full of news that Wei Xun's premiere was unsupported.

Everyone is sighing, Medal Media, which was so prosperous not long ago, is on the verge of collapse in a blink of an eye.

And Wei Xun, who made a big fuss in the entertainment industry when he announced his love affair, has been lonely and heartbroken after a while.

It can only be said that life has its ups and downs, and the world is impermanent.

It should be that the media on Honggao's side followed the rhythm. When some press releases mentioned the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" tonight, their tone was quite cynical.

"From the publicity of the relationship to the luxury circle of friends to send blessings, to the fact that actors in the entire entertainment industry can't avoid it, Wei Xun and his Medal Media are destined to become victims of the impact of capital."

However, when the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" was about to end, Bai Qianchi stood up and publicly expressed his support for Wei Xun in the newsletter.

@白千尺: It is a great honor to participate in the excellent work "Let the Bullets Fly", which made me know an excellent director and an excellent actor.

Then, Zhong Xianxian, Shi Fan, Zhai Qing and many other big-name actors spoke out one after another.

Some netizens are keenly aware of the deep meaning in this.

"Obviously, Bai Qianchi and the others took the initiative to stand up and support Wei Xun when the agency disagreed."

"If it weren't for Wei Xun's ability and character to be recognized by these big guys, how could they be willing to stand up?"

"Damn marketing account, when Wei Xun was in power, he used to lick all kinds of things. Now that Wei Xun is down, they can't wait to step on Wei Xun to death. I hope you know that even if Wei Xun's company is gone, he will rely on his 50 billion box office Even with his vigorous record, he can still live a more splendid life than anyone else."

"I heard that "Let the Bullets Fly" has a good reputation, and there are so many celebrities supporting it, I will definitely go to the theater to support Wei Xun."

On the Internet, the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" caused a lot of noise.

At this moment, Wei Xun had already left the movie theater and went home by car.

Lin Cheng didn't come tonight, the driver was Mao Bin.

"The current trend on the Internet is good. The promotion of "Let the Bullets Fly" is well done. Tonight's premiere ceremony can also take the opportunity to counter the hype. Now we have to wait for the movie to be officially released in a few days."

Mao Bin drove the car, looked at Wei Xun sitting behind from the rearview mirror, and asked hesitantly, "Brother Xun, do we really not open pre-sales?"

In four days, "Let the Bullets Fly" will be officially released.

However, this movie only had its premiere and on-demand screenings, and did not open the pre-sale box office.

"No matter how hard Honggao suppresses us, the theaters will not pay attention to them, because our movies are the sharp weapon for making money."

Wei Xun lay on the back of the chair, shook his head, and said, "72% of the films scheduled have almost exhausted all the films scheduled in the market in January, so it doesn't make any difference whether to open the pre-sale or not."

Whenever there is any movie on the market that dares to confront "Let the Bullets Fly", Honggao will probably help him, fight for the film with the medal, and defeat the last card in Wei Xun's hand.

However, the embarrassing thing is that no movie dares to compete with Wei Xun at the box office.

So Honggao could only watch Wei Xun shoot the bullet out.

Sometimes the cross-border capital giants are airborne, and sometimes they may not be able to kill everything. You can see the clue just by looking at how long the medal can last in Honggao's hands.

Mao Bin nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Then I will seize the time to contact all suitable candidates recently, and I will wait for the "Let the Bullets Fly" celebration banquet."

When Honggao set out to dig out the medals, no one knew that the medals were also secretly eyeing the entire entertainment circle.

And Mao Bin only recently found out about Wei Xun's plan.

After hearing about Wei Xun's plan, Mao Bin was so frightened by Wei Xun's bold idea that his scalp tingled, and he finally understood why Xunzhang Media had never signed actors over the years.

After understanding Wei Xun's thoughts, Mao Bin was extremely excited!

Recently, in addition to those actors that Wei Xun had contacted before, Mao Bin, Zou Min, Dong Zhen and others have all contacted suitable people such as singers, directors, and TV drama actors in private.

Including Lin Zi, Guo Chaoyang and other kings and queens who became popular in "The Voice of China" for the second time, they are all within Wei Xun's goal.

From movie theaters, to TV circles, singer circles, and director circles, one counts as the other, and Wei Xun is following them all.

The premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" was deserted because there were no results yet.

When the movie becomes a big hit, when the celebration banquet arrives, it's time for Wei Xun to start working!
"Recently, Times Pictures has also been hit by Honggao. I guess Honggao's plan is to eat up the medals, and at the same time eat up Times' theaters, and enter across industries in one step."

Wei Xun said in a calm voice: "In the past few months, I have asked you to gather all your funds, and it is time to use them. After the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly", first dig everyone who can." Come here, and then swallow the theaters of the era first, doesn’t Honggao like to poach the wall, leave an empty shell for them to airborne, I want the entire capital world to see, who is the joke.”

After being suppressed for so long, Wei Xun was already full of anger.

Including the fact that they were forced to announce their relationship, their parents were featured in popular search blogs, and the medal media that was almost emptied out, these grievances and conflicts, it is time for a complete counterattack.

Honggao wants to swallow the medal to cross the capital circle.

And the medal wants to take advantage of this momentum to fight back!
After this time, it was time for Xunzhang Media to gain a firm foothold in the film industry!
Mao Bin said excitedly: "Good brother Xun."

Here, Wei Xun and Mao Bin were discussing the next action plan. At the same time, three days passed quietly.

1.14th, Xiaoxue, Saturday.

Wei Xun's long-awaited big production "Let the Bullets Fly" has officially landed in major theaters.

The hot news of the day was almost slaughtered.

The headlines are full of advertisements for the release of Wei Xun's new movie, and this is also the craziest film marketing of Xunzhang Media.

On Panda Tickets, the first day of "Let the Bullets Fly" 3000 million ticket subsidies were thrown out.

Throughout the day, news of "Let the Bullets Fly" was everywhere, from the Internet to the streets and alleys.

Although the current ticketing software cannot see real-time box office updates, if you open Panda Tickets casually and find a show of "Let the Bullets Fly", all of them are filled with red seats.

The super lineup of four kings and three queens, dozens of star guest stars, and the solid foundation laid by Wei Xun's previous films, once this film came out, the rest of the films were immediately washed away without any splash.

And this evening, all parties are paying attention to the first-day box office data of "Let the Bullets Fly".

From Medal Media, to Huaying, Tianguang, Dynasty, and even Jutong and Honggao, everyone is waiting.

A film that connects the complicated and chaotic situation in the current film industry.

Honggao Video, President's Office.

Qian Hengzheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, patiently watching the dark night outside.

From September last year to the present, he was responsible for the all-round suppression of the medal for half a year.

However, what is interesting is that Qian Heng and Wei Xun have fought against each other for so long, and they have not met each other yet.

Qian Heng asked Wei Xun for dinner several times, but was rejected in the end.

The reason why Wei Xun is so confident is because of the "Let the Bullets Fly", which was released today.

At present, the marketing of medals on the Internet is too prosperous, and the real word-of-mouth evaluation of the public cannot be seen for the time being.

However...Qian Heng sneered at Wei Xun's thoughts.

"A movie wants to break through Honggao's suppression, naive."

Qian Heng thought mockingly in his heart: "How much can "Let the Bullets Fly" have at the box office on the first day, [-] million, or simply [-] million? Even so, the total box office of a movie is only more than one billion. How much revenue will there be after splitting the accounts? At that time, Medal Media will have to struggle under the pressure of Honggao."

However, despite thinking this way in his heart, Qian Heng still didn't get off work early tonight, and chose to wait in the office for the first box office release of "Let the Bullets Fly".

Obviously, he didn't care as much about this data as he imagined.

It took half a year to not swallow the medal, and there were already voices in the headquarters who were dissatisfied with him.

Bang bang bang!
At this moment, the office door was knocked open, and the secretary walked in with a complicated expression on his face, and said, "Mr. Qian, the box office data for the first day of "Let the Bullets Fly" are out."

Qian Heng turned around and said, "How much?"

"2.8 million! A large number of bragging drafts have begun to appear on the Internet. Tomorrow, the entire headline will definitely be noisy, and..."

Speaking of this, the secretary paused for a moment, and said: "And some experts predict that the box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" is likely to become the first movie in China to break through the 20 billion mark."

The expression on Qian Heng's face froze instantly when he heard this.

He didn't know why, but now he suddenly felt... his heart began to lose the confidence he had before.

How much impact can China's first film breaking 20 billion box office bring to the film industry?
Yes, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Because apart from Honggao, various companies have received this amazing news one after another.

"Let the Bullets Fly" had a box office of 2.8 million on the first day!
Before the Internet was shocked by this, all the companies in the film industry were shocked by this data.

Everyone realized that the medal was about to show its strength.

(End of this chapter)

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