From traffic to movie star

Chapter 33 Disgrace

Chapter 33 Disgrace

"Okay, let's go here today."

At around seven o'clock in the evening, after the filming of an evening scene, Shao Bing called to call it a day.

There was a moment of silence in the crew, and then a large group of people cheered and began to pack up equipment and tools, all of them were very happy.

Since the announcement of the reshoot of "Forensic Chronicle" this month, the crew has been in a tense state every day. No one dares to relax, for fear of encountering the director's bad luck.

Today, the second male lead, Wei Xun, entered the stage. The shooting speed was extremely fast, and the acting was over, and Shao Bing didn't make much noise.

It was all due to Wei Xun's high efficiency that he could finish work so early.

While everyone was packing up the equipment, some acquaintances got together to chat a few gossips, but most of the topics were related to Wei Xun.

As for why we are talking about Wei Xun, firstly, he just joined the group today, and secondly, it is naturally because of his outstanding performance today.

"I've heard people say that he's a handsome guy who doesn't know how to act, and his feelings are all fake."

"Isn't this a good performance? It's amazing to have one under our director. On the day when the second male lead entered the group, he tossed until midnight."

"Sure enough, rumors are often unbelievable."

"Anyway, I hope he will continue to maintain it, and we can relax and get through this month quickly. I don't want to see Director Shao go crazy again."

Wei Xun didn't pay attention to the crew's evaluation of him.

After work was over, he went to the locker room to change and came out, and met Shao Bing at the door of the lounge.

Shao Bing also saw Wei Xun, and said hello with a smile: "Have you left yet?"

"I'm going to go back." Wei Xun glanced at the blanket in his hand, clicked his tongue and said, "Are you directly staying in the crew?"

Shao Bing put the blanket on his body, and said indifferently: "The investor is in a hurry, and they want the film to be released in theaters next month. I will go through the shots taken during the day before I go to bed, and I can save some money when I edit them." time."

Sure enough, successful people have talents, and talents and hard work are also inseparable.

Wei Xun nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work, then you are busy, I will withdraw first."

"Come back quickly."

Shao Bing waved his hand, motioning him to leave, turned his head before walking into the lounge, looked at Wei Xun and said, "You performed well today."

It's not a polite compliment, it's really good.

Although they are all simple and not difficult scenes, it is rare to be able to be as stable as Wei Xun.

It's just that because there are no conflicts in the current plot, and Wei Xun has no actors to play with, Shao Bing can't see where Wei Xun's upper limit is for the time being.

Maybe after Jiang Duzhou arrives in two days and has a scene with Wei Xun, he will probably be able to see it.

Thinking about it this way, Shao Bing was still looking forward to it.

Naturally, Wei Xun didn't know what Shao Bing was thinking, and suddenly heard this compliment, and said with a smile: "Thank you for the director's appreciation, and I will try to keep up with your rhythm in the future."

In fact, the second male role in "Forensic Chronicle" is not difficult for Wei Xun.

But the nice things to say still have to be said,

After leaving the set, Mao Bin drove Wei Xun home.

On the way, Mao Bin said excitedly: "Brother Xun, you performed very well today, and many staff members in the crew are praising you."

Wei Xun said with a smile: "Praise me for taking everyone to finish work early?"

It seems that he didn't pay attention to everyone's chatting on the set.

"Yeah, I heard from the scene that they haven't left work so early for half a month." Mao Bin and Wei Xun were talking, and because of the red light ahead, he slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

At seven or eight o'clock, it was the busiest place at night, when a group of young students walked by the side of the road laughing and laughing.

A little further away is the current high-end university in Beijing, Huaqing University.

In this parallel world, a group of strangers have changed, but the city has not changed, and the famous schools and landmarks are still there.

Sitting in the car, Wei Xun looked at the school that was very similar to his memory from a distance, and felt that his whole body was confused, and he couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or in reality.

Mao Bin didn't notice Wei Xun's abnormality, and he sighed with emotion: "It's great to be a student, you don't have to think about anything. Speaking of which, Brother Xun, that's Huaqing University over there, and the Queen of Film Zhai came out of Huaqing University." of."

Zhai Qing is a student of Huaqing?

Wei Xun woke up from the trance when he heard the words, and only felt his eyes light up.

Because he suddenly thought of a way that would allow him to take a shortcut in the film industry and get ahead quickly.

Seeing that the conflict with Tianguang Media could no longer be hidden, Wei Xun had to speed up his pace and climb up again.

Only in this way can he not be at a disadvantage in the next confrontation with this media giant.

During the first three days when Wei Xun joined the group of "Forensic Chronicle", the filming went smoothly.

But because this is a reshoot of the male second part, some shots that cannot be put together in later stages require the actors who have played before to come back and cooperate with the reshoots.

It is very troublesome to mobilize the relevant personnel, so in terms of shooting progress, there is no way to unilaterally rush forward with Wei Xun.

This needs to be arranged by Shao Bing as the director.

Three days is basically enough time for Wei Xun to finish shooting some leftover small shots, and then wait for the rest of the film's leading actors to fly over, and everyone will go through the main shots again, and the movie will basically be over.

On the morning of the fourth day, a nanny car drove into the crew.

Jiang Duzhou, the male lead of "Forensic Chronicle", is here.

Jiang Duzhou is not yet 30 years old this year. He has starred in many big movies and has a good reputation in the industry and the audience. Although he has not yet won the Best Actor trophy, in the eyes of many people, it will be a matter of time. Warlords.

Since he is a powerful faction, he naturally looks down on Wei Xun's traffic.

What's more, Shao Bing deliberately disgusted Jiang Duzhou on the phone before, and asked him to come to the set to "gesture" with Wei Xun.

So this time he rushed to the "Forensic Chronicle" crew, Jiang Duzhou didn't give Shao Bing a good face, and said directly: "Let's start filming, just for that conflict scene, let me tell you, he can't take my scene, let me immediately let him go." He left, there is no need to discuss it."

The so-called conflict scene is the first time that the hero Song Yi wants to dissect sister Xiaoman, and Chen Zixing, who has always obeyed his brother, resists his brother for the first time.

There was a violent quarrel between the two.

Apparently, Jiang Duzhou played a big game as soon as he came up, and it was obvious that he wanted to embarrass Wei Xun on purpose.

What Jiang Duzhou didn't know was that Wei Xun actually acted in this scene when he came to audition.

It was this scene that made director Shao Bing decide to give Wei Xun the role of the second male lead.

But Shao Bing didn't mention it, and said cheerfully: "Okay, let's start then."

The leading actor has spoken, and the crew will naturally revolve around Jiang Duzhou.

He put on his makeup and stood in front of the camera. Before he could figure out how to embarrass Wei Xun, the little traffic who hadn't looked directly at him since he came in, knelt down in front of him with a plop, and said in a sad and indignant voice: " Brother, sister Xiaoman is dead, can't you let her go intact, why do you need to dissect her! I firmly disagree with this matter!"

Wei Xun's lines were recited steadily and urgently, his eyes were even more angry and disturbed, and he forcibly played the Chen Zixing in the script to life.

Standing opposite Wei Xun, Jiang Duzhou could almost directly feel the explosive power of the opponent's performance!
This... This person is really that Wei Xun?

Jiang Duzhou's mind was slightly distracted, and he was extremely shocked.


However, this momentary distraction was enough to drive Shao Bing, who was standing behind the camera, crazy. He picked up the director tube and shouted: "Jiang Duzhou, why didn't you bring your mind? Playing dead in front of the camera!"

Jiang Duzhou: "..."

Originally, he wanted to come on stage to overwhelm Wei Xun, but before he could show his might, he clicked on it first.

That's a little embarrassing.

  Thank you for the reward of 'Can you be my' big brother, I spent a lot of money, and I continue to ask for recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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