From traffic to movie star

Chapter 56 Frontal Gang

Chapter 56 Frontal Gang

"Call Me an Actor" has caused trouble so far, and it can no longer be blocked by manpower.

The damage caused by Zhai Qing's retirement was simply explosive, like a thunderbolt, blowing up the entire internet community.

Not to mention the people who eat melons, even Dynasty Entertainment didn't react.

So when netizens were secretly messing around with Wei Xun's assistant Mao Bin's newsletter, there was a scene on the hot search list that made people laugh out loud.

#周行景 Acting Skill Explosion Split#, #周行景进入#, #卫苏被导师进别# suddenly parachuted into the front row of the list, in a row of hot searches of #艺术黑圹#, #薇青退赛#, #周行晨黑被进入# Quite garish.

Hot searches can be bought, and everyone knows it.

After a little thought, you can figure out the key. This must be the hot search that Zhou Xingchen's team bought in advance, and they plan to rush to the hot search list after "Please Call Me an Actor" is finished.

As a result, Zhai Qing suddenly withdrew from the competition, and various shady clips from the live broadcast of "Please Call Me an Actor" were picked up by netizens.

How arrogant they were when they tore Wei Xun two days ago, how embarrassing they are tonight.

And what's even more exaggerated is that when Zhou Xingchen's team bought him a hot search to brag about his acting skills, they didn't forget Wei Weixun.

It just doesn't make sense.

Wei Xun's fans 'Lavender' were finally proud at this time, and concentrated their firepower to tear Zhou Xingchen's fans to pieces.

Let you beg for a hammer, it won't kill you!
Dynasty Entertainment, in an office of the brokerage department.

A woman in her 40s angrily threw her mobile phone on the table with a stern expression: "Zhai Qing refused to answer the call, and Huaying Media has been chatting with me on the phone, which is clearly a waste of time. Tianguang Media is also in a mess now. In a group, they couldn't even get in touch with that artist named Wei Xun."

This woman's name is Jiang Shu, and she is the gold medal agent of Dynasty Entertainment, and she brought out the actor Gu Chengxian.

And the rookie Zhou Xingchen that Dynasty Entertainment intends to promote is also Jiang Shu's artist.

During the recording of "Please Call Me an Actor", Zhou Xingchen's suppression of Wei Xun, from the early planning to the mid-term implementation, and the rhythm of Wei Xun's entire network in the later stage, all came from Jiang Shu's handwriting.

Very decisive and ruthless means, neat and not at all sloppy, you can hardly imagine that this is something a woman can do.

But this is the basis for Jiang Shu to gain a foothold in the industry. He is good at marketing and has a tough wrist.

If it wasn't for Zhai Qing's sudden withdrawal, Wei Xun would never have easily broken the siege set by Jiang Shu.

"Sister Shu, Zhai Qing's matter is indeed sudden, but Wei Xun's side is not difficult to solve."

On the sofa in the office, Zhou Xingchen said impatiently: "The key now is to issue a lawyer's statement to warn him of defamation. At that time, the recording site of "Please Call Me an Actor" was tightly sealed. Wei Xun must have no evidence!"

Now that the whole network is mocking him for his shady promotion, Zhou Xingchen really lost all face today. If he doesn't control it in time, then he will really die.

"Xingchen, don't worry about this, let's wait and see."

Hearing Zhou Xingchen's words, Jiang Shu didn't respond, but Gu Chengxian, who was sitting opposite Zhou Xingchen, said softly: "You are too impatient, go back and wait for news, let Sister Shu also think about how to solve it."

Although Zhou Xingchen was a little reluctant when he heard the words, he still said: "Okay, brother Chengxian, sister Shu, I'll go back first."

After the commotion started on the Internet today, Jiang Shu, Gu Chengxian, and Zhou Xingchen, who are a small team, were discussing countermeasures in the office. They have been busy until now, it is already late at night.

After Zhou Xingchen left, Jiang Shu rubbed the center of his brows, and said indifferently: "I shouldn't have spent so much energy praising this trash in the first place."

This trash, of course, refers to Zhou Xingchen.

Since Wei Xun dared to ask his assistant to directly tear it up on the Internet, how could he have no evidence in hand.

Moreover, as soon as Zhai Qing withdrew from the race, Mao Bin sent out a newsletter. If there is no connection among them, how could it be possible.

I just don't know what method that Wei Xun used to impress Zhai Qing to do this.

Zhou Xingchen was still counting on Dynasty Entertainment to come forward and send him a lawyer's letter, dreaming.

Now the warning message on the platform of Dynasty Entertainment Express to replace Zhou Xingchen has become the laughing stock of the whole network, and the company is probably about to take its anger out on it.

"It's also because we have misjudged our eyes. If we knew this, we should change to a gentle method."

Gu Chengxian also sighed, and said: "That Wei Xun is indeed capable, but I don't know how many things he has in his hand."

Jiang Shu said with a cold face: "Don't take chances, prepare for the worst. If Wei Xun recorded the audio that day, and the video of your quarrel with Zhai Qing was exposed, it would be very unfavorable to you. During this time , you take a literary drama to avoid the limelight, and when Wei Xun puts the sledgehammer, let Zhou Xingchen go out and apologize for you."

Gu Chengxian nodded, and said, "Being taken aback by a junior, the situation in the entertainment industry is really changing rapidly."

In the first issue of "Please Call Me an Actor", Gu Chengxian once supported Wei Xun, but in a blink of an eye, the two sides became enemies again.

Jiang Shu comforted: "For so many years, we haven't seen any storms. When the limelight passes, this debt will be paid back sooner or later. What's more, Wei Xun is still arguing with Tianguang Media to terminate the contract."

While the situation looked tense, neither was overly concerned.

Drop drop!
At this time, Jiang Shu's cell phone rang, she glanced at the caller ID, then stood up, and said, "It's Mr. Ke, it seems that this incident has alarmed him, you go first, I'll report to him Condition."

Gu Chengxian said, "Okay."

Dynasty Entertainment was discussing countermeasures, and Wei Xun also did not stop.

This evening, his and Mao Bin's mobile phones, emails, newsletters, and various contact methods were frantically reminding that new news had entered.

You don't need to think about it, there are Tianguang Media, Dynasty Entertainment, Wei Xun's relatives and friends, fans, and people who eat melons. In short, tonight they really turned the Internet upside down.

Trends on the Internet are changing rapidly, but fortunately, with Zhai Qing in charge, the general direction and rhythm can't be wrong.

In the early morning of the night, under Wei Xun's instruction, Mao Bin organized the video recorded in "Please Be My Actor" and released it directly through the newsletter platform.

Now that the two sides have completely torn their faces apart, there is no need to hide and hide, the front is just to the end!

What's more, Zhou Xingchen's nonsense is just incidental, and the next lawsuit between Wei Xun and Tianguang, as well as stepping on Tianguang to clean himself up, will be the highlight.

 ps: When I was cooking at noon, I cut my finger and bled a lot. It hurt so much that I almost cried.

  Let's add another one to get rid of bad luck, hey, there is another one in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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