From traffic to movie star

Chapter 60 Jointly Banned

Chapter 60 Jointly Banned
In Beijing in May, the weather has begun to heat up.

But because of the large temperature difference between day and night, the night at [-] o'clock in the morning is still cool, so even if the city is brightly lit, there are very few pedestrians on the road.

"Take one more order, and go back to sleep when you're done."

In a taxi parked by the side of the road, the driver Chen Hao thought so in his heart, and at the same time turned on the radio station in the car.

He planned to take advantage of this time waiting for customers to squint for a while to calm his mind.

Driving tired at night is the most prone to accidents, and he must always maintain a high degree of vigilance, so he is really tired now after receiving the order.

After the radio station was turned on, a magnetic male voice said with a smile: "Yes, it may be a coincidence. I didn't expect the release time of the single to coincide with my birthday, but in fact, I have been very busy recently. I called and I didn't even remember."

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Chen Hao lay on the driver's seat, closed his eyes, and thought in his heart.

Next, after a string of words by the host, the male voice finally said: "I am Wei Xun, and I will sing my song "Youth and Promise" for everyone, at twelve o'clock in the morning tonight, "The Devil from Heaven" and "Young and Promising" will also be launched on major music software, I hope everyone will support it."

"The TV keeps flashing, and the contact information has not been deleted. You treated me well, but I destroyed it by mistake..."

When the familiar melody and lyrics of "Young and Promising" sounded, Chen Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

This song is very popular recently, he has heard it.

But in fact, Chen Hao usually doesn't take the initiative to listen to "Young and Promising", because every time he hears this song, he feels his heart beating hard.

Those plain and sharp lines are realistic and frightening.

But today, maybe because he was too tired or something, he didn't switch the channel, and just quietly listened to the whole song "Young and Promising".

"Drink a few more drinks at the wedding, and your current one, drink a few more drinks at the wedding, wish me a young and promising future."

When Wei Xun's voice disappeared in the car, Chen Hao suddenly realized that he had become a fool crying.

He thought of the girl in his heart.

In the quiet and dark night, in a place where there are no people, it is indeed suitable for a young man who has left his hometown and worked hard to cry alone.

Life is really too difficult.

He wiped away his tears, opened a piece of music software, purchased and downloaded Young Promise, then hesitated for a moment, then dialed a number he knew by heart with trembling hands.

As soon as the call is connected, I hang up. Anyway, it is already early morning, and she must be asleep.

However, what Chen Hao didn't expect was that there was an instant answer. Seeing the call time start counting down, he was about to hang up in a panic.

A girl on the other side of the phone suddenly said viciously: "If you dare to hang up, I will chop you up."

Chen Hao laughed aloud, he couldn't tell whether the tears came out first or the smile came out first, he thought to himself that it's been a while since I've seen you, Xu Youyou, why are you still so stubborn.

Of course, he just thought about this in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

Xu Youyou is indeed very handsome.

What Chen Hao didn't know was that when Wei Xun participated in "Gold Medal Singer"'s first song "Youth and Promise" more than a month ago, it was this girl named Xu Youyou who once confessed to him on the Internet, claiming that she didn't want a house. Willing to marry.

"I didn't want to hang up. It's not because I slipped my hand just now. I accidentally dialed the phone. I was afraid of disturbing..." Chen Hao suddenly couldn't continue when he said this.

Because the girl opposite is crying.

He has been in love with Xu Youyou for a long time, except for the day they broke up, Chen Hao has never seen her cry for the second time.

However, Chen Hao didn't comfort her immediately because he knew why the girl was crying.

He was silent for a moment, and said: "I have been in Beijing for a year, and although running a taxi is not considered profitable, I have saved tens of thousands of yuan. I will save some more at the end of the year. In addition, I still have some savings in my hand before going back. With the help of my parents, the down payment for a two-bedroom apartment in our small city should be enough."

A woman has the courage to follow him, and as a man, he has to do his best to give her the best.

Xu Youyou stopped crying, and said pleasantly: "Then you will come back at the end of the year?"

"If you don't go back, I'm afraid you will really chop me up."

Chen Hao said helplessly: "Tell me what you think about this woman's mind every day. The one your mother arranged for you has a car and a house and is handsome. If you refuse, you have to follow a poor man like me."

He didn't know what the girl on the other side of the phone said. He leaned against the back of the car seat, chattering and laughing.

He was obviously still alone, but suddenly he was no longer alone.

Some emotions can be easily transmitted across the phone and hundreds of kilometers away, and then turned into the most solid force.

On a night like this, I don’t know how many ordinary people are experiencing their own stories.

At twelve o'clock in the morning on 5.16th, Wei Xun's birthday, his two hit songs "The Devil from Heaven" and "Youth and Promise" were finally launched.

The two-month explosion period of the entire network has already allowed these two songs to have a large number of fans, so once the songs were released, they rushed to the charts of major music software, and the number of paid downloads was even more amazing.

This is the charm of hit songs.

Whether it's a song or a movie, as long as it is marked with the word 'explosive', it represents a terrifying return on income.

Sky Media.

"According to the research data from the marketing department, in the next whole year, the paid download and copyright broadcast fees of "Promising Young" and "The Devil from Heaven" are likely to exceed 4000 million or even more."

Luo Feng took a document and made a report to Li Tianzhi: "Because Wei Xun wrote the lyrics independently, owns the full copyright of the song, and there is no dividend for the paid recording of the song, so except for the share of the music software, all the profits can be paid. into his own pocket."

Even Tianguang Media is very jealous of such a means of making money.

What's more, Wei Xun was originally an employee of Tianguang, and "Young and Promising" and "The Devil from Heaven" should have been released by Tianguang.

"No wonder you have to fly out from Tianguang. Who wouldn't want to own such a profitable project, but sometimes, the benefits are too great, and it's easy to choke to death." Li Tianzhi smiled and asked: "After inquiring about "Wuwen Xidong "Is it time to start up?"

Luo Feng replied: "The day after tomorrow."

Li Tianzhi's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Then act, let the media department and the legal department start operations, and at the same time entrust a lawyer to prepare for the prosecution process. Also, all advertisers who cooperate with Wei Xun should send warning emails Rebuke. This afternoon, you are in charge of communicating with Dynasty Entertainment, and when "Wuwen Xidong" is launched, you will join forces to completely block Wei Xun!"

 ps: Thanks to the four masters of 'Book Friends 20190419203141297', 'Arrow Bamboo Devourer', 'Cold Candle Painting Screen' and 'Dongdong Gundong' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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