Chapter 69

The atmosphere in the small conference room is a bit strange at the moment.

Seeing Hu Zhengxin and Shao Bing singing and coordinating with Wei Xun, Lin Cheng was silent for a moment, and said, "Are you a little rushed in time?"

"I think it's okay. As long as there is no external interference, as far as the current plan is concerned, there is no pressure at all."

Wei Xun said with a smile: "Moreover, Director Qi performed very well in the crew, and the quality and progress of the film can be guaranteed. Director Lin, you also watched the filming results just now, do you think there is any problem?"

Hearing this, Qi Jibai who was sitting next to him showed a slightly embarrassed expression, while the others remained silent.

Everyone present knew that "Wuwen Xidong" was controlled by Wei Xun, but now that the quality of the film is no problem, he pushed Qi Jibo out again, making it clear that he was just pretending to be stupid.

"The quality of the film is really good."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Hu Zhengxin, but Hu Zhengxin kept smiling, without any intention of expressing his opinion.

So Lin Cheng said again: "But it's still early, and there's no need to set the schedule so long in advance. Let's wait until the filming is over and decide on the schedule."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "That's fine."

"Well, I won't disturb everyone's work." Lin Cheng stood up, glanced at Hu Zhengxin, and said, "Boss Hu, let's go together?"

Hu Zhengxin smiled and said, "Director Lin, take a step first, and I'll wait."

The smile on Lin Cheng's face froze slightly, but he didn't force it. He nodded and left with a cold face.

When Lin Cheng left, Hu Zhengxin sighed, looked at Wei Xun, smiled wryly and said, "This time, I'm really not a human being."

Wei Xun joked: "Then, while Director Lin has not gone far, there is still time for Mr. Hu to catch up."

Hu Zhengxin said with an embarrassing expression and didn't say a word.

Shao Bing next to him smiled and said, "Okay Wei Xun, Lao Jiang and I are here, and you should save some face for Mr. Hu. Also, let the people watching the pool come in, let's continue talking."

Wei Xun nodded, and after a while, Mao Bin walked in with Chi Tang.

Seeing Chitang, Hu Zhengxin was a little surprised: "Xiaotang?"

Hu Zhengxin had previously heard from Shao Bing that Wei Xun had written a new script, and this script called "Partners in China" not only guaranteed the quality, but also ensured that people from the Guanchi Group participated in the investment.

It was also for this reason that Hu Zhengxin sang against Lin Cheng just now.

But what Hu Zhengxin didn't expect was that the representative of Guanchi Group who invested in "Chinese Partner" turned out to be Chi Tang.

For the investment in "Forensic Chronicle" last year, Times Pictures almost reached a cooperation with Chi Tang. At that time, Chi Tang was the investor, and the person who was negotiating the investment project with her was Hu Zhengxin.

Although they failed to reach a cooperation in the end, Chi Tang was Chi Sheng's daughter, and her background was terrifying.

No wonder Hu Zhengxin was surprised.

"Hello, Uncle Hu." Chi Tang greeted with a smile, and then sat down at the conference table.

Wei Xun looked around, threw the printed "Chinese Partner" script on the table, and looked at Hu Zhengxin: "Mr. Hu is interested in this script, right?"

In fact, Hu Zhengxin was willing to stay today because of this script, so he nodded and said, "Of course I'm interested."

"Originally, I didn't plan to let Times Pictures join the team. I think President Hu should know the reason. But Brother Shao and Brother Jiang happened to see this script today, so it doesn't hurt to add you in."

Wei Xun said: "A total of 3000 million investment, 1000 million from me, 1000 million from Chitang, and 1000 million from your time, is there any problem?"

Hu Zhengxin thought for a moment and said, "No problem."

Wei Xun said with a half-smile, "Projects that can make money, of course Mr. Hu is fine, but I have a problem here."

Hu Zhengxin's face remained unchanged: "Tell me."

Wei Xun said: "What I need is not a partner who follows me to make money, but an ally who can stand beside me and fight side by side."

To fight side by side, there must be enemies.

And Wei Xun's enemies are Tianguang Media and Dynasty Entertainment.

Hu Zhengxin sighed: "Wei Xun, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that Times Pictures is powerless."

Wei Xun smiled: "Then Mr. Hu doesn't want to vote for the project "Chinese Partner"?"

Hu Zhengxin fell into a dilemma.

Shao Bing and Jiang Duzhou watched their negotiation from the sidelines, secretly anxious.

"In this way, Mr. Hu doesn't have to worry about calculating the gains and losses, let's do the accounting."

Wei Xun moved the projection screen away, pulled over a small blackboard used by the crew to record things, and wrote on it with chalk: "Wuwen Xidong" invested 1000 million from Huaying, 1000 million from Times, and 2000 million from me. "Chinese Partner" invested 1000 million for Times, 1000 million for Chi Tang, and 1000 million for me.

After finishing writing, he drew a circle on the 1000 million of the two eras, connected the two circles, drew another line, and finally wrote: X5.

Hu Zhengxin narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

""Wuwen Xidong" has been filming for nearly a month, and Lao Jiang's role has almost been finished. Next month, I will fly to the south to shoot my movie. Lao Jiang and Shao Bing can form a team to pull the crew of "Chinese Partner" Get up, Shao Bing will be the director, Lao Jiang and I have decided on the positions of two male leads, and the remaining one is to be determined."

"Next, "Wuwen Xidong" will be finalized at the end of August and will be released in December. "Chinese Partner" will be finalized at the end of October and will be released during the Spring Festival next year."

Wei Xun said with a smile, "What does Mr. Hu think of this arrangement?"

"It's too late, I don't understand why you have to arrange it like this." Hu Zhengxin frowned and said, "Also, with all due respect, Times Pictures is not willing to get involved in the conflict between you and the other two companies."


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows, turned around and continued to write on the blackboard: Tianguang Media invested 3000 million. "Stealth of the Thief" will be released in December. In the Spring Festival next February, Tianguang Media will invest 6000 million in "Investment Bank Men and Women", and Dynasty Entertainment will invest 7000 million "Happy Today" was released.

When this timeline was listed, a terrible thought emerged in everyone's mind.

Wei Xun said: "That's why I arranged the schedule."

Hu Zhengxin's expression darkened, and he was about to speak out, but saw Wei Xun continue to add a line of words on the blackboard where he had just written x5: =1 million.

Times Pictures invested 1000 million in "Wuwen Xidong" + 1000 million X5 = 1 million in "Chinese Partner".

"I can guarantee that after the release of these two films, Times Pictures will receive a reward of [-] million. If it is less than [-] million, I will make it up for you."

"But the condition is that next, Mr. Hu must lead Times Pictures to completely stand by my side."

Wei Xun turned around, with a cold arc on his mouth: "In December, "Wuwen Xidong" will collide with Skylight Media's "The Thief", and next year's Spring Festival, "Chinese Partner" will collide with Skylight Media , Dynasty Entertainment’s two blockbusters "Investment Bank Men and Women" and "Today's Play", and what we have to do is, take the two movies in our hands, hit their schedule, and then... suck up the market and kill them. "

His voice fell, and the entire conference room was eerily quiet.

Hu Zhengxin stared at the 1 million formula on the blackboard, feeling his heart twitching.

Wei Xun threw the chalk in his hand into the trash can, patted the floating ash on the palm of his hand, then put his hands on the table, looked down at Hu Zhengxin, and smiled: "How about Mr. Hu, I put the [-] million here. Do you want it, or don't you want it?"

 ps: Thanks to the two masters of 'Kan Ri Ting Yupin Residual Fragrance' and 'Wu Qianyu' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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