From traffic to movie star

Chapter 82 Plasticity

Chapter 82 Plasticity

The main elements of the film "Chinese Partner" are nostalgia, entrepreneurship, and brotherhood.

Accompanied by the song "Story of Time", under the catalysis of the two parties, the publicity effect is surprisingly good.

In Wei Xun's original world, "Story of Time" has been circulating for more than 30 years, and it is a very classic and high-quality song.

This song sang the youth and youth with the most simple and delicate emotions, which aroused the empathy of generations.

But Shao Bing and Jiang Duzhou had never heard this song, nor did they know the charm of this song.

So it is inevitable to have doubts.

"Xun Xun, it's not that my buddy doesn't trust you, it's really, it's too difficult to find a suitable song for a movie."

Seeing Wei Xun's confident face, Jiang Duzhou couldn't help but said: "And it's okay for old Shao to act in a movie. If you let him sing, it's a bit too much. And me, to be honest, although I have systematically trained music class, but the singing skills are only average, you let us sing, can you do it?"

In the eyes of Shao Bing and Jiang Duzhou, Wei Xun is really a very bold person.

Dare to write the script by himself, be the director by himself, and sign a guaranteed contract of [-] million yuan to fight for his own future. The above is not mentioned for the time being, but it was Wei Xun's proposal to let Shao Bing play "Chinese Partner".

Now it's even worse, he even planned to bring the three brothers to sing movie songs together.

Although this does prove Wei Xun's decathlon talent from the side, it's too capable of causing trouble.

"Don't worry, I said you can do it, you can do it."

Wei Xun said firmly: "The tune of this song is very friendly, it's not difficult to sing, and we are doing it to promote the movie, and we don't really want to go to the recording studio to release a single, just sing out our feelings."

After hearing the words, Shao Bing thought for a while and suggested, "Do you have a sample song? Play a part and listen to it."

"Yes, when I was at home yesterday, I recorded it in advance for the convenience of copyright registration."

Wei Xun took out his mobile phone, thought for a while, and played back the finished film shot by Shao Bing, then clicked the music play button on the mobile phone, and said, "It should be more emotional when the movie is accompanied by songs."

The movie screen of "Chinese Partner" is very warmly lit. From the costumes of the characters to the scene layout, they are all in the style of the 80s.

The plot that Wei Xun brought up was a scene of Wang Yang played by Jiang Duzhou and Meng Xiaojun played by Shao Bing frolicking in the dormitory of Beijing University.

The prelude to the music in his hand began to sound, cheerful and lively, full of youthful vigor.

Then Wei Xun's voice sang: "The flowers in spring, the wind in autumn, and the setting sun in winter, the melancholy youth, I used to think so ignorantly..."

If the clips played in the camera lens are pure pictures, then accompanied by Wei Xun's brisk singing, the pictures will be vivid and lively in an instant, turning them into stories in youth.

Shao Bing, who was originally focused on the movie, raised his head, and his eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened to Wei Xun's singing.

Jiang Duzhou's expression changed from casual to serious and focused.

This song has simple lyrics and simple melody, but it seems to have a magical power that can drag you back from the current time and space, back to the youthful youthful years of your teens.

The little notes passed around in the classroom, the folded love letters, the washed-out blue school uniform, the pen held in hand, and the writings erased on the blackboard all eventually became the youth that no one can get back.

Its tune is cheerful.

But it makes people who understand it very sad.

"The story of running water taking away the time has changed us, just in the sentimental and first recalled youth."

After a song was played, Jiang Duzhou and Wei Xun were a little bit unsatisfied.

And as Wei Xun said, the tune of this song is really friendly, and the lyrics are also very easy to read. You can remember the general melody just by listening to it once.

Wei Xun put away his phone and asked with a smile, "How is it?"


Jiang Duzhou admired: "Xun Xun, sometimes I really can't figure out how your brain is so good, you are good at acting, you are good at writing scripts, you can direct, you can sing, you can write songs yourself, the key is also handsome, it's too shocking People."

Shao Bing also echoed at the side: "It really hits people, but I have to say that this song is very suitable for "Chinese Partner". No, or "Chinese Partner" is very suitable for this song. I think this song is better than "Chinese Partner". The movie is more visual, more emotional."

A classic song that has been circulated in another world for more than 30 years, of course there is no doubt that it is a high-quality golden song.

"Then I'll cut out a few minutes of video in the crew these few days. When the two of you finished filming at night, the three of us recorded this song."

Wei Xun said: "I have a variety show on the 3rd, and then until the 20th, I can catch up with the shooting progress."

Shao Bing said with a smile: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you can't keep up, anyway, you still have the position of assistant director, you can take selfies and act yourself, then let's go to fix the makeup first, and finalize the look."

"Chinese Partner" is a nostalgic movie, so the appearance of the three male protagonists is... very rustic.

Especially Cheng Dongqing, played by Wei Xun, is a simple bumpkin who failed the college entrance examination twice. Unwilling to succumb to the fate of being a farmer, he fought hard in the third exam and was admitted to Beijing City University.

Such a character design, apart from being about the same age, Cheng Dongqing and Wei Xun are people from two worlds.

Wei Xun in my impression is handsome and trendy, and the young master Shen Guangyao in "Wu Wen Xi Dong" is very close to him.

From the handsome Shen Guangyao to the bumpkin Cheng Dongqing, can Wei Xun handle such a role?

But when Wei Xun came out of the dressing room wearing an apparently small high school uniform, with a rustic hairstyle, wearing glasses, and carrying a large bag of daily necessities, and grinning innocently, Shao Bing Both Jiang Duzhou and Jiang Duzhou were shocked.

Nima, who is this fool?
"Wei Xun, the plasticity of your character is really strong."

As a director, Shao Bing watched Wei Xun, who was playing 'Cheng Dongqing', approaching him at this moment, and exclaimed: "It really looks like what it looks like, and it looks good no matter how it is thrown into the camera. An actor's meal."

Jiang Duzhou walked around Wei Xun twice, then shook his head and sighed: "I'm thinking, when the movie is released, Xun Xun's wife fans will be so pissed off that such a handsome guy is so spoiled that he can't see it. "

Wei Xun hammered each of them, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's take a still photo of the makeup first, and I will start cutting the material in the afternoon."

Not only that, but the three of them had to work overtime to record the song "Story of Time", and they will be very busy for the next period of time.

But now that Wei Xun has joined the team, the filming of "Chinese Partner" can be considered to be in full swing. Both Shao Bing and Wei Xun can still be directors, so there is no need to worry about the progress of the filming.

 ps: Thanks to the two big guys 'Mo Yueyao' and 'Qiu Fengshu' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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