From traffic to movie star

Chapter 85 Cool Dubbing Skills

Chapter 85 Cool Dubbing Skills

In the past few days, Zhou Peng has not slept well.

Purely the fault of that anonymous email.

Because in the anonymous email he received, there was a post address on the Petal Forum, which revealed some information about Wei Xun.

The post said that the reason why Wei Xun always acted in bad movies before was because his father was bankrupt and owed 15 million yuan, so he signed a [-]-year contract with Tianguang Media, and Tianguang Media used Wei Xun as a tool to make money. Give him bad movies.

Due to too much debt, Wei Xun was afraid that the company would freeze him and make him unable to repay the debt, so he was bullied by Tianguang and dared not resist.

The title of this post did not include Wei Xun's name, and it was posted several months ago. The poster was a newly registered trumpet. At that time, some netizens on the petal forum responded with a few messages mockingly, and then completely sank. down.

As usual, Zhou Peng would ignore news that was so fake at first glance.

But now he has just made a fortune by relying on Wei Xun, so he is very sensitive to Wei Xun's gossip.

And the more he pondered over the past few days, the more he felt that this matter was very likely to be true!

Otherwise, why did Tianguang Media keep letting Wei Xun accept bad movies? In the past, there was an artist named Lin Chao in Tianguang, who dared to directly snatch Wei Xun's music copyright, and Wei Xun never resisted.

Why is a popular trafficer so miserable that he is suppressed by the company and dare not rebound?
Unless... he was burdened with a debt of [-] million yuan, all of this would make sense.

Because Wei Xun wants to make money to pay back his debts, he is afraid of being banned from Xuezang!

But Zhou Peng didn't have enough evidence so far, and all of this was just speculation, so he didn't dare to tell the editor-in-chief about it.

So Zhou Peng recently began to pay attention to Wei Xun's various news, and whenever he came across news that might lead to clues, he would click in and take a look.

But today, he found out that the official website of Red Mans TV released a variety show pilot called "Sound on the Scene", which invited dubbing master Lin Jiang and Wei Xun!
Zhou Peng clicked into this video subconsciously, and the speed of the bullet screen in it made him click his tongue.

Wei Xun deserves to be the top traffic. Recently, because of the frequent hot searches, the popularity is surprisingly high. With his appearance in variety shows, there is no shortage of popularity.

After clicking on it for a few minutes, Zhou Peng understood that this was not a formal recording of a variety show, but a pilot film introducing the behind-the-scenes work of the voice actor industry.

But because the public is not familiar with voice actors, so with some curiosity, many people can watch it.

At the very beginning of the video, it is Lin Jiang's accusation against Wei Xun, and the barrage is all about feeling sorry for Lin Jiangda.

"Hahaha, considering Xunxun's greasy acting skills before, Lin Jiang probably has the heart to kill him."

"I saw a trace of embarrassment on Wei Xun's face."

"It's very much like me who was exposed to black history."

"Actually, I came here just to see if Wei Xun is safe. Recently, there have been rumors on the Internet that he is in a miserable situation, but now he seems to be in good spirits."

When director Wen Tao brought up the LED screen and asked Wei Xun to dub his previous roles together with Lin Jiang, the audience including Zhou Peng were shocked.

"I'll go, is Xunxun really going all out?"

"Could it be that I will see those hot-eyed characters of Xun Xun again next time, please help me."

"But I really want to see it. After all, Xun Xun has made great progress now, and the improvement in acting skills is obvious to all."

"What should I do? I suddenly feel a little fond of Xun Xun."

"Not to mention anything else, Wei Xun's frank attitude of daring to face the black history is quite attractive."

The audience was laughing and watching in the barrage. Wei Xun stood in front of the microphone and began to dub the first character of "Ba Zong".

When the LED screen started to play, when the greasy character appeared, even Wei Xun himself was taken aback.

Especially Lin Jiang was still making up the knife next to him: "This must have been fueled by me. See, I had this expression when I was dubbing him, and I wanted to die."

The barrage was full of joyful 'hahaha' swiping the screen.

"It's okay to be so greasy by my acting skills."

"Oh my God, I actually think Xun Xun is a bit cute, what should I do if I want to be a fan?"

"Tell the upstairs quietly, I'm already a fan."

Three or four months forward, who dares to say that he will be a fan of Wei Xun?Your brain got kicked by a donkey.

But unknowingly, Wei Xun's reputation gradually improved, and many people even became fans of him.

In particular, his recent experience has been miserable, which is worrying and distressing.

However, Xun Xun didn't blindly come out to sell miserably. He didn't even want to talk about the matter of being thrown eggs by the media. Instead, he made a solid movie, released a single, and even made fun of himself when he appeared on variety shows.

This makes people feel very good.

On the screen, Wei Xun adjusted his state and said, "You can avoid me or get angry, but..."

The man's voice is very magnetic. Although the lines are a little bit icky, they are surprisingly not repulsive. With such a voice, even the original greasy performance of "Ba Boss" seems pleasing to the eye.

Netizens who watched the video were shocked.

"Ma Ya, I've seen this movie before, and I almost didn't get killed by lightning, but now I feel it's okay?"

"Sure enough, actors now have to rely on dubbing to save them."

"But the problem is that Wei Xun is saving himself... I don't know how to complain for a while."

"Is Xun Xun going to develop in the direction of dubbing behind the scenes?"

But the initial sound of 'Ba Zong' was just an appetizer.

In just 7 minutes, Wei Xun took out the seven hot-eyed characters he had played in the past without any hesitation, and played a round. It was a cool post-dubbing show, and the netizens who watched it were dumbfounded.

Nima, what kind of fairy dubbing is this, is Xun Xun so strong?
So showy.

"Have you noticed that in the past two months, Xun Xun seems to have taken the wrong medicine? His acting skills have improved rapidly, he can write songs, he can be a screenwriter, and now he has started to do post-dubbing. He is almost decathlon."

"I'm afraid it's not being worn."

"Since announcing his departure from Tianguang Media on the Internet, Xunxun's condition has really gotten better and better."

"What you said upstairs, I feel more and more that those conspiracy theories are true. There must be some grievances between Tian Guang and Wei Xun."

"But I still don't understand why Xunxun took so many bad movies before?"

Everyone was muttering in the barrage, and in the pilot film, Lin Jiang and Wen Tao also asked their doubts.

Wei Xun was a little embarrassed, and after a moment of silence, the answer he gave was: it was shot voluntarily because of lack of money.

Not to mention that Lin Jiang and Wen Tao didn't believe it, neither did the netizens.

"What's the matter with Xunxun, a first-line trafficker, he has the nerve to say that he is short of money, it's too perfunctory."

"I always feel that he is covering up something, as if he doesn't dare to say it."

"But to be honest, if the conspiracy theories on the Internet are true, it's normal for him to have something to hide."

"That's right, after all, Tianguang killed people, and I feel sorry for Xunxun."

Regardless of what was being discussed in the barrage at the moment, Zhou Peng's heart began to thump.

Because he grasped some details keenly: Wei Xun said he was short of money.

Is it possible that the first-line traffic is short of money?
In fact, there are.

If Wei Xun had a debt of [-] million yuan, everything would make sense.

What made Zhou Peng even more aware that something was wrong was that he had just received an anonymous email about Wei Xun's debt of [-] million yuan, and Wei Xun revealed on the show that he was short of money.

It's all too coincidental.

It was as if there was a behind-the-scenes pusher pushing Wei Xun's tragic news to him.

Even thinking about it, who told Wei Xun to take a sneak shot of Wei Xun's egg being smashed at the airport a few days ago?

Could it be... Wei Xun himself?
With such a bold attitude, Zhou Peng tried to reply a message to the anonymous email: What is the name of Wei Xun's father?
After about half an hour, the other party replied: Wei Changdong.

Zhou Peng copied the name, pasted it into the 'Enterprise Search', and pressed Enter to search.

The result of the search is: Wei Changdong, the representative of the bankruptcy legal person...

After quickly browsing Wei Changdong's information, Zhou Peng took a deep breath, then opened the document, and began to write with trembling hands.

He felt that he was really going to develop this time.

 ps: Thanks to 'Big Lemon', 'Book 20170203010334879', 'Zhang Xiaobai Yaya', and 'Jian Huan' for their rewards. Congratulations to 'Big Lemon' for becoming the first owner of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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