From traffic to movie star

Chapter 88 Bad Movies Make Me Grow

Chapter 88 Bad Movies Make Me Grow
"Chinese Partner" crew.

"No, you plan to go out directly with this virtue?"

At this moment, Shao Bing, Jiang Duzhou and Mao Bin all looked at Wei Xun in bewilderment.

Outside the production crew, there are at least hundreds of media outlets with their cameras on their shoulders, waiting eagerly for Wei Xun, who recently turned into a traffic harvester on the Internet, to go out for an interview.

You know, currently in the entertainment section, the word Wei Xun represents the hot attention, but he has been too low-key recently, and the media have nowhere to interview, so they can only come to the "Chinese Partner" crew to block people, making the crew so noisy There is no way to take pictures with peace of mind.

Shao Bing, who was so annoyed that he couldn't stand it, strongly asked Wei Xun to go out and appease the reporters.

But... Wei Xun actually planned to go out dressed in 'Cheng Dongqing'.

Cheng Dongqing, the leading actor in "Chinese Partner", has an old-fashioned haircut, wears a pair of myopia glasses, has black powder on his face, and wears a washed-up white dress, which is obviously a size smaller than that of a high school student. The school uniform, no matter how you look at it, looks like a tough guy.

Ordinary celebrity actors are very scruples about their image, let alone Wei Xun's fresh meat, is it really okay to go out with this outfit?

"What's the problem, just after sending the media away, come back and continue filming, don't waste time." Wei Xun smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go out first, and I'll be back later, you two first line up for two scenes play."

In fact, it’s not to say that you can’t delay the shooting time. It’s okay to take off the current makeup and go out for an interview in a clean and tidy way, but... since the sales are miserable, let’s take advantage of the character of the leading actor ‘Cheng Dongqing’ Wouldn't it be better.

By the way, it can also promote "Chinese Partner".

So when hundreds of media outside the crew saw the poorly dressed Wei Xun coming out, they were all stunned.

In the next second, the reporters were so excited that they frantically pressed the shutter and took a burst of shots at Wei Xun.

Look, this is Wei Xun, a popular trafficker with a debt of [-] million yuan. Now he is so miserable that he can't even afford to wear decent clothes.

When such news is exposed, it will definitely cause a sensation!

The shutters of hundreds of cameras were pressed, and the temporary interview area outside the crew suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flashing lights, which was so dazzling that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

There is also an entertainment newspaper equipped with a self-media live broadcast platform, which will broadcast the interview in real time.

Wei Xun stretched out his hand to protect his eyes, then turned on the microphone in his hand, and said helplessly, "Don't get excited, everyone, it's because I just finished filming a scene and haven't had time to put on makeup. In fact, I'm not as miserable as you think. Like that."

The reporters couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, and they paused for a while to take pictures and started to ask questions.

The reporter sent by Gossip Weekly this time is Zhou Peng, who has been promoted to the position of editor-in-chief because two consecutive big news about Wei Xun broke out.

So when it came to the questioning session, Zhou Peng took the lead and asked: "Wei Xun, do you really have a debt of [-] million yuan, can you tell me how much you have repaid now?"

This is a question that everyone is concerned about now, so after Zhou Peng asked, everyone looked at Wei Xun, waiting for his answer.

"Yes, it is true that I owe such a large amount of money. As for how much I have to pay back, it is half and half."

Wei Xun glanced at the nameplate of 'Bagua Weekly' hanging on the male reporter's clothes, he had already guessed the identity of this man in his heart, reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth, and said with some embarrassment: "I didn't expect my private affairs to be troublesome. It's so big, I'm really sorry."

Half and half, that is to say, there is still [-] million unpaid.

Zhou Peng continued to ask: "It is rumored that Tianguang Media uses you as a tool to make money, undertakes all kinds of bad movies for you, and squeezes you in all kinds of ways, and you dare not resist in order to pay off the debt. In the end, you couldn't bear it anymore. You decided to file a lawsuit against Tianguang. , choose to go to court, is that right?"

Wei Xun was silent for a moment, and said, "That's not the case. I also bear a large part of the responsibility for taking on those bad movies."

A look of surprise appeared in Zhou Peng's eyes when he heard this.

The question he just asked seemed to be a question, but in fact, Wei Xun had already cleared Wei Xun to shirk his responsibility and paved the way for Tianguang Media, but what he didn't expect was that Wei Xun denied it.

"If...if I had been firmer at the time and summoned up the courage to reject these bad films, I don't think my reputation in the past two years would have been so bad."

Wei Xun laughed at himself: "But it is precisely because of my infirmity that they feel that my debts will be my sore spot, and they can handle it at will. So in the past two years, such a vicious circle has formed. When people mention Wei Xun , you will subconsciously think, oh, he is the traffic of the director of bad movies."

Such a monologue silenced the reporters at the scene.

What everyone thinks is, if you change your identity and stand in Wei Xun's situation, what will you choose?

Probably, it would be difficult to fight against Skylight Media, right?

"But sometimes, in fact, I really hate myself. My reputation has been messed up by myself, and I have been... being overdrawn by those people to make movies that make me want to throw up."

Faced with hundreds of media cameras, Wei Xun said: "I never thought that after the news of my debts was exposed on the Internet, there would be so many fans. The netizens sincerely supported and encouraged me, because I thought that everyone They all... really hate me, so I'm very flattered this time."

Having said that, he seemed to be at a loss for what to say, so he bent down and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry for disturbing everyone because of some personal reasons of mine. From now on, I will work on "Chinese Partner" with peace of mind, and learn to be a really good actor down-to-earth."

After bowing, he raised his head and said: "I will face up to my dark history, because bad movies have alerted me, allowing me to always examine myself and stop going astray."

Black history can never be washed away, so it is better to bring it up now than to bring it up in the future and be overturned by others.

When you don't mind your black history, there is no need for others to humiliate you.

A reporter asked: "This month, the lawsuit between you and Tianguang is going to be in court. Are you confident?"

"To be honest, no, I don't have any confidence at all."

Wei Xun smiled bitterly and said: "But there are many things. It doesn't mean that you have to give up if you don't have confidence. I gritted my teeth until now, not to return to the original point. I still have to be manipulated by others. So, keep your eyes closed and charge forward. "

The reporter was silent for a moment, then said, "Come on."

This interview let everyone see a different Wei Xun.

In fact, he could have sold it badly, but he didn't from the beginning to the end.

He was admitting his mistakes, reflecting on himself, and blaming himself, but he didn't shirk his responsibility at all.

So after this interview, Wei Xun's photo was pushed by various forums, and the title of the distribution was: Wei Xun was in debt of [-] million but bravely said no to Tianguang, bluntly saying that black history can wake himself up, he has no idea about the lawsuit, and is eager to be a good one. actor.

 ps: Thanks to the big guy 'Knock Coconut' for the reward, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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