From traffic to movie star

Chapter 93 Arrogant cards

Chapter 93 Arrogant cards
"Xunxun won the lawsuit!"

"Yes, I saw it too. The photo of Wei Xun standing at the gate of the court is so handsome."

"He's really happy, look at the smile on his face, he's a handsome sunny guy."

"I'm not a fan of Wei Xun. Whether he wins or loses the lawsuit has nothing to do with me. Why do I feel happy for him from the bottom of my heart when I see him win?"

"Probably, this is personal charm."

"Because of Wei Xun's lawsuit, we have continued to pay attention to him for half a year. From learning that he was oppressed, to watching him resist step by step and fight for his own rights. Now that he finally won, we should be happy."

"Come on, Xunxun, after leaving Tianguang, it will definitely be better."

Because of the real-time live broadcast of the self-media platform at the gate of the court, Wei Xun just walked out of the court, and the latest news was released by the media on the newsletter.

#卫苏赢了# appeared in the hot search list, and the ranking rose rapidly.

It can be known that there must be a large number of netizens paying attention to Wei Xun's latest news.

In the Chi family villa.

"Yeah, Xun Xun won!"

Chi Tang, who was watching the live broadcast at home, cheered, then jumped up from the bed, and said triumphantly, "Xu Yaru, next I will show you how a rich woman slaps a handsome guy with cards!"

Xu Yaru rolled her eyes and muttered, "I'm sorry I'm not interested at all."

"Why are you so annoying!" Chi Tang complained, "Can you satisfy my desire to show off!"


Xu Yaru snorted, and said expressionlessly: "Rich woman, let me open my eyes and see how you make cards for handsome guys."

Chi Tang happily took out his mobile phone, watched the live broadcast of Wei Xun's interview on the TV screen, and said, "Then you watch it, there are still 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I will give Xun Xun a call."

Call up?
This time, Xu Yaru was really curious. She put down her phone and waited to see what Chi Tang was going to do.

Court entrance.

Hearing that Wei Xun had won the lawsuit, the reporters knew that he was in a good mood, so they started asking questions around him.

"Wei Xun, after you terminate the contract with Tianguang Media, have you considered where to go next?"

"You have cooperated with Times Pictures and Huaying Media, will future brokerage companies choose these two?"

"Hu Zhengxin, the vice president of Times Pictures, just sent a newsletter, wishing you out of the sea of ​​suffering, and welcoming you to join Times Pictures, what do you think?"

"Many netizens are paying attention to your lawsuit. Now that you have won the lawsuit, can you tell the netizens how you feel now?"

The reporters asked all kinds of questions together, coupled with the frantic flickering of flashing lights, it became extremely chaotic at the scene.

Wei Xun asked Mao Bin to protect his parents behind him, motioned the reporters to calm down a little, and then said with a smile: "Tianguang Media has proposed a second trial, so I can't immediately terminate the contract with Tianguang. The issue of the next family has not been considered yet. Both Times Pictures and Huaying Media are very good film and television companies, but we are currently just a pure film cooperation relationship. As for the matter that Mr. Hu blessed me in the newsletter, I haven't had time to look at my phone yet. Thank you very much Hu Total love."

When a popular trafficker terminates his contract with his original brokerage company, the most concern is where he plans to change jobs next.

You don't need to think about it, with Wei Xun's recent traffic popularity on the Internet, he will definitely be snapped up by major film and television entertainment giants next.

But Wei Xun's answer was impeccable. It seemed that every question was answered, but in fact, after careful consideration, it was all in an official tone, and nothing was revealed.

Of course the reporters were unwilling to give up, but they couldn't find any information for a while.

At this time, a group of female fans waiting outside the court also got the news that Wei Xun had won the lawsuit, and couldn't help cheering from a distance.

Wei Xun stretched out his hand and waved at them.

The fans screamed even louder.

A reporter said with a smile: "Wei Xun, your fans came here early today, whether they are cheering for you at the gate of the court, or watching your lawsuit on the Internet, they are all sincerely caring for you. You. Now that you have won the lawsuit, do you have any welfare surprises for your fans?"

At this time, Wei Xun's cell phone in his pocket vibrated three times.

It was Chi Tang who called.

Wei Xun felt the vibration of the mobile phone, and said with a smile: "Actually, there are, I plan to invite everyone to listen to a song."

Listen to a song?

The reporter was stunned, and then his eyes lit up: "Is it a new song?"

You know, Wei Xun's two songs, "The Devil from Heaven" and "Youth and Promise", have become popular on the Internet and have attracted a lot of attention.

If Wei Xun chooses a new song today, it will definitely be another hot topic.

"Yes, a new song is the theme song I wrote for "Chinese Partner."

After Wei Xun finished speaking with a smile, he waved to the fans in the distance and shouted, "Turn around!"

turn around?

The fans were a little puzzled when they heard Wei Xun's shout, but they subconsciously turned around.

The reporters also turned their heads and turned their cameras to look back.

Diagonally opposite the court, what can be seen from a distance is the standing Guanchi Square, and a huge LED screen hangs in front of the shopping mall building.

In the Chi family's villa, Chi Tang, who was watching the live broadcast, grabbed Xu Yaru and silently counted down in his heart: 3, 2, 1...

At the gate of the court, Wei Xun snapped his fingers very handsomely.

The next moment, the huge LED screen lit up, Wei Xun's figure appeared on the screen, and there was a brisk music melody, which was the prelude to "Story of Time".

It turned out that the so-called new song was released in this form!
The reporters and fans present all exclaimed.

But how could Chi Tang be proud of his generosity, just this?
At the moment, on the Internet, all the sub-brands of Guanchi Group, including but not limited to shopping malls, hotels, cars, magazines, restaurants, jewelry and other official news platforms, all have their avatars replaced with stills of Wei Xun in "Partners in China".

At the same time, on the LED screens hanging outside the shopping malls invested by Guanchi Group in dozens of cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Flower Market, all of them began to play the "Story of Time" MV.

The small LED screen inside the shopping mall also followed up.

At the same time, Wei Xun's personal posters were displayed at the entrances of Guanchi Group's car sales centers, restaurant chains, and jewelry stores.

Even stores that cannot broadcast MVs are replaced with the single "Story of Time".

In short, from the moment Wei Xun snapped his fingers, all the brands of Guanchi Group have joined forces to help release the new song "Story of Time"!
In Chi's villa, Xu Yaru was stunned by this series of coquettish operations.

She turned to look at Chi Tang with a smug face, and said in shock, "Sister, you are too arrogant with your cards."

 ps: Thanks to 'ap maniac', 'Wu Qianyu', 'Zhang Xiaobai Yaya', 'Le Weiyang 0', 'Splashing Snow in the Morning', 'Book Friends 160804173013607', 'It's sad to talk about', 'Qing Muqing', 'Ah Wei Ya' [-] The big guy's tip is expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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