From traffic to movie star

Chapter 99 "Wuwen Xidong" Released

Chapter 99 "Wuwen Xidong" Released

In May of this year, Zhai Qing suddenly announced his withdrawal from "Please Call Me an Actor", blatantly revealing the shady scene of the shocking variety show promotion.

When the entire network was in an uproar, Wei Xun smashed the evidence with a stone hammer and tore Zhou Xingchen from Dynasty Entertainment, and then broke the grievances with his old club Tianguang Media, and formally filed a lawsuit against Tianguang Media.

At the same time, in this event that was so noisy that it occupied the headlines of the major entertainment forums, there was also a movie that was about to be approved and shot, which was remembered by netizens.

The name of this movie is "Wuwen Xidong".

There are rumors on the Internet that when Wei Xun was bullied in "Please Call Me an Actor", it was he who moved Zhai Qing with this script, and finally Zhai Qing came forward to support him.

From May to the end of August, Wei Xun made more and more noise on the Internet, and the marketing of the movie "Wu Wen Xi Dong" has never stopped.

Wei Xun wrote and acted as the screenwriter, moved Zhai Qing's story, and co-starred with talented actor Jiang Duzhou. Such a movie is full of gimmicks.

In November, at the Shanghai Film Festival, "Wuwen Xidong" received five nominations for awards, which undoubtedly gave this unreleased film a "high-quality" label in advance.

In the end, Zhai Qing successfully sealed the queen again with this movie.

On December 12, half a month before the release of "No Questions about the West and the East", Zhai Qing came forward to hold the world premiere ceremony at Huaqing University with many of the film's main creators.

After the premiere, there was thunderous applause, and many viewers expressed that they were moved to tears during the viewing process.And this film was also highly praised by film critics, known as "an epic tear-jerking makeup remover blockbuster".

Then, small-scale screenings of "Wuwen Xidong" also opened all over the country.

On the day of the film screening, it also set a good record of 83.1% attendance on weekdays, the first day of the same period in the box office, and the first attendance rate.

In short, entering December, the closer to Christmas, the more ferocious the marketing of "Wuwen Xidong" on the Internet, and it was hard to suppress the several movies of the same period.

The reason why Huaying Media and Times Pictures are called film giants is not only because of their ability to produce movies, but also because of their powerful distribution channels.

The joint release of "Wuwen Xidong" by the two film giants this time can be described as ambitious, and it is bound to tear off a piece of the box office cake during this Christmas schedule.

On December 12, Friday, four days before Christmas, "Wuwen Xidong" was officially released.

Movies that were released on the same day included Tianguang Media's 3000 million-yuan comedy action film "Story of the Thief", Sega Media's pure-love movie "Heartbeat Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang", and Xinghui Film and Television's small fresh urban theme movie "Evolutionary Boyfriend" ".

In addition to the above four new films, there are two imported films "Iron Monster" and "Spartan Arena".

However, these two imported films hit theaters in mid-November, and each raked in more than [-] million box office. Now the box office is close to saturation and is in the final stage.

Therefore, there are no foreign enemies in this Christmas file, and it is purely a battlefield for the four domestic films.

Wei Xun recently returned to Beijing after participating in a promotional roadshow of "Wu Wen Xi Dong" in Shanghai. He finally had two days off, which coincided with the official release of the movie, so he quietly dressed up and decided to go to the cinema to see it in person. .

After all, movies are made for audiences to watch, so no matter in the previous world or now, he has the habit of buying tickets to watch his movies.

From the audience's reaction, we can best tell whether the film is good or bad.

In the evening of December in Beijing, the sky is dark and yellow, the haze is heavy, and the cold wind is like a knife.

Pedestrians on the road were all wrapped in thick down jackets, hats and masks, so Wei Xun, who also wrapped himself tightly, was not very conspicuous except for his height.

But Chi Tang was still nervous.

That's right, Wei Xun invited her to watch "Wuwen Xidong" together today.

Going out to watch a movie with a popular male celebrity, the feeling of being caught at any time, is really exciting.

Chi Tang thought to herself, if Wei Xun was recognized later, she would run away decisively.

The two walked into the theater one after another to buy tickets at the ticketing area. While queuing up, the young couple in front were struggling with which movie to watch.

Just listen to the boy's suggestion: "This "Evolutionary Boyfriend Theory" doesn't look good just by the name, let's change to another one and watch "Wuwen Xidong"."

Hearing the words "Wuwen Xidong", Chi Tang and Wei Xun looked at each other, then quietly eavesdropped on a few words.

Probably this young couple, the girls want to watch "The Evolution of Boyfriends", and the boys want to watch "Wuwen Xidong".

But it's not surprising, the name of a movie like "Evolutionary Boyfriend" is obviously aimed at pleasing women. If it wasn't for the purpose of being with girlfriends, there probably wouldn't be any male viewers going crazy and wanting to watch this kind of movie.

After hearing the boy's suggestion, the girl hesitated and said, "But I heard that "Wuwen Xidong" is a tearjerker."

"What's the matter with the tear gas? A good movie is one that makes people cry." The boy said solemnly, "And there is a handsome guy Xunxun in this movie. I don't care. I'm going to watch Xunxun tonight."

Chi Tang, who was queuing up behind, couldn't hold back a 'puchi' laugh.

The young couple who were talking turned their heads.

Then the girl punched the boy with some embarrassment, and said angrily: "Enough, don't you think you are ashamed, a big boy talks about Xun Xun every day."

The boy looked proud: "Who said that men can't be Xunxun's fans, hey, hurry up and buy tickets, there are still people queuing up behind, don't waste their time."

In the end, the young couple still bought tickets for "Wuwen Xidong".

When they left, Chi Tang quietly gave a thumbs up, and muttered to Wei Xun, "Yes, kill both men and women, Xun Xun."

Wei Xun shrugged his shoulders very cooperatively, as if I couldn't help but be too handsome.

Because he was afraid of being recognized, he never dared to speak.

Chi Tang took the movie ticket with a smile, and the two sat down in the back row of the theater, waiting for the movie to start.

When the movie was about to start, the theater was almost full, and the attendance rate was quite impressive.

It can be seen that the pre-marketing of "Wuwen Xidong" is really good.

The theater lights dimmed a little bit.

When the screen lit up again, Zhang Guoguo, played by Jiang Duzhou, made his first appearance. The 10-minute plot briefly introduced his identity.

A student who graduated from Huaqing, because of the milk powder planning case, was deeply involved in the internal struggle between his immediate superior and the leader, and he was under a lot of pressure.

At the same time, in order to successfully complete the milk powder planning project, Zhang Guoguo found a family of quadruplets in a poor area, and wanted to use the newly born quadruplets as a gimmick to advertise the milk powder planning.

But the helpless plan was unsuccessful, Zhang Guoguo was expelled, and was entangled by the family of quadruplets.

The beginning of such a story is depressing and ironic, and from the picture to the characters are pale and decadent, so sad.

As Zhang Guoguo's story unfolded, the entire movie theater was silent, and it was obvious that the atmosphere was tense.

As an audience, Chi Tang also felt a little uncomfortable watching.

She quietly noticed the dull atmosphere in the movie theater, and couldn't help but start to sweat for Wei Xun.

You know, Wei Xun signed a [-] million guaranteed box office contract for Times Pictures. If the box office performance of "Wuwen Xidong" is not good, Wei Xun will definitely have a hard time in the future.

 ps: Thank you guys for supporting the genuine version, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!There are four more chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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