Ares out of prison

Chapter 101 What About Stars

Chapter 101 What About Stars
Wang Long suddenly felt that he had been fooled.

After staying up all night to finally write a prescription, only to come here for a quick meal in return?

"Oh, isn't it because of the rush of time? And I have business in the company in the afternoon! I will thank you after this time is over!"

When he said this, Sun Zihan blinked playfully, showing a slightly charming expression.

Wang Long's heart skipped a beat.

Thank you very much?What kind of thank you?

Could it be that after being married for so many years, I can finally experience what it's like to be a groom?

"What are you giggling about?"

"Cough cough... nothing, nothing."

Wang Long was so busy fantasizing about the glamorous scene that he didn't notice Sun Zihan's puzzled eyes.

After all, this is a public place, so it's better to restrain yourself a little bit!

"I'm going to queue, you should find a seat first!"

After speaking, Wang Long stood at the end of the long line, while Sun Zihan found a quieter place and waited patiently.

Now is the rush hour for get off work, and there is an endless stream of people coming to eat in the restaurant.

Wang Long waited boredly, and after an unknown amount of time, it was finally his turn.

But the girl in the peaked cap in front didn't know what was going on, she dawdled around for a long time, but she didn't see her leave.

"How could this be? Are you all fine this morning?"

The girl's tone sounded a little anxious, as if she was in some trouble.

Wang Long peeked out from behind and saw that her fingers were tapping the phone screen quickly.

But no matter how she clicked, the screen seemed to be malfunctioning, and there was no response at all.

"Can you hurry up? There are so many people waiting behind!"

"That's right, this store is not owned by your family, if you have any problems, please go to the back!"

The people behind Wang Lung began to make some impatient discussions.

"What's the hurry? Didn't you see that there is a food pick-up port next to it? Can't you change the place by yourself?"

Who knew that instead of leaving, the girl cursed in a low voice instead of intending to leave.

But unfortunately, this sentence happened to be heard clearly by Wang Long.

"Miss, if there is a problem with your mobile phone, we also support cash payment!"

The clerk couldn't stand it anymore, frowned, and said such a sentence politely.

"No! Who still carries cash with them now? Isn't mobile payment popular in everyone?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people behind the team became even louder.

"Okay, okay, how much is her money? I'll give it to you!"

Wang Long stepped forward, showed his payment, and settled the bill for the girl.

Only then did the girl straighten her dinner plate contentedly and leave.

But before she could take two steps, she suddenly turned her head and said:

"In order to thank you, I will let you add a private WeChat account later! But you must not tell others!"

When talking, the girl even kept pressing the brim of her hat to cover her face tightly, not even looking at Wang Long.

After saying this, she turned around and walked away.

But Wang Long looked puzzled.

There must be something wrong with this person, right?I paid for her by myself, and didn't even say thank you. Why do you still say such things?
Who wants to add her WeChat?Can't tell others yet, is there an ulterior motive?

"Sir, what do you need?"

Wang Long was wondering, but the clerk's inquiry pulled him back from his thoughts.

He finally ordered the meal and returned to Sun Zihan's place with the tray.

"Why did it take so long?"

Sun Zihan sat and played with his mobile phone for an indefinite amount of time, almost forgetting what he was doing here.

"Damn, there was an idiot in front of the line just now, her phone was broken and she kept blocking her and refused to leave. I'll pay her for it!"

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan's eyes widened immediately: "What? Did you pay her?"

Wang Long nodded: "That's right, otherwise, why don't we let her keep blocking it like this?"

"Did she return the money to you?"

Wang Long didn't think it mattered, anyway, such a little money was nothing to him.

But if he said that he didn't have to pay it back, he was afraid that Sun Zihan would feel unhappy, so he replied:

"Don't worry, I'll find her later!"

Hearing what he said, Sun Zihan finally nodded in agreement.

While eating, Wang Long subconsciously glanced around the restaurant, but he didn't see the shadow of the girl just now.

Tch, I keep saying I want to thank myself, but now I can't find anyone!
Wang Long didn't care too much, it was nothing more than the cost of a meal.

After eating, Sun Zihan planned to go back to the company to continue dealing with matters.

Originally Wang Long planned to send her back, but Sun Zihan said that he ate too much and wanted to take a walk.

In this way, Wang Lung watched her leave.

"Hey! That man!"

Just as he was about to turn around and get in the car, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Turning around to look, I saw that girl just now was standing by the side of the road with two cups of milk tea, walking slowly towards Wang Long.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Long asked while opening the car door.

"Here, thank you!"

The girl handed Wang Long a cup of pearl milk tea.

Wang Long looked down, and couldn't help but feel like laughing.

This milk tea is only a few yuan at most, but I helped her pay more than 100 for the meal just now, so I thank you with this thing?
But he was too lazy to argue so much with a little girl, so he shook his head and replied:

"No, just treat it as an invitation to you, and keep it for yourself."

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and prepared to get in the car.

But at this time, the girl handed over the phone again.

I saw a QR code displayed on the screen.

"I knew you must be thinking of adding WeChat! All right, but you must remember not to disclose it to others!"

Wang Long suddenly felt that this person was a bit inexplicable.

Even if you want to have a free meal, you can just say thank you, why are you acting like a monster?

"Why should I add your WeChat? We don't know each other!"

"You don't know me?" The girl made a surprised voice.

"No way? Could it be that I was too successful in disguising today, and you don't even know me?"

"Should I know you?"

"Of course!" The girl said while raising the brim of her hat, revealing her face.

Looking at the watery face in front of him, Wang Long suddenly felt that this person looked quite familiar.

"Are you the one on TV..."

"Yes! I am that popular female star, Tang Xiaolin, you still say you don't know me?"

Now Wang Lung remembered.

Although I am usually not interested in the entertainment industry, I have heard of the name Tang Xiaolin before.

"How about it? I'll give you another chance, join or not?"

As Tang Xiaolin spoke, she pushed down the brim of her hat again and put the QR code up.

But Wang Long still had no intention of taking action.

"What about celebrities? I don't know you, why should I add you?"

(End of this chapter)

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