Ares out of prison

Chapter 109 Are You Qualified?

Chapter 109 Are You Qualified?

Looking at Chen Jiang's eager expression, he was completely different from the previous arrogant look.

And Wang Long just showed a disdainful look, and replied coldly:

"Do you think it's still too late?"

An 5000th-tier starlet dared to ask for 100 million yuan!But a movie queen like Tang Xiaolin only needs [-] million yuan, so there is no need to say which one is more fragrant.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the three of them standing at the door, Sun Zihan stepped forward to ask.

"The two said they regretted it, and wanted to discuss it with you again."

Sun Zihan's attitude was obviously much colder than before.

But after all, she was invited by herself. Out of politeness, she still answered with a smile.

"Since this is the case, then you two should come in together!"

Hearing this, the two of them were delighted for a while, and hurried into the office, afraid that Sun Zihan would regret it later.

"Miss Tang, do you really only need a reward of 100 million for this cooperation?"

Until now, Sun Zihan still feels a little unbelievable.

After all, relying on Tang Xiaolin's popularity in the entertainment industry, the money she made in any day might not exceed 100 million.

"Really, don't ask any more, just 100 million!"

"However, there is still pricing for cooperation, do you need to discuss it with your brokerage company?"

Just in case, Sun Zihan still made such a suggestion.

After all, if Tang Xiaolin unilaterally agrees, but her agency doesn't buy it, isn't it still useless?
"No, I started my own company, and I am my own boss!"

Hearing this sentence, even Wang Long couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Tang Xiaolin didn't look very old, at most she was only in her 20s.

At such a young age, he already has such a high social status and owns a company.

This is the real strong woman, right?
Sun Zihan suddenly felt that compared with her, he was more or less pale in comparison.

"Since this is the case, let's sign the contract first!"

While talking, Sun Zihan gave Long Fei a wink at the side.

The latter nodded, then sat in front of the computer and began to draft a cooperation agreement.

But at this time, Chen Jiang and his manager suddenly stepped forward and smiled at Sun Zihan.

"Mr. Sun, since we have already signed the contract, why not sign Mr. Chen Jiang together?"

Hearing this, before Sun Zihan could answer, Wang Long next to him asked:
"I already have Tang Xiaolin, what do you need?"

"Mr. Wang's words are wrong. For things like cosmetics, of course, the endorsement of men and women will be the best!"

When the manager said these words, there was even light in his eyes.

If Chen Jiang could act in the same commercial as Tang Xiaolin, it would be of great help to his popularity.

Even relying on this advertisement, it is possible to directly soar in the entertainment industry!
But Tang Xiaolin didn't seem interested in it, and didn't even look at Chen Jiang.

She is not a fool either, Wang Long must have encountered some difficulties when he suddenly called in such a hurry to ask him to help.

You can guess it just by guessing. It must be because of Chen Jiang's sudden change of mind that Wang Long found himself in desperation.

For such a dishonest person, wanting to cooperate with Tang Xiaolin is simply a daydream!
"Well, I think it's better to forget it. After all, Miss Tang's ability is enough, and we don't need so many spokespersons."

Sun Zihan still remained polite when speaking, but Chen Jiang still refused to give up.

"Mr. Sun, please think again! In fact, I have a wide range of business capabilities, and the price is easy to talk about. I only need 80! How about it?"

In just half an hour, the quotation plummeted from 5000 million to 80.

This drop is like bungee jumping in the Himalayas!
"Miss Tang only wants 100 million. You, a little-known actor like you, are 20 less than others. Do you think you are qualified?"

Unlike Sun Zihan, Wang Long didn't give any face when he spoke.

Although Chen Jiang felt that he was a little humiliated, he still didn't dare to say a serious word, instead he nodded in agreement.

"No qualifications, no qualifications, I know it's my honor to cooperate with Ms. Tang! How about this, I don't need a penny for the advertising fee this time, and I can also provide a 100 million franchise fee!"

When Wang Long heard this sentence, he couldn't help but want to laugh a little.

It seems that Tang Xiaolin's popularity is indeed quite high. For a chance to cooperate with her, they immediately started throwing money into it.

So, wouldn't Tang Xiaolin earn 100 million more by going back and forth like this?

Thinking of this, Wang Long turned his head and looked at her with questioning eyes.

But Tang Xiaolin didn't speak, but shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry, I know that you usually have a lot of work and work invitations, so let's forget about our cooperation!"

Seeing Tang Xiaolin's reluctance, Sun Zihan directly rejected them.

Now Chen Jiang and his manager were completely dumbfounded.

It was originally a lot of income, but I didn't expect that because I did it a few times, I really lost the business I got!
Now even Tang Xiaolin shook her head and refused, and Chen Jiang knew that nothing would work.

In this way, the two had no choice but to leave Sun Zihan's company dejectedly.

"Damn it! It's all because of you! It's already been negotiated, why did you suddenly increase the price?"

After walking out a few steps, Chen Jiang suddenly scolded the manager in the street.

Originally, the manager's heart was already simmering with anger, and coupled with Chen Jiang's stimulation, his anger exploded even more.

The two of them just talked to each other like this, and they almost started fighting in the street.

On the other side, Long Fei had already drawn up a cooperation agreement and handed it over to Tang Xiaolin.

She just glanced at it briefly, and signed the agreement without even reading it completely.

"This...Miss Tang, don't you even look at it a few times?"

"No need, since she is Wang Long's wife, there must be no problem!"

When he heard this sentence, Wang Long smiled a little embarrassedly.

To be honest, for a person with such a big reputation to say such a thing, he is really flattering himself!
Hearing this, Sun Zihan also signed his name on the agreement.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation!"

The two shook hands, and Long Fei next to him carefully kept the contract.

"By the way, Miss Tang, I have a question. I don't know if I should talk about it or not?" Long Fei said.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

"What's your relationship with Mr. Wang? Why are you willing to offer such a low price to help you speak?"

Upon hearing these words, Tang Xiaolin subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Wang Long.

"Well... let's keep it a secret for now!"

(End of this chapter)

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