Ares out of prison

Chapter 111 As expected of Tang Xiaolin

Chapter 111 As expected of Tang Xiaolin
Inside a senior club in BH City.

"Sun Zihan, this bitch, actually researched the product!"

Manager Xu looked down at the phone, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

And Lei Yu next to him was enjoying the skillful technique of the massage lady.

I have to say that the service of this place is really one set, whether it is ordinary or special, they are all very professional.

"Didn't you say that this project cannot continue without you? Why is it successfully listed!"

While talking, Manager Xu threw the phone in front of Lei Yu.

The latter picked up the phone and took a look, only to see a news interface displayed on the screen.

"Famous movie star Tang Xiaolin endorses makeup products with all her heart!"

Seeing this eye-catching title, Lei Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You actually invited Tang Xiaolin to speak for you, where did Sun Zihan get so much money?"

"That's right! Who is Tang Xiaolin? Even if Sun Zihan's company is sold, she can't afford the appearance fee!"

The two of them suddenly felt suspicious. Could it be that Tang Xiaolin is some kind of relative of Sun Zihan?
But at this time, Lei Yu seemed to think of something, sneered, and said lightly:

"Even if the product is developed, the quality will definitely not be good. That's why I invite celebrities to endorse me. I just want to gain popularity. When those consumers find out about the quality of the product, there will be a lot of scolding on the Internet!"

Hearing this, Manager Xu couldn't help showing a suspicious expression on his face.

"Are you sure? Why do I feel that Sun Zihan seems to be aggressive this time?"

After all, the management of celebrity endorsement is very strict now, and you need to try the product yourself before endorsement.

To be able to endorse a big figure like Tang Xiaolin, it must be that this product has been affirmed by her.

"I'm talking about Manager Xu, you don't understand, no matter how big a celebrity is, he's just an actor after all, as long as the boss gives him money, he can call white people black! It's nothing special!"

As Lei Yu spoke, he turned his face and turned his little brother to the massage lady.

Seeing this, the lady immediately understood and started a special massage.

Lei Yu suddenly showed an extremely enjoyable smile on his face, and said slowly:

"Don't worry, the product I developed by myself, I know very well, it is impossible for Sun Zihan to reproduce it perfectly!"

With Lei Yu's words, Manager Xu relaxed a little.

"So, Sun Zihan still only came to beg for our share?"

"Of course, is it possible to rely on the formula that his wimpy husband scribbled, and still want to achieve good results?"

Lei Yu became more and more excited, and finally pulled the young lady directly, pressing her under him.

There was a burst of wanton laughter in the private room.

On the other side, Sun Zihan was sitting in the office, staring at the computer screen.

The sales curve of the new product is displayed on the screen. The sales channel has not yet been officially opened, and the curve is just an inconspicuous point.

At this moment, she was so nervous that she didn't even dare to breathe out.

Unlike Sun Zihan, Wang Long next to him seemed much calmer.

After receiving the news from Tang Xiaolin, he downloaded a social platform and followed Tang Xiaolin's account.

I saw that her platform fans turned out to be 9000 million!It's almost breaking through the [-] million mark!

I hadn't had much idea of ​​Tang Xiaolin's popularity before, but I couldn't help being shocked when I saw so many fans.

He probably didn't have as many fans as Tang Xiaolin in all the people he met in his life!

Opening her personal homepage, as expected, the first post was about product promotion.

"Cuties, this is a skin care product I just bought recently, and it works really well! It's on pre-sale now, click the link below to buy it, and be an exquisite little fairy with me~"

Below the text, there is also a picture of the product attached.

Although it was just a simple paragraph of text, thanks to Tang Xiaolin's popularity, its appeal was still astonishing.

This post was posted by Tang Xiaolin in the morning. In just a few hours, it has already received more than 50 likes!

And I opened the comments and took a look. Most of the people bought it for the same style as Tang Xiaolin.

Even a few old men bought skin care products, even if they didn't use them at all.

Their reasons are quite fresh and refined.

"In order to get closer to Xiaolin."

The brain circuits of these groupies are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

It doesn't matter, as long as it can increase product sales.

"How can you still laugh? I'm so nervous!"

Sun Zihan frowned and turned to look at Wang Long who was sitting on the sofa.

"What's there to be nervous about? Don't they all have a trump card like Tang Xiaolin? Are you afraid that the sales won't be good?"

"But what if everyone bought it for Tang Xiaolin, and it turns out that it's not as good as they thought?"

Wang Long shook his head: "Don't worry, it won't happen!"

Just kidding, this is a formula I personally wrote, based on my experience in alchemy so many times, it will be absolutely fine!
"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you!"

Sun Zihan snorted coldly, and then returned his gaze to his computer screen.

Looking at the countdown in the center of the screen, it is only the last ten seconds before the start of the sale.

As the countdown was beating little by little, Sun Zihan's heartstrings were also tensed.


The moment the timer reset to zero, Sun Zihan let out a burst of exclamation.

I saw that the value table, which was originally a small dot, went up in a straight line. In just 1 minute, the sales volume increased to [-] in an instant!
The price of this set of skin care products is 200 yuan.

In other words, in this short 1 minute, my company directly gained a turnover of 200 million!
This is unique in the entire history of the company!
Not only that, the curve representing sales still has no intention of stopping, and is still rising.

"Mr. Sun!"

Long Fei's excited voice came from outside the door.

With a tablet in her hand, she hurried into the office and looked at Sun Zihan with joy.

"Did you see it? The sales of our products are about to break the record!"

Originally, I thought that even with the help of a spokesperson, it would take a while to earn back the cost price.

But what none of them expected was that less than 5 minutes had passed, and the income they had earned was almost back.

"Don't let your guard down, let the people in the operation department cheer up, and make sure the transaction goes smoothly!"


Long Fei nodded, and then left the office.

Although Wang Long didn't see how much the sales were, it's not hard to guess from Sun Zihan's expression that they probably sold well.

As expected of Tang Xiaolin!

(End of this chapter)

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