Chapter 118

Not long after, the BMW parked steadily outside Sun's house.

At this time, a lot of cars had been parked in the parking lot. Just by looking at the scene, one could tell that Mrs. Sun was not a good worker today.

Sure enough, after entering the main hall, it was discovered that almost everyone in the Sun family had gathered together today.

Seeing this scene, Sun Zihan still felt a little nervous.

Wang Long saw that her expression seemed a little flustered, so he took her hand and comforted her softly:
"It's okay, I'll be with you, nothing will happen!"

Although Sun Zihan knew in his heart that this time Mrs. Sun was not targeting Wang Long, but herself.

But I don't know why, after hearing Wang Long's words, Sun Zihan immediately felt a lot more at ease.

Perhaps this is the magic of Wang Long's words.

Sun Anmin and his wife brought three juniors to the main hall.

At this time, Mrs. Sun was leaning on the Taishi chair, drinking a bowl of tea leisurely.

"My son, Sun Anmin, I have met my lord!" Sun Anmin knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

Seeing this, Wang Long and others also greeted Mrs. Sun.

But facing this family, Mrs. Sun's reaction was very flat, she just nodded slightly and said:
"Since everyone is here, let's sit down!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Anmin stood up and sat down on a chair next to him.

There are only five chairs in the main hall, and the only ones who can sit are the old lady Sun, that is, the brothers of the Sun family.

As for the direct descendants like Liu Juan and Sun Xueying, they could only stand obediently by the side.

Originally, Wang Long planned to accompany Sun Zihan to stand beside him, but at this time, Mrs. Sun beckoned the servants to bring another chair.

"Sit down." Mrs. Sun cast her eyes on Sun Zihan who was at the side.

Hearing this, Sun Zihan couldn't help being taken aback, and pointed at himself in a daze: "Me? Isn't this inappropriate?"

"Grandma tells you to sit and you sit. Is there anything inappropriate? Do you want to disobey grandma's order?"

Sun Kaixuan seized the opportunity, and just got worse by the side.

Liu Juan also hurriedly pushed Sun Zihan's elbow beside her, urging her to go forward.

There was no other way, Sun Zihan had no choice but to sit on that chair obediently.

Strange to say, the position of this chair is impartial, facing the one of Mrs. Sun.

As soon as the two sat here, there was a feeling of interrogation.

Probably seeing Sun Zihan's unnatural expression, Mrs. Sun waved her hand.

"You don't have to be so formal. Calling you here today is just an ordinary tea party. Please feel free to speak freely!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion in the main hall.

However, without exception, the topics of discussion were all about Sun Zihan's company.

"I heard that the daughter of Sun Lao San's family made a fortune recently, do you know about this?"

"Of course I know! It's already spread in Beihai, okay! It's said that many big companies want to invest, and they want to curry favor with Sun Laosan!"

Sun Zihan heard all these discussions clearly.

Obviously, Mrs. Sun said on the surface that today was just a tea party, but everyone knew in their hearts that this was a grand feast for Sun Zihan and her company!

"Zihan, grandma heard that your company has been doing well recently, and the sales of new products have increased, making you a lot of money, right?"

Mrs. Sun took a sip of the oolong tea in the cup and said slowly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the crowd who were still chattering suddenly fell silent.

Everyone in the room looked at Sun Zihan in unison, secretly guessing in their hearts how she would answer.

Especially Sun Kaixuan, who was next to him, hoped to catch Sun Zihan's words and make things difficult for her once.

"Returning to grandma, my company has indeed achieved some small achievements recently, but compared with the Sun Group, it is still not worth mentioning." Sun Zihan's answer was quite satisfactory, and he admitted what the old lady asked. problem, and did not offend everyone present.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Sun nodded in satisfaction, and then said:

"Actually, I called you here this time because I have good news to tell you."

"Last time when Kaixuan and I discussed the acquisition of your company, it was indeed a little thoughtless. I apologize to you for this matter!" Mrs. Sun said, standing up directly and bowing slightly to Sun Zihan bow!
This action made Sun Zihan's face change drastically, not to mention her, almost everyone present trembled.

Just kidding, as an elder of the Sun's family, it is simply absurd to bow down to a junior like Sun Zihan!
But among the crowd, there was a person who looked at Mrs. Sun with a playful look.

Wang Long knew in his heart that Mrs. Sun didn't mean to apologize at all by doing this, but wanted to put a kind of psychological pressure on Sun Zihan.

This old thing is old, and there is a lot of bad water in his stomach!
"Grandma, what are you doing? How can the child bear it?"

Sun Zihan hurried forward and helped Mrs. Sun up, and the latter sat back in the teacher's chair, and took advantage of the opportunity to hold Sun Zihan's hand.

"Usually, I haven't discovered that our Sun family still has such a heroine!"

"Grandma won the prize, I'm just lucky, I'm not a hero!"

As Sun Zihan spoke, he looked down at Mrs. Sun's withered and thin hands.

For a while, this picture really looked like a mother-in-law and grandson.

However, Mrs. Sun's next sentence immediately broke this artistic conception.

"I have already discussed with the senior executives of the Sun Group. I plan to hire you to be the director of the sales department of the Sun Group with a high salary. It is an honor in your life to be able to contribute to the Sun Group at a young age!"

"Niece, why don't you thank grandma quickly?" Sun Kaixuan also echoed.

But after Sun Zihan heard these words, he couldn't help pulling his hand back.

Only then did she finally understand what Old Madam Sun was up to.

In the name of hiring himself with a high salary, he actually wanted to take her company as his own while she was leaving.

This move is even more insidious than the so-called acquisition!

Anyway, Sun Zihan is now the chairman of Tangtang Company.

But when he arrived at the Sun Group, he was immediately dropped from the position of chairman to the position of sales manager.

What's more, the current Sun Group's market value is far lower than that of its own company, so it can be said that it has a name for nothing.

Therefore, no one would accept such a loss-making deal.

"I'm sorry, grandma, I've been running a beauty company for so many years, and I can't let go of it, so you should hire someone else who is more capable!"

But before the words were finished, Mrs. Sun suddenly slapped the table with her palm.

"Are you looking down on the Sun Group?"

(End of this chapter)

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