Chapter 120
Sun Kaixuan was stunned when he heard the word Han family.

"The Han family? Which Han family?" Mrs. Sun asked with a blank face, still a little unresponsive.

"What? Is there a second Han family in Beihai?"

Wang Long stared straight at Mrs. Sun with cold eyes, while the latter kept shaking his head with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Impossible! How could such a famous family like the Han family invest in such a little-known small company?"

Mrs. Sun shook her head again and again, she couldn't believe that Wang Long would help Sun Zihan attract such an investor.

You must know that even the Sun family may not be able to let the Han family take over.

What's more, for a useless son-in-law like Wang Long, the Han family has no reason to buy him?
"If you don't believe me, just tell the person on the phone if you don't?"

Wang Long said, just at this time the phone was connected.

"I'm Han Yunfei, what's your order, Master?" A young man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

But before Wang Long could speak, Sun Kaixuan snatched his mobile phone and hung up the phone.

"Brat, don't think that you can scare us by just finding an accomplice. What is the status of the Han family? You are not even qualified to talk to them like a waste!"

He was still unwilling to believe that Wang Long would have the ability to get the Han family to intervene in this matter.

And listening to Han Yunfei's tone just now, it was completely respectful. How can a person like Wang Long make the Han family so humble?

"What? Could it be that you dare not confront the Han family and feel guilty?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Sun Kaixuan immediately sneered: "Joke! I have no guilty conscience. You should be the one who should be guilty!"

Not only Sun Kaixuan, but even Sun Zihan began to mutter in his heart at this time.

Wang Longke had never mentioned to himself that the Han family would invest before, but now he suddenly moved the Han family out, is it true or not?

Could it be that he deliberately repeated such a sentence in order to stand out for himself?
Then if he was exposed on the spot later, wouldn't it make his family unable to get off the stage?

Like Sun Zihan, Liu Juan next to her was also annoyed by Wang Long.

"What the hell is this bastard doing? Talking crazy in front of so many people!"

As she spoke, she patted Sun Anmin in front of her eyes: "Look at this good son-in-law you found! Don't know how to take care of it?"

That being said, the matter has already developed to such a point, how dare he take care of it?

What if a few words are unsatisfactory and force myself to get out of the stage?
In front of him, Wang Long was still unhurried, took the phone back, and said:
"Since you don't believe me, why don't you call back and find out? Tell them everything you just said and see how they react!"

As he spoke, Wang Long found the number again and pressed the dial button.

Now Sun Kaixuan seemed to have confidence, took the phone directly, and said coldly:
"Okay! This time I'm going to expose your lies!"

While speaking, there was a melodious and melodious ringtone from the other end of the phone.

But the ring bell rang for a long time, but no one answered it. Until the last call was disconnected, no one answered the phone.

"Did you see that? That accomplice of yours doesn't even answer the phone now! Still trying to scare me? Just dream!"

Sun Kaixuan said with a sneer, and threw the phone on the ground.

But Wang Long picked up the phone without saying a word, and stood beside him again!
At this time, the onlookers couldn't help but let out a burst of ridicule.

Even Sun Zihan felt that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

Why does this person not leave any room for himself when he speaks?Isn't this a slap in the face of the whole family?

Mrs. Sun glared at Wang Long with disgust, and then said slowly:

"If there is no opinion, then I declare that this matter is like this..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a servant from the Sun family hurried in.

"Presumptuous! Reckless, have you been kicked out by a ghost?" Sun Kaixuan scolded.

But the servant knelt down in front of Mrs. Sun with a plop, and said with a frightened expression:

"Report to the owner, there are guests outside asking to see you."

"Guests? I didn't arrange any banquet at my house today. Where are the guests? Blow me away!"

Mrs. Sun didn't even think about it, so she asked her servants to drive him away.

But the servant is still kneeling on the ground, and has no intention of taking action for a long time.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you understand what the Patriarch said? Hurry up and do it!" Sun Kaixuan said beside him.

"This... the other party said that he is from the Han family, so it would be inappropriate to drive him away like this?"

This sentence was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, which immediately caused waves in Sun Kaixuan and Mrs. Sun's hearts.

The Han family?Usually the Han family and the Sun family don't even have any contact at all, so why come to visit at this juncture?
Could it be that it was really recruited by Wang Long?
It can be said that Mrs. Sun's heart is now full of doubts.

But no matter what, since everyone has already come, it is better to invite them in quickly.

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and bring the guests in!"

As Mrs. Sun said, the servants did not dare to neglect her, and after a promise, she turned around and walked out of the main hall.

Mrs. Sun even stood up herself to welcome her, and the members of the Sun family next to her couldn't help but cast a curious look outside the door, wanting to see how majestic the legendary Han family was.

But when they saw the visitor, they couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Why is it a little girl film?
"Little girl Han Xinyue, please greet Mrs. Sun."

Han Xinyue nodded slightly to Mrs. Sun, and then winked at Wang Long who was beside her.

I'm going, didn't I mean to send a heavyweight to support the scene?Why did you call her here?

Han Yunfei, you bastard, isn't this cheating on me!

"Han Xinyue... So, the girl is from the Han family? But why don't I seem to have seen you?"

Mrs. Sun seemed a little skeptical, thinking that this might be a liar that Wang Long picked up at random.

But Han Xinyue nodded and said, "I am indeed Han Long's daughter. As for the fact that I haven't met, it may be because I usually don't show up much!"

After hearing Han Xinyue's father's name directly, Mrs. Sun finally realized that the person in front of her was probably a child of the Han family!
Granny Sun's heart was trembling uncontrollably, and her palms began to sweat slowly.

Unexpectedly, Wang Long really called the Han family!Is it possible that such a big family will really support Sun Zihan's company?

"Miss Han's sudden visit really surprised my wife." Mrs. Sun said in a deep voice:

"I just don't know, what is Miss Han doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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