Chapter 122
Sun Kaixuan was dumbfounded.

He never thought that Wang Long would think of such a move to revenge himself.

What he didn't expect was that the dignified daughter of the Han family was actually so obedient to Wang Long!

What is the relationship between these two people?Why can Wang Long do what he wants no matter what he says?
Sun Kaixuan is not reconciled, he is the second in command of the Sun family anyway, when will it be his turn for a son-in-law to tell him what to do?
"Wang Long! You bastard, don't get too complacent! You are just a son-in-law, and you don't care about the Sun family's affairs!"

Sun Kaixuan stretched out his hand, pointed at Wang Long's nose and cursed him viciously.

But instead of being angry at all, Wang Long looked at him quietly with a playful smile on his face.

"Could it be that you want to openly fight against the Han family?" Before Wang Long could answer, Mrs. Sun beside her said something coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Kaixuan was immediately stunned.

That is, the entire Sun family combined is not as powerful as the Han family.

Not to mention that Sun Kaixuan is alone, without the support of the Sun family, he is nothing at all.

Mrs. Sun looked at Sun Kaixuan coldly at first, then turned her head away and smiled at Han Xinyue.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Han, my eldest son doesn't understand the rules and offended you. Since you are here today, I will definitely give you a satisfactory solution in front of everyone!"

Wang Long couldn't help feeling a little funny. Just now, Sun Kaixuan was obviously yelling at him, but Mrs. Sun said sorry to Han Xinyue.

After Granny Sun finished speaking, she glanced at the people in the main hall and shouted:
"All the men of the Sun family, come up and give him a punch! You must strike hard!"

"Mother, this is..." Sun Kaixuan stared blankly at Mrs. Sun, unable to believe his ears.

There were more than ten or twenty men, old and young, in total. If one punched each of them, wouldn't they be killed on the spot?
But Mrs. Sun's face was livid, and she didn't look like she was joking at all.

There is no way, in order to please the Han family, I can only suffer this meal honestly.

For half an hour, the main hall echoed with Sun Kaixuan's miserable wailing.

On weekdays, when Sun Kaixuan was in the Sun family, he often relied on the majesty of Mrs. Sun to boss around all the servants.

It can be said that almost all the servants of the Sun family are dissatisfied with Sun Kaixuan.

It just so happens that today I have the opportunity to teach this person a lesson. Although each one of them seems to be reluctant, in fact, each one is harder than the other!

By the time the last man's fist landed on Sun Kaixuan, he was already bruised and dizzy.

Only now did Wang Long feel slightly relieved, and even Han Xinyue, who was at the side, couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance.

"Miss Han, today's incident is completely a misunderstanding. How about this? I have ordered my servants to prepare a feast, so why don't you stay and have a light meal?" Mrs. Sun watched her son being beaten helplessly, her face turned pale. But there is no mercy.

Han Xinyue thought for a while, then shook her head, and replied, "Thank you, Madam, for your kindness, but I still have some chores to deal with at home, so I won't eat!"

Han Xinyue was leaving, how could Mrs. Sun dare to force her to stay?Nodding quickly: "Okay, since Miss Han is busy, let's meet again some other day!"

Just like that, Han Xinyue cast a cold glance at Sun Kaixuan lying on the ground, then turned and left Sun's house.

Before leaving, he did not forget to cast a playful look at Wang Long.

Unfortunately, this scene happened to be seen clearly by Sun Zihan.

At this time, she was also full of doubts.

Why did the daughter of the Han family flirt with Wang Long?Could it be that they have some shady relationship?

no!When you get a chance, you must ask carefully!
"Grandma, since the matter has been made clear, we won't stay any longer, and we will leave."

After Sun Zihan finished speaking, he turned around with his family and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Mrs. Sun suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Sun Zihan's arm.

This move startled her, and she thought she was jumping over the wall in a hurry, and wanted to do it.

"Didn't I just say that, the feast has been arranged, and your family is the guest of honor, how can you leave?"

This made Sun Zihan feel a little confused.

Just now, she and Sun Kaixuan were still making things difficult for themselves by singing together, why did they become the guest of honor in a blink of an eye?

From the looks of it, the deterrent power of the Han family is obvious to all.

Although Mrs. Sun's behavior just now was quite excessive, but after all, she is his own grandmother, and Sun Zihan will not lose face at all.

"Okay, since you've said that, let's have a meal before leaving!"

And just like that, the tea party turned into a family dinner.

Originally, Mrs. Sun planned to hold a banquet in honor of Han Xinyue, so as to curry favor with the Han family.

It's just that she didn't expect Han Xinyue to leave first, so she had no choice but to use her tricks and treat Sun Zihan as an excuse, which can be regarded as a disguised relationship with the Han family.

This truth is not only for Mrs. Sun, but almost everyone here knows it.

So at a normal banquet, everyone began to please Sun Zihan in every possible way, and the people who came to toast one after another.

"Zihan, since you were young, I have seen that you are not a doll, how about it, second uncle is right?"

"That's right! Otherwise, how can you say that Sun Laosan is lucky? Having such a young and promising daughter!"

"Zihan, now that you are developed, don't forget us elders who took care of you!"

Faced with these people's flattery, Sun Zihan only pandered to it superficially, and didn't take it seriously.

care?My company has been in business for so many years, and I haven't seen you come to ask me, what kind of care is this?
Sun Kaixuan on the side, with bruises and purples on his face, sat in his seat for a long time, and finally couldn't help but came forward:

"Niece, uncle did something wrong before, don't take it to heart, uncle will pay you for it!"

When he heard his voice, Sun Zihan couldn't help showing a disgusted expression on his face.

But seeing his swollen face like a pig's head, Sun Zihan didn't care about anything any more.

After all, they were all beaten up like this, so anyone should have a long memory, right?
"It's okay, uncle, just don't bother me like this in the future. If there is anything, we can discuss it."

Sun Kaixuan nodded immediately: "Yes, yes! It's still my niece who speaks clearly!"

Seeing him nodding and bowing, Wang Long next to him wanted to laugh.

But speaking of it, this group of people just circled around Sun Zihan, and no one asked about Wang Long.

(End of this chapter)

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