Ares out of prison

Chapter 130 Departure

Chapter 130 Departure
Hearing that Wang Long was willing to help, Song Yuyuan naturally wished for it.

After all, relying on one's own strength alone, it is obviously unrealistic to deal with Feilonghui alone.

Even if Gu Yueming is added, the master and apprentice are probably not their opponents.

But now with Wang Long joining, the situation is quite different. Song Yuyuan was still deeply impressed by Wang Long's defeat of Feiying by himself at the beginning!

"Then I would like to thank Master for helping me!" Song Yuyuan hurriedly clasped his fists.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm not helping you. Didn't those people just give me a challenge?"

Chen Yang is a person who doesn't want to get involved in Jianghu affairs, but since everyone has already come to find fault, if he doesn't fight, won't he be looked down upon?

"Okay, go back and get ready, we'll meet here tomorrow morning!"

After Wang Long said such a sentence, he turned around and left the Han residence.

When he came to the door, Wang Long realized that there was a long scratch on his car door!

Needless to say, everyone knows that this must have been done by the person who came to the afternoon just now!
Seeing this scene, Wang Long didn't feel angry at all, but showed a playful smile instead.

"It's really interesting!"

On the way back, he thought about it carefully. After all, this matter was not trivial. If Sun Zihan knew about it, he would probably be so worried that he would not think about eating or drinking.

I still have to think of a better reason to fool Sun Zihan over!
When Sun Zihan came back from get off work at night, Wang Long came behind her.

"What's the matter?" She turned her head and looked at Wang Long blankly.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to tell you that I have something to do tomorrow. I have to go out and maybe I won't be back."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan couldn't help frowning: "What is it? Is it about the company?"

"No, no, it's a little personal matter of mine, don't worry, it won't take too long!"

"Personal matters?" Before Sun Zihan could answer, Liu Juan's sly voice came from his ears.

I saw her wearing pajamas, crossing her legs on the sofa, showing off her slender legs generously.

"Who doesn't know that you're just such a wimp who idles around all day long? What can you do privately? I think you just want to fool around outside behind Zihan's back! You men don't say a word of the truth!"

Hearing what Liu Juan said, Wang Long didn't take it seriously, but Sun Anmin at the side was a little unhappy.

What do we call men?Isn't this killing them all with one stick?
Seeing that Sun Anmin put down the newspaper in his hand and was about to go up to Liu Juan to argue, Sun Xueying came to Liu Juan with quick eyes and quick hands.

"Oh, mom, brother-in-law usually has nothing to do. Didn't he still have contact with the Han family before?"

As Sun Xueying said, she kept dragging Liu Juan upstairs. After a lot of effort, she finally managed to drag her back to the room.

Seeing that Liu Juan had returned to her room, Sun Anmin had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, then you should pay more attention to safety outside and come back early!"

Wang Long nodded: "I understand, don't worry!"

Just as Wang Long was about to turn around and go back to the room, Sun Zihan suddenly stopped him.

"You take this, maybe you can use it." Then, she took out a bank card from her bag and handed it to Wang Long.

Wang Long couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at Sun Zihan blankly: "What are you doing?"

"There's not much money here, only one hundred thousand, and it's your remuneration for writing the formula before."

In Sun Zihan's mind, Wang Long is still the son-in-law who came to visit without a penny in his pocket and dared not speak harshly.

But what she didn't know was that Wang Long's current net worth was greater than the sum of her entire company!
The price of just one Golden Elixir is unimaginable to Sun Zihan.

"Forget it, keep the money for yourself, don't worry about me!"

With that said, Wang Long stuffed the bank card back into her hand.

At first Sun Zihan wanted to say something more, but Wang Long didn't give her a chance to speak at all, so he turned around and went upstairs.

"Why is this? What kind of attitude is it to give him some reward with good intentions?"

Sun Tzuhan spoke angrily, but Sun Anmin next to him let out a burst of laughter.

"Daughter, don't you understand this? No man is shameful. If you just give it to him, of course he won't want it!"

After speaking, Sun Anmin walked forward with a smirk on his face, looked at the bank card in Sun Zihan's hand, and said:

"Daughter, why don't you give me the card, and I'll give it to him for you?"

Originally, Sun Zihan had such a plan, but seeing Sun Anmin's malicious eyes, Sun Zihan immediately dismissed the idea.

"Forget it, let me find a chance for him myself!"

After saying this, Sun Zihan turned around and went back to his room.

The next day, Wang Long got up early and went out by himself before everyone else got up.

Chenyuan Mountain is located in Chenyuan County, more than ten kilometers away from Beihai. If you drive, it will take more than half an hour.

But as far as Wang Long knows, Chenyuan Mountain is a barren mountain that has not been developed, and the road is rugged.

It is estimated that the Ferrari is useless!

He chose a BMW with a relatively higher site, and went straight to the Han Mansion.

"Master, you are finally here!"

Originally, Wang Long thought that he was one of the early risers, but he didn't expect that Song Yuyuan and Gu Yueming had already been waiting for him for a long time when he arrived at the Han Mansion.

"Get in the car."

The two agreed and got into the car one after the other.

"Master, it must be a fierce battle to go this time. How about I send you some more people to help you?"

Father Han walked to the door, looked at Wang Long who was sitting in the car and asked.

But Wang Long didn't even think about it, he just shook his head and refused:

"No need, the three of us are enough to deal with these people, there is no need to trouble the Han family!"

After saying this, he started the car and set off.

In fact, Wang Long just said such a polite remark just out of consideration for Father Han's face.

If you really want to send someone to help, counting the entire Han family, it is estimated that only Han Yunfei has a little bit of strength.

But compared with the person who reported the letter yesterday, the gap between Han Yunfei and him can be said to be a world of difference.

So instead of bringing yourself a few burdens, it's better to just pack lightly with the three of them.

Speaking of packing light...

"Why are you carrying a bag?" Wang Long saw from the rearview mirror that Song Yuyuan was carrying a black bag on his back.

Hearing this, Song Yuyuan opened the backpack, only to see a ceramic jar inside.

Wang Long recognized at a glance that this was a jar for ashes!
"Today, I'm going to blood blade the dragon club!"

(End of this chapter)

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