Ares out of prison

Chapter 140 To the North Sea

Chapter 140 Returning to Beihai
The off-road vehicle is galloping on the highway.

After a long journey and such a hearty battle, it didn't take long for Song Yuyuan to fall asleep in the car with his head tilted.

Ever since Yao Xiaofan was rejected, he never mentioned the matter of worshiping Wang Long as his teacher.

It's just that she was sitting in the front row, but kept watching Wang Long's every move from the rearview mirror.

Throughout the whole journey, he was staring at the black stone in his hand in a daze, what exactly was that?
Could it be that some kind of amulet he carried with him?

Wang Long quietly observed the strange stone in his hand, and kept injecting spiritual power into it.

But I don't know why, when the spiritual power was injected for the first time, Kistler's reaction was very strong.

But for the next few times, apart from a gloomy light emitting from the surface of the strange stone, there was no major reaction.

What is the secret of this thing?
Wang Long felt more and more curious, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yao Xiaofan's heart was filled with waves.

I haven't noticed before, Wang Long seems to be quite handsome when he smiles!
Not long after, the off-road vehicle left Chenyuan County and entered the territory of Beihai.

"Masters, I don't know where you live, where should I send you?"

"Do you know the Han Mansion? Just send us there." Gu Yueming replied casually.

But it was this seemingly casual answer that immediately shocked Yao Jie.

Han House?That is the largest family in Beihai!

No wonder the strength of these three people is so extraordinary, so it is not surprising that they are from the Han family.

Although Yao Jie didn't think about it, what he didn't know was that Wang Long was not from the Han family, but the Han family had to obey him.

Half an hour later, the off-road vehicle stopped firmly in front of the Han Mansion.

Just as the three of Wang Long were about to unload and leave, Yao Jie stopped him again.

"Master! How about you hand over the car keys to me, and I'll go back and help you drive back the car parked at the foot of the mountain?"

Only then did Wang Long suddenly realize that he was so busy studying the strange stones that he forgot that the BMW was still parked at the foot of the mountain!
"How much trouble is this for you? No need, I'll just go by myself sometime later."

"No trouble, no trouble! I'm too happy to be able to help you! Where's the trouble?"

After all, Yao Jie still wanted to worship Wang Long as his teacher after he reached a high-level ancient warrior, so of course he had to take this opportunity to perform well.

Seeing his insistence, Wang Long couldn't refuse, and handed over his BMW key.

"Master, shall we still drive the car here?" Yao Xiaofan asked.

Wang Long shook his head, took out a pen and paper and wrote the address of his garage.

"No, when the time comes, you can drive the car directly to this place, and just leave the car key beside me."

After the brother and sister Yao Jie agreed, they got into the car and prepared to leave.

"Master! Can you leave a contact information?" Yao Xiaofan couldn't help asking after struggling for a while.

It's just that as soon as she finished saying this, an extremely shy expression appeared on her face.

Wang Long was taken aback for a moment, then wrote the mobile phone number on a note and handed it into the car window.

After getting the phone number, the expression on Yao Xiaofan's face was even more excited, and he quickly nodded his thanks.

Seeing the back of the off-road vehicle going away, Song Yuyuan approached with a smirk on his face, and said to Wang Long:
"Master, I think that Miss Yao seems to be interested in you?"

Not only Song Yuyuan thought so, but even Gu Yueming next to him nodded in agreement.

Even two bystanders could see something, Wang Long, as the person involved, felt it more or less in his heart.

But now Wang Long only thinks about Lingshi in his heart, and doesn't pay much attention to these at all.

What's more, there are almost too many beautiful girls around me to look at.

"Okay, get busy with the things you should care about, and don't waste time on such insignificant things."

Wang Long said in a cold voice, Song Yuyuan and Gu Yueming quickly agreed, and then moved the box into the Han residence.

When Wang Long was about to come to the side of the road to take a taxi home, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Sun Zihan who was calling.

"Hello, Wang Long, how are you doing?" As soon as the call was connected, Sun Zihan's voice came asking.

"It's over and I'm on my way home now."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan couldn't help being a little surprised:

"Didn't you say that it would take a few days to delay? Why did you finish it in just one day?"

Wang Long couldn't help showing a helpless smile.

After listening to Song Yuyuan's description before, I thought that there were some powerful people in this Dragon Club.

Only after going there did I realize that even the leader of the Flying Dragon Club is so vulnerable!
"Things are going better than I expected, so I came back early." Wang Long replied casually, and then changed the topic:
"You called suddenly, what's the matter?"

Sun Zihan on the other end of the phone hesitated a little, then replied:

"I can't tell you for a while, is it convenient for you now? Come to my company!"

Hearing this, Wang Long agreed without saying a word.

Just when he hung up the phone, a taxi passed by Wang Long.

Half an hour later, Wang Long arrived outside Sun Zihan's company in a taxi.

As soon as he entered the door, he happened to meet Long Fei who was walking out with a pile of documents.

Long Fei was blocked by a high stack of documents in her hands, and did not see Wang Long walking towards him.

The latter couldn't dodge in time, and bumped into her directly!The documents in his hand were scattered all over the place.

Wang Long jumped, and his figure turned into an afterimage.Before the documents that were flying all over the sky had time to land, he took them one by one in his hands. It took only a few seconds for him to catch all the documents that were originally flying all over the sky.

No one else saw this wave of operations, but it still surprised Long Fei in front of him.

"I'll go! Mr. Wang, have you practiced kung fu?"

She stared at Wang Lung dumbfounded, and couldn't believe her eyes.

"How dare you talk about me, just walk as you walk, why are you so careless?"

Wang Lung didn't answer, but deliberately reprimanded her, just to change the topic.

Long Fei smiled sheepishly, and replied, "I'm sorry, I left in a hurry just now!"

Wang Lung handed back the document in his hand to her, and the latter said:

"By the way, Mr. Sun is waiting for you in the office, so hurry up!"

"Did Zihan tell me why she was looking for me?"

Long Fei frowned, and shook her head:

"I don't know, but looking at her, she seems to be in a hurry, you should go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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