Ares out of prison

Chapter 142 This Is Your Reward

Chapter 142 This Is Your Reward

"As expected of the Spiritual Dao, the efficiency of doing things is high!" Wang Long couldn't help but admire.

Yan Jiaming on the other end of the phone smiled and replied:
"Anyway, I'm leading a team. If I don't handle things well for you, wouldn't it be a vain reputation?"

"Understood, I will give you an address, and then you can ask your people to deliver the things over there."

After hearing this, Yan Jiaming agreed and hung up the phone.

Wang Long then sent him the address of his garage by text message.

If people from Lingdao were to send so many Chinese herbal medicines to their homes in a big way, it might cause Liu Juan to question her.

So after thinking about it, it would be more appropriate to send them to the garage.

"Who? Have you been on the phone for so long?" Sun Zihan asked while looking at the phone.

"Oh, an old classmate, I asked him to do me a little favor before."

Wang Long just responded casually, and Sun Zihan didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, you did me such a big favor before, and I haven't rewarded you properly yet!"

As if suddenly remembering something, Sun Zihan hurriedly put down the phone and said.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long was taken aback for a moment, and then an unbelievable smirk appeared on his face.

"Reward me? Didn't you plan to give me half of the shares before?"

"It's business, it's a unanimous decision of the company's board of directors to give you half of the shares, and you didn't accept it either? This time I'm talking about personal rewards!"

A personal reward...

The corners of Wang Long's mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help but think of some incredible pictures.

"Hey! What's your expression? Are you thinking about something nasty?"

Hearing this, Wang Long quickly shook his head and explained: "No! Do you think I am that kind of person? How is it possible?"

Sun Zihan showed a suspicious expression, looking him up and down.

"Forget it, forget it, what I want to say is, if I invite you to have a big meal outside, it will be regarded as a reward for you."

As soon as he heard about having a big meal, Wang Long couldn't help but think of what happened at McDonald's last time.

"Could it be another cheap fast food restaurant?" Wang Long looked at Sun Zihan suspiciously.

"How could it be! How can I be so stingy, don't worry, you are absolutely satisfied with this big meal!"

With that said, Sun Zihan tidied up his outfit, as if preparing to go out.

"What do you mean? Are you going now?"

"Otherwise? Tomorrow my company has something to do, so I definitely don't have time, why not go now!"

After saying this, without waiting for Wang Long to react, Sun Zihan directly grabbed his arm and took him outside.

The two of them walked past Liu Juan just like that, dragging and tugging.

"I'm going! Zihan, what's the deal with you and this wretch here? Hurry up and let go!"

But Sun Zihan and Wang Long just ignored her as if they didn't hear what she said, and walked past her.

"This girl doesn't even listen to me now! You don't know how to control her!"

Seeing that her words were not working, Liu Juan quickly turned her head to look at Sun Anmin who was at the side.

"Damn, you keep meddling with their young people's affairs..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud slap landed on Sun Anmin's face.

"Well, you have no conscience! You actually start to think I'm old, don't you? At the beginning, you kept saying that you would love me forever! Sure enough, you men don't have a good thing!"

After receiving this slap, Sun Anmin suddenly felt a burst of anger in his heart.

But when he saw Liu Juan's fierce expression, he immediately calmed down.

Forget it, a good man doesn't fight with a woman, so let it be calm for a while!
On the other side, Sun Zihan led Wang Long all the way to the night market stalls at the entrance of the community.

"Boss! Here's a barbecue for two, and two bowls of Chaos!"

"no problem!"

Seeing Sun Zihan's raised hand, Wang Long fell into deep thought.

This big meal, how do you feel cheated?
Alas, who cares, they're here anyway, so let's treat it as a supper!

"How is it? You haven't been to this store before, have you?" Sun Zihan looked at Wang Long expectantly and asked.

"Shop? Can this thing be called a shop?" Wang Long looked up at the parasol on his forehead.

This is at best a roadside stall, not a shop at all.

"Oh, you don't understand. Sometimes this kind of roadside stall tastes better than big fish and meat! You look like you have never suffered!" Sun Zihan said with disgust.

But what she didn't know was that when Wang Long was the warden, roadside stalls like this could be considered delicacies.

"What's wrong with this? I had a lot more hard times than you!"

"Tch, just you? Talk big! Aren't you just relying on..."

Sun Zihan spoke halfway, and immediately swallowed the second half of the sentence abruptly.

However, Wang Long's expression at this time has become gloomy.

"Don't be angry, I didn't mean it, it was just a quick talk!" Seeing this, Sun Zihan hurriedly apologized.

"I'm not angry, don't worry!" Wang Long replied.

"Liar! You must be angry, just look at your expression!"

"Really not, what's wrong with my expression?"

"Yes! Otherwise, why would you talk like that?"


Wang Long couldn't help being a little messy, not knowing how to answer.

Fortunately, at this time, the stall owner brought a large plate of grilled skewers to the two of them.

As soon as he saw the food, Sun Zihan's eyes immediately released a burst of desire.

"You young couple really love each other!"

The stall owner looked at the two meaningfully and said such a sentence.

These words immediately made Wang Long feel numb in his heart.

In these years, everyone who knew the relationship between the two of them, without exception, mocked Wang Long for eating soft food.

This was the first time someone praised them for their love.

Not only Wang Long, but also Sun Zihan smiled shyly at this time.

After the shop owner left, Wang Long and Sun Zihan looked at each other.

But at this moment, the smile on Wang Long's face suddenly froze, he stood up from the stool with a jerk, and walked to Sun Zihan to block her.

"what happened?"

Sun Zihan couldn't help being taken aback, and when he looked back, his spine felt a chill.

Not far away, I saw a familiar figure looking straight at the two of them, it was none other than Sun Kaixuan!
Sun Zihan suddenly became nervous.

This morning, Sun Kaixuan appeared in his company out of nowhere.

Didn't expect them to meet this person again now!Could it be that Sun Kaixuan has been following him?
Just as she was thinking this way, Sun Kaixuan suddenly started walking towards the two of them.

Sun Zihan didn't know what to do for a while, and subconsciously grabbed Wang Long's hand.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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