Ares out of prison

Chapter 144 What kind of terrifying power is this

Chapter 144 What kind of terrifying power is this

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" The young man yelled angrily, raised his fist and threw himself at Wang Long.

This punch was mixed with strong wind, and it was strong enough to penetrate a bluestone slab!
This is the power that junior ancient warriors can achieve.

Seeing the attacking steps and movements of the young man in front of him, Wang Long narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

It seems that this kid should have practiced a lot, at least much better than Yao Jie's half-can of water!
Seeing the young man's fierce appearance, Sun Kaixuan beside him also showed an excited expression.

Now I see, where else can you go, a wimp?
But just when the young man's fist was about to hit Wang Long, the latter suddenly dodged and easily dodged.

On the contrary, the boy himself didn't stand firm at one step, and almost fell to the ground!

On the contrary, Wang Long stretched out his hand and supported him, otherwise, the boy would probably fall to the ground on the spot.

"You concentrate all your strength on your fists, but you can't grasp your lower body. What's the difference between this attacking style and those brainless fools?"

As Wang Lung spoke, he pushed the young man back, urging him to stand firm.

"Too much nonsense! Give me another move!" The boy roared angrily, and immediately changed his moves.

I saw him sweeping the leg and directly attacking Wang Long's lower body, the speed and strength were beyond Wang Long's expectation.

It seems that this kid's strength is close to that of an intermediate ancient warrior.

But Wang Lung dodged the kick effortlessly.

Seeing that Wang Long dodged his two attacks in a row without any effort, the young man felt an unknown anger in his heart.

"Die to me!" There was a roar from his mouth, and a set of combined punches rushed towards Wang Long!

But no matter what kind of attack he launched, he couldn't hurt Wang Long at all.

Even after changing so many moves, Wang Long seemed to be able to see through his every move, reacting in advance every time, and dodging his attack steadily.

After several rounds, not only did the boy not take advantage of it, but he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Seeing this, Sun Kaixuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

This Wang Long actually has such kung fu?Why haven't I heard of it before?
One must know that in his eyes, the boy's movements were already as swift as a gust of wind and phantom.

But Wang Long's movements were much faster than him!It has even reached the point where the naked eye cannot catch it!

"Bastard, don't you know other moves besides hiding?"

The boy put his hips on his hips, panting heavily, and said.

Wang Long looked at him with a smile and shook his head: "If I attack, you probably don't even know how you died!"

As soon as this remark came out, the young man was shocked.

It can be seen from Wang Long's movements when he avoided his own attack just now that this person's strength must be extraordinary.

Could it be that this time I really met some kind of extraterrestrial expert?

Seeing that the young man seemed to be retreating a bit, Sun Kaixuan hurriedly said beside him:
"Master Chen, don't believe this kid's nonsense! Help me get rid of him, and I'll give you 20 more!"

do not care!As long as the money is in place, it doesn't matter if he is some extraterrestrial expert or not, he will die to me!
The young man's heart froze, he clenched his fists again, leaned forward and rushed towards Wang Long.

The fist this time gathered all the strength in his body, and even the veins on the surface of the fist began to bulge!
If this punch hits an ordinary person, it is estimated that several of that person's ribs will be broken immediately.

But on the other hand, Wang Long didn't seem to intend to dodge.

He stood there without changing his expression, and when the boy's fist was approaching, he made a sudden move.


With a clear sound, the boy fell to his knees on the ground, clutching his right hand and screaming in pain.

"Ouch! My hand! Help!"

Sun Kaixuan was stunned by the scene in front of him.

That kid Wang Long actually broke his hand abruptly?

"Wang Long! You bastard, she is still so young, you dare to do such a murderous thing?"

Sun Kaixuan yelled at him sharply, while Wang Long walked forward calmly.

He grabbed the boy's distorted palm and pushed it violently.

There was another click, but this time, the boy's hand miraculously returned to its original shape!
Let alone Sun Kaixuan, even the young man himself had an expression of disbelief.

"How did this happen? You can actually catch my fist? Could it be that you are also a martial artist?"

"Didn't you just tell me not to just hide? So I let Xiaolu do it."

Wang Long said with his hands behind his back, expressionless.

In fact, he just made a move casually just now, and the strength he used was less than [-]%.

If he had used all his strength, the boy's tendons would have been broken, and his body would have been smashed to pieces.

"Your strength is in place, but your offensive moves are full of loopholes. If the opponent you meet is not restrained like me, I'm afraid you have already died ten times."

Wang Long was also merciless in his words, which made the young man even more annoyed.

"Self-righteous, give me another trick!"

Saying that, the boy raised his fist again.

But before he threw himself at Wang Lung, a powerful hand quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Ouch..." The boy bared his teeth in pain, and the top of his head was dripping with cold sweat.

Wang Long's hand didn't know where it came from so much strength, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't break free.

"How is it? Are you convinced now?" Wang Long asked in a cold tone.

"Submit! I'm submissive! Please let go!"

After the boy begged for mercy, Wang Long slowly let go of his hand.

I saw five bright red finger marks on the boy's arm!

Seeing this, he immediately widened his eyes and his heart was pounding.

What kind of terrifying force is this!

"As a martial arts practitioner, what you should do is to punish the evil and promote the good, and act chivalrously, but you actually colluded with this kind of person for money! Guys like you should be abolished in martial arts, and from then on Out of the martial arts!"

Wang Long let out an angry roar, which immediately turned the boy's face pale with fright.

Without saying a word, he knelt on the ground with a plop, trembling all over his body.

"Hero... Hero! I was also confused for a while, and I listened to this person's slander. Please, don't abolish my martial arts, okay?"

Seeing the boy begging for mercy, Wang Long couldn't bear it.

After all, this person is still young, and it is normal for him to be tricked by villains when he first entered the rivers and lakes.

"Okay, I'll let you go this time, and remember not to collude with this kind of person again in the future!"

"Yes yes yes! The hero taught me a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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